
Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Grupperom 2

Text development seminar in literature organized by Professor Tina Skouen at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme. (Course full)

Time and place: , P.A.Munchs hus, seminarrom 4

Text development seminar in area studies organized by Professor Ljiljana Saric at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme. 

Time and place: , Sophus Bugges hus, seminar room 4

This advanced course in theories of knowledge foregrounds the development of major debates within literary and cultural theory. The aim is to enable PhD Fellows to articulate and perhaps defend more persuasively the theoretical assumptions upon which their own PhD projects are based.


This four-week course is open to doctoral fellows from HF and SV but HF fellows will be prioritised. The language of instruction is English.

Time and place: , 12th floor, Niels Treschows hus

Text development seminar in literature organized by Associate Professor Geir Uvsløkk at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme.

Time and place: , Georg Sverdrups hus, Undervisningsrom 3


Text development seminar in literature organized by Associate Professor Geir Uvsløkk at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 360, P. A. Munchs hus and online

This seminar will explore the ways in which Latin America and Spain have imagined, interpreted, written and translated China during the first decades of the past century.

Time and place: , Room 389, P. A. Munchs hus


Text development seminar in area studies organized by Professor Ljiljana Saric at ILOS. The text development seminar is a compulsory component of the PhD programme.