
Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminarrom 2 (130)

A guest seminar by Professor Rachel Falconer, University of Lausanne. Can Seamus Heaney’s poetry be understood as environmental, if not environmentalist?

Time and place: , Auditorium 3, Kjemibygningen

A guest seminar by Dr Kristine Johansen, Universiteit van Amsterdam. Host: Juan Christian Pellicer, ILOS. 

Time and place: , P. A. Munchs hus, seminarrom 14

Staff and students are cordiallly invited to a three-paper workshop on the application of digital tools for the analysis of historical English materials. The organiser is grateful to the Anders Jahre Fond for financial support.

Time and place: , Harriet Holters hus: Seminarrom 013

Melania Terrazas, senior lecturer at the University of La Rioja, will be giving a lecture on contested boundaries and uncharted entanglements in Evelyn Conlon’s short story collection Moving About the Place (2023)”. In her stories, Conlon creates characters living and setting up relationships in countries in which she has had a longstanding interest: Australia, Japan, Italy, Indonesia, Monaco and South Africa. Terrazas will suggest that Conlon’s stories use transculturality as a method that addresses culture as a dynamic category and debunks ideological dichotomies.

Time and place: , Scene HumSam, Georg Sverdrups hus, Universitetsbiblioteket

Why We Seek Them Out, and What Their Future Holds. Guest lecture by professor Brenden Rensink.

Time and place: , Niels Treschows hus. 12. floor. Selskapslokalet

Comparing Indigenous Refugees in the North American Borderlands: Historical Lessons for Contemporary Crises.

Time and place: , Sophus Lies Auditorium, UiO

Contemporary Russian society does not visibly oppose the invasion of Ukraine. There are no barricades or protesters in the streets, and even the military mobilisation has not triggered an open clash between the public and the authorities. But does this silence mean consent and support for the war?


Time and place: , Niels Treschows hus, 12th floor

Stephen Kelly from Queen's University Belfast, will present "The Dead are Always With Us: The Ethics of Writing the Past in the Work of John Berger". 

Time and place: , Niels Treschows hus - Møterom 1016

A guest lecture by Juan Cruz Forgnone (University of Buenos Aires)