Karin Kukkonen presents at the Narrative 2024 conference

JEUX Principal Investigator Karin Kukkonen will present "Playing Narration: The Game of the Novel in Early- Modern France” at the 2024 annual conference of the International Society for the Study of Narrative that takes place in Newcastle University in April.

old library desk with books and a lamp.

Photo: Nicola Nuttall / Unsplash

In her talk Kukkonen discusses how the “players” of literary games transform into “narrators” when they play the game of the novel. Can players be narrators? How does a narrative emerge from individual narrators playing together? And how does co-creative storytelling relate to the notion of the individual author? These are all questions addressed in the presentation, which will be based on La Force’s Les Jeux d’esprit (1701).

The presentation is part of the panel “Fun, Games and Good Cheer: Cognitive Approaches to Agency and Rules in Narrative”. In the panel, Karin Kukkonen, Merja Polvinen and Lars Bernaerts will explore the presence of freedom and constraint in narrative gameplay in order to shed light on agency in narration in general.

About Narrative 2024

Narrative 2024 is arranged by the International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN), a non-profit scholarly organization dedicated to the advancement of research about narratives and narrative theory. The conference in 2024 will take place in Newcastle, UK.

Read more about the Narrative 2024 Conference

By Larissa Lily
Published Apr. 16, 2024 8:36 AM - Last modified Apr. 16, 2024 8:36 AM