Ylva Østby Berger in Morgenbladet: Memory and Creative Writing

In a recent article in Norwegian newspaper Morgenbladet, LCE member Ylva Østby Berger dives into new research on how memories and remembering affect our creative abilities.

An open notebook with blank pages and a pencil.

Photo: Unsplash / Jan Kahánek

In her article “Skriveøvelse: Tenk på i går" [English: "Writing Exercise: Think about yesterday"], Ylva Østby Berger presents new insights on the interrelation of memory and creative writing — apparently, remembering sparks an increase in creativity. If you activate constructive episodic simulation (Daniel Schacter), that is, consciously constructing memories, before you start a writing assignment, then creativity increases for certain aspects of what is written afterwards.

To read more about the studies and Østby Berger's reflections as both researcher and writer, please find the article at Morgenbladet [external link in Norwegian]. 

The article is related to Ylva Østby Berger, Bergljot Gjelvik and Karin Kukkonen's LCE research project, ReadMemo

Published May 31, 2023 10:19 AM - Last modified June 11, 2024 1:47 PM