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Previous Study Options for Bachelor Students

During its phase as FPIII, LCE offered a teaching programme at bachelor (BA) level for students who want to learn more about literature and our minds.

Recommended elective courses

'Emnetråd' is a collection of recommended elective courses. These courses are meant to give an introduction to issues in Literature, Cognition and Emotions, and how the disciplines of literary studies, linguistics and psychology approach them.

More information about 'emnetråd' (in Norwegian)

Elective BA courses

The courses found below are recommendations for the elective courses which enable BA students to develop further an interest for the intersection of literature, cognition and emotions. For more information, please contact Sarah Margrethe Øverlie Eiene.

Spring 2023 courses

The LCE Teaching Programme is suspended for spring 2023.

Autumn 2022 courses

The LCE Teaching Programme is suspended in autumn 2022.

Spring 2022 courses

Autumn 2021 courses

Spring 2021 courses

Autumn 2020 courses

Spring 2020 courses

Digital teaching materials

Explore our digital teaching materials  

What students say about LCE courses

"As a keen reader of fiction and student of clinical psychology, this interdisciplinary approach was thematically appealing. /…/ The module has given me interesting insight in social cognitive themes, in addition to being relevant for my future work as a psychologist – and reader of fiction."

 — Magnus Hole Fjetland on Olivia Fialho's course PSY2102: Social Cognition and Emotions, Transformative Reading.

Published Aug. 21, 2019 11:40 AM - Last modified Jan. 12, 2024 3:04 PM