Alexandra Effe presents at the Australian Reception Network

With her talk "Autofictional Reading and Transformative Thinking: Possible Selves in Literature and Life", Effe will deliver the very first talk of the ARN Seminar Series.

A long bookshelf filled with colorful books.

Photo / Unsplash: Susan Q. Yin

Effe's talk integrates Text World Theory and Predictive Processing accounts of reading to develop a model of how readers process impossibilities in autofiction. 

Drawing on psychological insights into the creative qualities of memory and on neuroscientific research on the brain’s default mode network, she puts forward the hypothesis that autofictional deviations from real-world possibilities have the potential to lead to transformative thinking by way of changing readers’ conception of what is possible and impossible not only in literature but also in life. 

The talk will be given (digitally) at the Australian Reception Network on 9th April (9am CEST), click here to register for free. 


Published Mar. 26, 2024 1:08 PM - Last modified Mar. 26, 2024 1:08 PM