Podcast: The Power of the Wandering Mind

In the second episode of the podcast Literature, Cognition and Emotions, Professor Halvor Eifring talks about mind wandering, meditation and reading.

Man and woman in a conversation with electronic recording equipment.

Karin Kukkonen (left) and Halvor Eifring (right) talk about spontaneous thoughts and feelings in relation to the experience of literary reading.

Halvor Eifring, Professor of Chinese studies at the University of Oslo, joins Karin Kukkonen in a conversation about what mind-wandering and non-directive meditation have in common with literary reading. Learn more about the meditative dimension of long Chinese novels, and find out how to resist “weapons of mass distraction” in the modern world.

Listen to “The Power of the Wandering Mind”:

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Written alternative

The reading recommendation from Halvor Eifring:

Published Jan. 14, 2021 2:33 PM - Last modified Oct. 19, 2022 1:26 PM