Brand Name America

The Emergence of the Modern United States, 1896-1929

Three Ukrainian army vehicles driving

Photo: Arsen Fedosenko, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons

Area Studies research seminar; guest speaker:

Bruce J. Schulman

Harmsworth Visiting Professor of American History, Oxford University

About the seminar

At the turn of the twentieth century prominent Americans still wondered whether the United States had become a “great nation” or remained an “aggregation of localities.” Over the next three decades, they answered that question. The United States not only emerged as a world power, international economic leader, and reservoir for displaced persons from across the globe, it also became a modern, integrated nation. It became a single national market where consumers everywhere bought the same brand name goods and saw the same advertising and a national audience for cultural products like recorded music and film. Examining these efforts to reconceive and reconstruct American nationhood, Schulman considers how the United States itself acquired something like a brand name identity.


Maximum 40 participants. Registration deadline: 1 March at 16:00 PM. 



(If you experience any difficulty registering: contact Atle Wold on:

Tags: USA og Nord-Amerika
Published Feb. 13, 2023 3:18 PM - Last modified Feb. 26, 2023 8:59 PM