ICC-NO and Information privacy

Information on the handling of an individual's privacy

This applies to spoken part of ICC-NO. There are two main groups of contributors to the spoken ICC-NO:

  • private individuals
  • official individuals (i.e. people who speak in the capacity of their profession,e.g. journalists, politicians)

The former group have given their consent for their spoken material to be used (including the following personal data: age, sex, occupation, languages spoken), while the second group have not been directly approached by the project team, but are considered to act officially in the settings from which their spoken material is recorded.

The project's policy in terms of data protection has been cleared with the NSD - Norwegian Centre for Research Data, and involves the following rights for the contributors. As long as a contributor/informant can be identified in the data material, he/she is entitled to:

  • gain insight into what personal information is registered,
  • get personal information corrected,
  • get personal information deleted,
  • obtain a copy of personal data (data portability), and
  • submit a complaint to the data protection officer at the University of Oslo (personvernombud@uio.no) or the The Norwegian Data Protection Authority regarding the processing of your personal data.
Published Nov. 26, 2019 2:00 PM - Last modified Apr. 22, 2022 4:12 PM