Public Outreach

Discover LCE's outreach activities in the media, and watch recordings of our public talks and events.

Talks and events

LCE at Novellember: Literature Festival

Novellas, emotions and encounters between East and West - LCE members participate in the Novellember festival. 

25.11 – 27.11.2021: the first-ever Novellember festival is arranged at Kruttverket in Oslo. Behind the festival are LCE member Ylva Østby and Julia Wiedlocha.

The Festival features a "book bath" , reading of short stories and conversations. From LCE, Reiko Abe Auestad and Karin Kukkonen visit the festival with a conversation about traditions of the novella in East and West. 

Read more about Novellember here

"Å tro på en fortelling: Litteratur, lover og sannsynlighet" (Norwegian)

3 December 2020, University of Oslo Library


Karin Kukkonen invited Malcom Langford, Professor of Public Law, to a literary conversation about reading, predictions and the relationship between laws in literature and laws in the real world (in Norwegian). 

"Tankestrømmens tidsalder" (Norwegian)

22 September 2020, Litteraturhuset in Oslo, Forskningsdagene 2020


In this public talk at Forskningsdagene, LCE members Ylva Østby, Karin Kukkonen and Halvor Eifring talked to neuroscientist Svend Davanger about how our brains find calm and relaxation through mediation, mind wandering and literary reading (in Norwegian).

"I gode og vonde blomar: Gunnhild Øyehaug" (Norwegian)

15 September 2020, Litteratur på Blå

Image may contain: Table, Computer, Entertainment, Interaction, Chair.
From left: Julia Wiedloca (moderator), Ylva Østby, Karin Kukkonen and Gunnhild Øyehaug (via Zoom). Photo: Screenshot.

Author Gunnhild Øyehaug (Kolon Forlag) joined LCE members Karin Kukkonen and Ylva Østby in a conversation about the fantastic and the everyday in literary texts. The event was organised in collaboration with Litteratur på Blå (

Watch the video recording on Facebook (in Norwegian). The talk starts at 12 min. 50 sec.


"Hva leste vi mens alt var nedstengt?" (Norwegian)

Morgenbladet, 7 June 2020

Karin Kukkonen's feature story about our reading habits during the COVID-19 pandemic was published in Morgenbladet. Read the article at (in Norwegian).


How to increase children's reading abilities (Dutch)

de Volkskrant, 7 July 2023

Sarah Bro Trasmundi spoke about her research on reading in an article in de Volksrant by Enith Vlooswijk. Read the interview on de Volksrant's webpage (in Dutch and for subscribers).

"Writing Assignment: Think about Yesterday" (Norwegian)

Morgenbladet, 12 May 2023

In Morgenbladet's research column, Ylva Østby Berger dives into new research on how memories and remembering affect our creative abilities. Read the article here (in Norwegian and for subscribers).

Slow reading and breaks can fuel the imagination

ILOS Research News, 13 December 2022

In an interview with ILOS, Sarah Bro Trasmundi spoke about her research at LCE, and the importance of taking breaks during critical reading. The interview was performed by Julie Lucie Lijleroth, UiO. Read the interview here

Reading autofiction can challenge and change what feels true

ILOS Research News, 3 June 2021

Alexandra Effe talked about her research project on autofiction and how the genre can change readers' perceptions of themselves and their own lives. The interview was conducted by Mari Lilleslåtten at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS), University of Oslo. Read the interview here.

"Les en bok og bli en annen" (Norwegian)

Klassekampen, 24 April 2021

Olivia Fialho spoke to Klassekampen journalist Sara Hegna Hammer about her research project "Transformative Reading". Read the interview at (in Norwegian).

Reading fiction can change your life

ILOS Research News, 7 April 2021

Olivia Fialho talked about her research project "Transformative Reading" in an interview conducted by Mari Lilleslåtten at the Department of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages (ILOS), University of Oslo. Read the interview here.

"– Litteratur gir støtte og trøst" (Norwegian)

Magasinet Psykisk Helse, 17 March 2021

Karin Kukkonen and librarian Sofie Birgitte Andersen talked about literature and mental health in an interview in Magasinet Psykisk Helse. Read the interview at (in Norwegian). 

"Litterær tankevandring – hvorfor det ikke er galskap å lese bøker" (Norwegian)

Tidsskriften Kritiker #53-54, 30 December 2019

Karin Kukkonen and Ylva Østby were interviewed in the magazine Kritiker issue #53-54: "Mellom fortid og fremtid" ( The publication was followed by a launch event at Litteratur på Blå.


Members of the LCE group discuss how literature shapes our thoughts and feelings in the Literature, Cognition and Emotions Podcast

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LCE Annual Lecture

The LCE Annual Lecture invites guest authors, literary researchers and thinkers to hold an open talk at the University of Oslo.

Published June 2, 2021 2:55 PM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 3:22 PM