VALREF publication in RUSI

A statue of a man holding a large cross, in the background you can see a large river with a bridge over it and a large city in the distance. Photo.

How does Ukraine's civil society respond to the challenges of Russia's war against Ukraine? Andrew Wilson has written a piece for RUSI on the resilience of Ukraine's war-torn society. Drawing on data from an Info-Sapiens poll conducted in April 2022, Wilson concludes: 

[...] there is every indication that the Ukrainian mood is defiant. A premature or partial peace is seen by Ukrainians as likely to make things worse, and to leave Ukraine vulnerable to a third Russian attack with rebuilt resources.

For survey company, see: 

By Andrew Wilson
Published Mar. 16, 2023 11:55 AM - Last modified Nov. 3, 2023 12:03 PM