Lemma frequencies in the English original texts, fiction

Lemma frequencies in the English original texts, fiction

(5 occurrences or more)

 8908 be                             Vpast
 4679 be                             Vpres
 4660 have                           Vpast
 4196 he                             Pgen
 2805 not                            NEG
 2518 she                            Pgen
 2297 say                            Vpast
 1796 he                             Pobl
 1747 I                              Pgen
 1422 I                              Pobl
 1335 do                             Vpast
 1290 be                             EN
 1211 they                           Pobl
 1117 she                            Pobl
 1028 they                           Pgen
  852 have                           Vpres
  718 out_of                         PREP
  595 you                            Pgen
  548 will                           Vmod
  526 go                             Vpast
  476 as_if                          Cs
  445 come                           Vpast
  425 know                           Vpast
  423 look                           Vpast
  414 go                             ING
  411 much                           ADV
  398 think                          Vpast
  395 we                             Pgen
  391 it                             Pgen
  387 eye                            Npl
  384 we                             Pobl
  378 of_course                      ADV
  373 year                           Nadv
  357 would                          Vmod
  342 get                            Vpast
  333 take                           Vpast
  319 he                             P
  299 make                           Vpast
  299 child                          Npl
  289 thing                          Npl
  283 ask                            Vpast
  271 see                            Vpast
  262 seem                           Vpast
  262 be                             ING
  238 feel                           Vpast
  234 that                           DET
  233 real                           ADV
  232 do                             Vpres
  224 this                           DET
  221 she                            P
  218 get                            EN
  217 give                           Vpast
  216 tell                           Vpast
  216 a_few                          DET
  215 sit                            Vpast
  213 a_lot_of                       DET
  209 man                            Npl
  209 look                           ING
  201 shall                          Vmod
  200 hand                           Npl
  198 can                            Vmod
  196 stand                          Vpast
  192 day                            Nadv
  190 do                             EN
  190 all_right                      ADV
  188 turn                           Vpast
  188 at_least                       ADV
  181 want                           Vpast
  178 see                            EN
  173 woman                          Npl
  171 go                             EN
  169 find                           Vpast
  167 make                           EN
  163 begin                          Vpast
  162 leave                          Vpast
  162 late                           ADV
  158 a_little                       ADV
  156 up_to                          PREP
  156 each_other                     P
  149 have                           EN
  136 leave                          EN
  136 because_of                     PREP
  135 I                              P
  130 live                           ING
  128 do                             ING
  127 other                          P
  124 hear                           Vpast
  123 call                           EN
  122 use                            Vpast
  122 try                            ING
  118 know                           EN
  118 have                           ING
  118 foot                           Npl
  117 take                           EN
  116 probable                       ADV
  116 much                           P
  116 keep                           Vpast
  115 sit                            ING
  114 give                           EN
  113 talk                           ING
  112 parent                         Npl
  112 good                           Asup
  112 come                           ING
  111 time                           Nadv
  110 get                            ING
  110 become                         Vpast
  108 who                            DETwh
  107 walk                           Vpast
  107 say                            Vpres
  105 say                            EN
  105 good                           Acmp
  105 friend                         Npl
  104 well                           ADV
  104 they                           P
  104 say                            ING
  103 lie                            Vpast
   99 run                            Vpast
   98 start                          Vpast
   98 open                           Vpast
   98 live                           Vpast
   98 a_bit                          ADV
   97 tell                           EN
   96 think                          ING
   96 hold                           Vpast
   95 make                           ING
   94 try                            Vpast
   93 stand                          ING
   91 take                           ING
   91 call                           Vpast
   91 arm                            Npl
   90 wait                           ING
   90 fall                           Vpast
   90 bear                           EN
   88 that                           P
   88 stare                          Vpast
   88 no_longer                      ADV
   88 many                           DET
   86 so_far                         ADV
   86 at_once                        ADV
   85 word                           Npl
   85 smile                          Vpast
   84 watch                          Vpast
   84 stop                           Vpast
   84 ought_to                       Vmod
   84 month                          Nadv
   84 hour                           Nadv
   83 sudden                         ADV
   82 girl                           Npl
   81 feel                           ING
   80 instead_of                     PREP
   79 watch                          ING
   79 laugh                          Vpast
   78 next_to                        PREP
   78 as_though                      Cs
   78 a_little                       DET
   77 minute                         Nadv
   76 leg                            Npl
   76 hear                           EN
   76 begin                          ING
   75 who                            Prel
   75 lose                           EN
   75 book                           Npl
   74 even_if                        Cs
   74 apart_from                     PREP
   73 week                           Nadv
   73 show                           Vpast
   73 move                           Vpast
   73 many                           P
   73 finger                         Npl
   73 actual                         ADV
   72 work                           ING
   72 in_order_to                    TO
   72 certain                        ADV
   71 simple                         ADV
   71 little                         ADV
   71 build                          ING
   70 wall                           Npl
   70 tell                           ING
   70 shake                          Vpast
   70 run                            ING
   70 one_another                    P
   70 marry                          EN
   70 like                           Vpast
   70 it                             P
   68 use                            EN
   68 one                            P
   68 much                           DET
   66 you                            P
   66 work                           Vpast
   66 nod                            Vpast
   66 house                          Npl
   66 happen                         Vpast
   66 as_well_as                     Cc
   65 wear                           ING
   65 speak                          Vpast
   65 final                          ADV
   64 think                          EN
   64 father                         Ngen
   64 exact                          ADV
   64 bring                          EN
   63 slow                           ADV
   63 find                           EN
   63 all_the_time                   Nadv
   62 window                         Npl
   62 pull                           Vpast
   62 mother                         Ngen
   62 lip                            Npl
   62 all_over                       PREP
   60 stone                          Npl
   60 quick                          ADV
   60 near                           ADV
   60 a_bit_of                       DET
   59 die                            Vpast
   59 continue                       Vpast
   58 old                            Acmp
   58 light                          Npl
   57 wonder                         Vpast
   57 turn                           EN
   57 tear                           Npl
   57 shoe                           Npl
   57 mean                           Vpast
   57 know                           Vpres
   57 in_spite_of                    PREP
   57 bring                          Vpast
   56 need                           Vpast
   56 but_for                        PREP
   55 write                          EN
   55 stair                          Npl
   55 paint                          ING
   54 turn                           ING
   54 suppose                        EN
   54 happen                         EN
   54 grow                           Vpast
   54 bad                            Acmp
   54 add                            Vpast
   53 wear                           Vpast
   53 tooth                          Npl
   53 this                           P
   53 return                         Vpast
   53 reach                          Vpast
   53 move                           ING
   53 meet                           EN
   53 know                           ING
   53 ask                            ING
   52 tree                           Npl
   52 name                           Npl
   52 life                           Npl
   52 leave                          ING
   52 face                           Npl
   52 come                           Vpres
   52 careful                        ADV
   52 boy                            Npl
   52 arrive                         Vpast
   51 street                         Npl
   51 push                           Vpast
   51 particular                     ADV
   51 eat                            Vpast
   51 door                           Npl
   50 slight                         ADV
   50 rather_than                    Cc
   50 pass                           Vpast
   49 picture                        Npl
   49 meet                           Vpast
   49 follow                         Vpast
   48 someone_else                   P
   48 pick                           Vpast
   48 in_there                       ADV
   48 hold                           ING
   48 flower                         Npl
   48 close                          Vpast
   48 ahead_of                       PREP
   47 room                           Npl
   47 put                            ING
   47 pound                          Npl
   47 break                          EN
   46 years_old                      A
   46 wait                           Vpast
   46 usual                          ADV
   46 stay                           Vpast
   46 remember                       Vpast
   46 quiet                          ADV
   46 look                           Vpres
   46 leaf                           Npl
   45 sure                           ADV
   45 step                           Nadv
   45 hang                           Vpast
   45 glass                          Npl
   45 eat                            ING
   44 spend                          Vpast
   44 occasional                     ADV
   44 mile                           Npl
   44 love                           Vpast
   44 lift                           Vpast
   44 lie                            ING
   44 go                             Vpres
   44 drive                          Vpast
   44 by_now                         ADV
   44 break                          Vpast
   44 along_with                     PREP
   43 seem                           Vpres
   43 make                           Vpres
   43 lean                           Vpast
   43 kid                            Npl
   42 write                          ING
   42 stare                          ING
   42 remain                         Vpast
   42 read                           ING
   42 keep                           ING
   42 ear                            Npl
   42 by_then                        ADV
   42 anything_else                  P
   41 smile                          ING
   41 see                            ING
   41 rise                           Vpast
   41 glance                         Vpast
   41 finish                         EN
   41 feel                           EN
   41 expect                         EN
   41 entire                         ADV
   41 drop                           Vpast
   40 young                          Acmp
   40 whisper                        Vpast
   40 thought                        Npl
   40 shoulder                       Npl
   40 one                            Pgen
   40 long_ago                       ADV
   40 give                           ING
   40 easy                           ADV
   40 decide                         Vpast
   40 ask                            EN
   40 anyone_else                    P
   39 talk                           Vpast
   39 surprise                       EN
   39 play                           ING
   39 place                          Npl
   39 especial                       ADV
   39 early                          ADV
   39 dress                          EN
   39 close                          EN
   39 all_the_same                   ADV
   38 walk                           ING
   38 sound                          Vpast
   38 sleep                          ING
   38 send                           Vpast
   38 please                         EN
   38 paper                          Npl
   38 meet                           ING
   38 lead                           Vpast
   38 knee                           Npl
   38 car                            Npl
   38 boot                           Npl
   38 according_to                   PREP
   37 up_to                          TO
   37 tire                           EN
   37 smell                          Vpast
   37 shrug                          Vpast
   37 draw                           EN
   37 doctor                         Npl
   37 close                          ADV
   37 clear                          ADV
   37 apparent                       ADV
   36 shout                          Vpast
   36 Rawling                        Npl
   36 listen                         ING
   36 for_instance                   ADV
   36 cry                            Vpast
   36 cover                          EN
   36 carry                          Vpast
   36 carry                          ING
   36 buy                            Vpast
   35 letter                         Npl
   35 lean                           ING
   35 hand                           Vpast
   35 fill                           Vpast
   35 drink                          Vpast
   35 draw                           Vpast
   35 dog                            Npl
   34 something_else                 P
   34 sock                           Npl
   34 play                           Vpast
   34 piece                          Npl
   34 per_cent                       N
   34 pay                            EN
   34 most                           ADV
   34 more_like                      PREP
   34 keep                           EN
   34 head                           Npl
   34 get                            Vpres
   34 follow                         ING
   34 explain                        Vpast
   34 except_for                     PREP
   34 change                         Vpast
   34 change                         EN
   34 believe                        Vpast
   33 wed                            ING
   33 term                           Npl
   33 realize                        Vpast
   33 question                       Npl
   33 pay                            Vpast
   33 pass                           ING
   33 more_or_less                   ADV
   33 miss                           ING
   33 man                            Ngen
   33 look                           EN
   33 fall                           ING
   33 brief                          ADV
   33 appear                         Vpast
   33 allow                          EN
   32 way                            Nadv
   32 throw                          Vpast
   32 spend                          EN
   32 notice                         Vpast
   32 hold                           EN
   32 hate                           Vpast
   32 for_ever                       ADV
   32 ever_since                     ADV
   32 even_though                    Cs
   32 die                            EN
   32 ceil                           ING
   32 agree                          Vpast
   31 woman                          Ngen
   31 Victor                         Ngen
   31 story                          Npl
   31 raise                          Vpast
   31 laugh                          ING
   31 interest                       ING
   31 immediate                      ADV
   31 drive                          ING
   31 child                          Ngen
   30 want                           Vpres
   30 touch                          Vpast
   30 speak                          EN
   30 problem                        Npl
   30 pause                          Vpast
   30 little                         P
   30 line                           Npl
   30 in_and_out                     ADV
   30 gentle                         ADV
   30 except_that                    Cs
   30 drink                          ING
   30 curtain                        Npl
   30 catch                          Vpast
   30 catch                          EN
   30 building                       Npl
   30 bag                            Npl
   30 as_for                         PREP
   29 write                          Vpast
   29 side                           Npl
   29 send                           EN
   29 neighbour                      Npl
   29 N                              N
   29 live                           EN
   29 interest                       EN
   29 hang                           ING
   29 fill                           EN
   29 family                         Npl
   28 wave                           Vpast
   28 to                             TO
   28 take                           Vpres
   28 step                           Vpast
   28 second                         Nadv
   28 Rook                           Ngen
   28 point                          Vpast
   28 pocket                         Npl
   28 plenty_of                      DET
   28 once_in_a_while                ADV
   28 notice                         EN
   28 no_more                        ADV
   28 marry                          Vpast
   28 manage                         Vpast
   28 learn                          Vpast
   28 help                           Vpast
   28 Greville                       Ngen
   28 firm                           ADV
   28 field                          Npl
   28 everyone_else                  P
   28 decide                         EN
   28 choose                         EN
   28 branch                         Npl
   27 voice                          Npl
   27 strike                         Vpast
   27 slide                          Vpast
   27 show                           ING
   27 press                          Vpast
   27 perfect                        ADV
   27 paint                          EN
   27 listen                         Vpast
   27 light                          Vpast
   27 include                        ING
   27 grow                           ING
   27 forget                         EN
   27 force                          EN
   27 figure                         Npl
   27 eventual                       ADV
   27 egg                            Npl
   27 die                            ING
   27 buy                            EN
   27 box                            Npl
   27 answer                         Vpast
   26 work                           Npl
   26 Willie                         Ngen
   26 that's_why                     ADV
   26 shelf                          Npl
   26 reply                          Vpast
   26 pull                           EN
   26 prepare                        EN
   26 people                         Ngen
   26 out_there                      ADV
   26 note                           Npl
   26 no_more                        P
   26 night                          Nadv
   26 name                           EN
   26 learn                          EN
   26 just_about                     ADV
   26 happen                         Vpres
   26 grow                           EN
   26 fall                           EN
   26 diamond                        Npl
   26 cheek                          Npl
   26 chair                          Npl
   26 call                           ING
   26 a_few                          P
   25 try                            EN
   25 suggest                        Vpast
   25 shout                          ING
   25 shadow                         Npl
   25 seem                           EN
   25 offer                          Vpast
   25 number                         Npl
   25 move                           EN
   25 low                            Acmp
   25 Jew                            Npl
   25 frighten                       EN
   25 cry                            ING
   25 consider                       Vpast
   24 wonder                         ING
   24 wash                           ING
   24 want                           ING
   24 up_and_down                    PREP
   24 throw                          EN
   24 so_as_not_to                   TO
   24 sigh                           Vpast
   24 shop                           Npl
   24 shine                          ING
   24 sell                           Vpast
   24 pay                            ING
   24 pass                           EN
   24 over_and_over                  ADV
   24 once_again                     ADV
   24 no_matter_how                  ADVwh
   24 more_and_more                  ADV
   24 mean                           Vpres
   24 lots_of                        DET
   24 lady                           Npl
   24 here_and_there                 ADV
   24 gaze                           Vpast
   24 for_example                    ADV
   24 drink                          EN
   24 bone                           Npl
   24 body                           Npl
   24 bad                            Asup
   24 bad                            ADV
   24 back_and_forth                 ADV
   23 wake                           Vpast
   23 study                          Vpast
   23 spirit                         Npl
   23 soft                           ADV
   23 plate                          Npl
   23 place                          Vpast
   23 pick                           ING
   23 nail                           Npl
   23 moment                         Nadv
   23 key                            Npl
   23 horse                          Npl
   23 hear                           ING
   23 evening                        Npl
   23 dream                          Npl
   23 discover                       Vpast
   23 discover                       EN
   23 bird                           Npl
   22 wife                           Ngen
   22 wear                           EN
   22 want                           EN
   22 use                            ING
   22 understand                     Vpast
   22 think                          Vpres
   22 stick                          Vpast
   22 start                          EN
   22 shop                           ING
   22 serious                        ADV
   22 Sarah                          Ngen
   22 sale                           Npl
   22 right_now                      ADV
   22 remind                         Vpast
   22 refuse                         Vpast
   22 realise                        Vpast
   22 obvious                        ADV
   22 normal                         ADV
   22 hide                           EN
   22 follow                         EN
   22 end                            Vpast
   22 drop                           EN
   22 drive                          EN
   22 dress                          Vpast
   22 colour                         EN
   22 card                           Npl
   22 cake                           Npl
   22 break                          ING
   22 boy                            Ngen
   22 bleed                          ING
   22 belong                         Vpast
   22 as_in                          PREP
   21 yard                           Npl
   21 up_and_down                    ADV
   21 stop                           EN
   21 speak                          ING
   21 snap                           Vpast
   21 sleep                          Vpast
   21 sign                           Npl
   21 scream                         Vpast
   21 rise                           ING
   21 ring                           Vpast
   21 point                          ING
   21 painting                       Npl
   21 need                           EN
   21 morning                        Nadv
   21 member                         Npl
   21 lose                           Vpast
   21 jump                           Vpast
   21 idea                           Npl
   21 face_to_face                   ADV
   21 event                          Npl
   21 easy                           Acmp
   21 drug                           Npl
   21 demand                         Vpast
   21 choose                         Vpast
   21 buy                            ING
   21 bit                            Npl
   21 age                            Npl
   20 wood                           Npl
   20 that_is_to_say                 ADV
   20 student                        Npl
   20 spot                           Npl
   20 small                          Acmp
   20 show                           EN
   20 sheet                          Npl
   20 shake                          ING
   20 scare                          EN
   20 potato                         Npl
   20 pick                           EN
   20 order                          Npl
   20 open                           EN
   20 movement                       Npl
   20 mark                           EN
   20 let                            ING
   20 lay                            Vpast
   20 guest                          Npl
   20 far                            ADV
   20 enter                          Vpast
   20 eat                            EN
   20 dance                          ING
   20 cook                           ING
   20 burn                           ING
   20 build                          EN
   20 bring                          ING
   20 breast                         Npl
   20 all_of_a_sudden                ADV
   20 acre                           Npl
   19 wage                           Npl
   19 tight                          ADV
   19 teach                          EN
   19 suppose                        Vpast
   19 slip                           Vpast
   19 school                         Npl
   19 road                           Npl
   19 reason                         Nadv
   19 possible                       ADV
   19 personal                       ADV
   19 mere                           ADV
   19 mean                           EN
   19 kill                           EN
   19 job                            Npl
   19 fly                            ING
   19 fix                            EN
   19 find                           ING
   19 feeling                        Npl
   19 dry                            EN
   19 dish                           Npl
   19 detail                         Npl
   19 deep                           ADV
   19 crowd                          Npl
   19 copy                           Npl
   19 concern                        EN
   19 breathe                        ING
   19 bend                           Vpast
   19 believe                        EN
   19 arrive                         EN
   19 add                            EN
   18 worry                          EN
   18 work                           EN
   18 wish                           Vpast
   18 whether_or_not                 Cs
   18 understand                     ING
   18 table                          Npl
   18 swing                          Vpast
   18 sister                         Npl
   18 side_by_side                   ADV
   18 short                          ADV
   18 share                          ING
   18 settle                         Vpast
   18 scatter                        EN
   18 recent                         ADV
   18 proper                         ADV
   18 pour                           Vpast
   18 part                           Nadv
   18 page                           Npl
   18 open                           ING
   18 one_by_one                     ADV
   18 old                            A
   18 offer                          ING
   18 now_and_then                   ADV
   18 newspaper                      Npl
   18 muscle                         Npl
   18 long                           ADV
   18 lead                           ING
   18 Kate                           Ngen
   18 hope                           Vpast
   18 hope                           ING
   18 home                           Nadv
   18 high                           Acmp
   18 heavy                          ADV
   18 guilder                        Npl
   18 grin                           Vpast
   18 from_under                     PREP
   18 fly                            Npl
   18 floor                          Npl
   18 finish                         Vpast
   18 fail                           Vpast
   18 expect                         ING
   18 edge                           Npl
   18 dress                          ING
   18 contemplate                    ING
   18 complete                       ADV
   18 cloud                          Npl
   18 clear                          Vpast
   18 change                         ING
   18 blanket                        Npl
   18 attach                         EN
   18 Arthur                         Ngen
   17 tear                           EN
   17 teach                          Vpast
   17 sell                           ING
   17 seat                           EN
   17 return                         EN
   17 provide                        EN
   17 precise                        ADV
   17 policeman                      Npl
   17 photograph                     Npl
   17 peer                           Vpast
   17 party                          Npl
   17 order                          Vpast
   17 mother                         Npl
   17 lay                            EN
   17 kiss                           Vpast
   17 help                           ING
   17 gather                         Vpast
   17 garden                         Npl
   17 full                           ADV
   17 feel                           Vpres
   17 fact                           Npl
   17 dollar                         Npl
   17 direct                         ADV
   17 dine                           ING
   17 climb                          Vpast
   17 carry                          EN
   17 black                          Npl
   17 begin                          EN
   17 back                           Npl
   17 arrange                        EN
   17 approach                       Vpast
   17 animal                         Npl
   17 age                            EN
   16 wipe                           Vpast
   16 walk                           EN
   16 Stuart                         Ngen
   16 sound                          Npl
   16 silent                         ADV
   16 sense                          Vpast
   16 row                            Npl
   16 root                           Npl
   16 repeat                         Vpast
   16 Rembrandt                      Ngen
   16 pretend                        ING
   16 place                          EN
   16 penny                          Npl
   16 once_more                      ADV
   16 old                            Asup
   16 object                         Npl
   16 no_more                        A
   16 neat                           ADV
   16 natural                        ADV
   16 meal                           Npl
   16 McRory                         Npl
   16 matter                         Npl
   16 lock                           EN
   16 land                           ING
   16 heel                           Npl
   16 grab                           Vpast
   16 freeze                         EN
   16 folk                           Npl
   16 feature                        Npl
   16 expose                         EN
   16 expect                         Vpast
   16 every_now_and_then             ADV
   16 enjoy                          Vpast
   16 dye                            EN
   16 drink                          Npl
   16 draw                           ING
   16 disappear                      Vpast
   16 determine                      EN
   16 customer                       Npl
   16 cross                          Vpast
   16 cottage                        Npl
   16 content                        Npl
   16 consider                       EN
   16 city                           Npl
   16 check                          Vpast
   16 bush                           Npl
   16 bottle                         Npl
   16 blow                           Vpast
   16 block                          Npl
   16 bar                            Npl
   16 baby                           Npl
   16 as_to                          PREP
   16 announce                       Vpast
   16 allow                          Vpast
   15 visitor                        Npl
   15 unexpected                     ADV
   15 understand                     EN
   15 trouser                        Npl
   15 travel                         ING
   15 total                          ADV
   15 tear                           Vpast
   15 surround                       EN
   15 study                          ING
   15 stick                          EN
   15 serve                          Vpast
   15 sell                           EN
   15 scream                         ING
   15 remove                         Vpast
   15 reluctant                      ADV
   15 reach                          EN
   15 promise                        Vpast
   15 prefer                         Vpast
   15 possession                     Npl
   15 polite                         ADV
   15 out_the_window                 ADV
   15 office                         Npl
   15 occasion                       Npl
   15 need                           Vpres
   15 murmur                         Vpast
   15 miss                           Vpast
   15 mention                        Vpast
   15 memory                         Npl
   15 like                           Vpres
   15 like                           EN
   15 law                            Npl
   15 kind                           Npl
   15 kill                           Vpast
   15 involve                        EN
   15 instruction                    Npl
   15 insist                         Vpast
   15 high                           ADV
   15 gradual                        ADV
   15 fry                            EN
   15 frequent                       ADV
   15 face                           ING
   15 extreme                        ADV
   15 drip                           ING
   15 drag                           Vpast
   15 David                          Ngen
   15 colour                         Npl
   15 cause                          EN
   15 brother                        Ngen
   15 bind                           EN
   15 being                          Npl
   15 bare                           ADV
   15 and_so_on                      ADV
   15 Alice                          Ngen
   15 affair                         Npl
   15 absorb                         EN
   15 abrupt                         ADV
   15 a_little_bit                   Nadv
   14 yell                           Vpast
   14 wing                           Npl
   14 weep                           ING
   14 weekend                        Nadv
   14 turn                           Vpres
   14 tug                            Vpast
   14 train                          ING
   14 touch                          ING
   14 talk                           EN
   14 switch                         Vpast
   14 sweep                          Vpast
   14 steal                          EN
   14 steady                         ADV
   14 sleeve                         Npl
   14 shift                          Vpast
   14 settle                         EN
   14 set                            ING
   14 serve                          EN
   14 scold                          Ngen
   14 save                           EN
   14 return                         ING
   14 remark                         Vpast
   14 regard                         Vpast
   14 refugee                        Npl
   14 rapid                          ADV
   14 pant                           Npl
   14 over_there                     ADV
   14 no_such                        DET
   14 nettle                         Npl
   14 Natalie                        Ngen
   14 mutter                         Vpast
   14 mouth                          Npl
   14 mountain                       Npl
   14 mean                           ING
   14 look                           Npl
   14 lock                           Vpast
   14 lawyer                         Npl
   14 lamp                           Npl
   14 knock                          Vpast
   14 in_between                     PREP
   14 imagine                        Vpast
   14 gaze                           ING
   14 fly                            Vpast
   14 end                            Npl
   14 due_to                         PREP
   14 drift                          Vpast
   14 deliberate                     ADV
   14 daughter                       Npl
   14 corner                         Npl
   14 contain                        ING
   14 company                        Npl
   14 companion                      Npl
   14 cause                          Vpast
   14 biscuit                        Npl
   14 absolute                       ADV
   14 a_la                           PREP
   13 year                           Ngen
   13 wire                           Npl
   13 who                            Pint
   13 we                             P
   13 wave                           Npl
   13 Utz                            Ngen
   13 up_to                          ADV
   13 toy                            Npl
   13 thirty                         Npl
   13 telephone                      Vpast
   13 struggle                       ING
   13 startle                        EN
   13 star                           Npl
   13 stand                          EN
   13 sound                          ING
   13 safe                           ADV
   13 rule                           Npl
   13 require                        EN
   13 remain                         ING
   13 recognise                      Vpast
   13 reassure                       ING
   13 raise                          EN
   13 prove                          Vpast
   13 presumable                     ADV
   13 plan                           Npl
   13 park                           EN
   13 mark                           Npl
   13 mama                           Ngen
   13 love                           EN
   13 lose                           ING
   13 long                           Vpast
   13 light                          EN
   13 lead                           EN
   13 large                          Acmp
   13 kick                           Vpast
   13 joke                           Npl
   13 join                           Vpast
   13 invite                         EN
   13 impatient                      ADV
   13 hotel                          Npl
   13 hope                           EN
   13 head                           Vpast
   13 hate                           EN
   13 hang                           EN
   13 grin                           ING
   13 girl                           Ngen
   13 flee                           Vpast
   13 envelope                       Npl
   13 dig                            ING
   13 describe                       Vpast
   13 dark                           Acmp
   13 dad                            Ngen
   13 cup                            Npl
   13 crutch                         Npl
   13 creep                          Vpast
   13 convince                       EN
   13 circumstance                   Npl
   13 cigarette                      Npl
   13 bury                           EN
   13 breathe                        Vpast
   13 bore                           EN
   13 bean                           Npl
   13 assume                         Vpast
   13 annoy                          EN
   13 amuse                          EN
   13 amaze                          ING
   13 afternoon                      Nadv
   13 abandon                        EN
   12 you                            Pnom
   12 what_with                      PREP
   12 war                            Npl
   12 wait                           EN
   12 visit                          Npl
   12 unknow                         EN
   12 Tom                            Ngen
   12 thorough                       ADV
   12 tell                           Vpres
   12 tease                          ING
   12 struggle                       Vpast
   12 stroke                         Vpast
   12 stranger                       Npl
   12 stick                          Npl
   12 start                          ING
   12 stain                          EN
   12 snake                          Npl
   12 sink                           Vpast
   12 shoot                          EN
   12 shape                          Npl
   12 separate                       EN
   12 scarce                         ADV
   12 rush                           Vpast
   12 roll                           Vpast
   12 reflect                        Vpast
   12 present                        EN
   12 prepare                        Vpast
   12 plant                          Npl
   12 plan                           Vpast
   12 once_or_twice                  ADV
   12 on_and_on                      ADV
   12 observe                        Vpast
   12 nowhere_near                   ADV
   12 nothing_else                   P
   12 noise                          Npl
   12 nervous                        ADV
   12 mumble                         Vpast
   12 much_the_same                  A
   12 meeting                        Npl
   12 magazine                       Npl
   12 lung                           Npl
   12 lower                          Vpast
   12 less                           Acmp
   12 learn                          ING
   12 indicate                       Vpast
   12 in_so_far_as                   Cs
   12 holiday                        Npl
   12 half_a_dozen                   Ncard
   12 give                           Vpres
   12 game                           Npl
   12 from_then_on                   ADV
   12 frank                          ADV
   12 for_all_that                   ADV
   12 fill                           ING
   12 fail                           EN
   12 everything_else                P
   12 emerge                         Vpast
   12 effort                         Npl
   12 distinguish                    EN
   12 depth                          Npl
   12 dare                           Vmod
   12 cut                            ING
   12 crack                          EN
   12 cousin                         Npl
   12 collapse                       Vpast
   12 clothe                         ING
   12 close                          ING
   12 clear                          ING
   12 chip                           Npl
   12 check                          ING
   12 cat                            Npl
   12 case                           Npl
   12 bore                           ING
   12 big                            Acmp
   12 bed                            Npl
   12 become                         ING
   12 as_yet                         ADV
   12 area                           Npl
   12 apple                          Npl
   12 all_over                       ADV
   12 agree                          EN
   12 again_and_again                ADV
   11 wrap                           Vpast
   11 worry                          ING
   11 win                            Vpast
   11 weep                           Vpast
   11 warn                           ING
   11 vegetable                      Npl
   11 vague                          ADV
   11 trunk                          Npl
   11 top                            Npl
   11 toe                            Npl
   11 tie                            EN
   11 swell                          EN
   11 surprise                       ING
   11 summon                         EN
   11 suffer                         ING
   11 straighten                     Vpast
   11 stir                           Vpast
   11 stay                           ING
   11 stack                          EN
   11 smile                          Npl
   11 sing                           Vpast
   11 share                          Vpast
   11 require                        Vpast
   11 replace                        EN
   11 relieve                        EN
   11 relative                       Npl
   11 receive                        Vpast
   11 rare                           ADV
   11 puzzle                         EN
   11 pull                           ING
   11 possess                        Vpast
   11 pleasure                       Npl
   11 Plato                          Ngen
   11 pile                           EN
   11 park                           ING
   11 occur                          Vpast
   11 Matilda                        Ngen
   11 match                          ING
   11 long                           Acmp
   11 little                         DET
   11 lick                           Vpast
   11 lesson                         Npl
   11 lavatory                       Npl
   11 language                       Npl
   11 kneel                          Vpast
   11 kill                           ING
   11 Joseph                         Ngen
   11 interest                       Npl
   11 impress                        EN
   11 imagine                        ING
   11 Harriet                        Ngen
   11 happy                          ADV
   11 gun                            Npl
   11 grocery                        Npl
   11 glove                          Npl
   11 glisten                        ING
   11 gleam                          ING
   11 giant                          Npl
   11 ghost                          Npl
   11 general                        ADV
   11 gate                           Npl
   11 form                           EN
   11 for                            PREP
   11 flash                          Vpast
   11 feed                           ING
   11 face                           Vpast
   11 excite                         ING
   11 equal                          ADV
   11 dog                            Ngen
   11 decision                       Npl
   11 curious                        ADV
   11 cover                          ING
   11 column                         Npl
   11 coat                           Npl
   11 clutch                         ING
   11 clean                          ING
   11 claim                          Vpast
   11 Catherine                      N
   11 carpet                         Npl
   11 camber                         Ngen
   11 call                           Npl
   11 brush                          Vpast
   11 brother                        Npl
   11 blow                           ING
   11 beautiful                      ADV
   11 base                           EN
   11 authority                      Npl
   11 angle                          Npl
   11 accustom                       EN
   10 wrinkle                        EN
   10 work                           Vpres
   10 wish                           Npl
   10 wide                           ADV
   10 wave                           ING
   10 wash                           Vpast
   10 wander                         Vpast
   10 visit                          ING
   10 violent                        ADV
   10 unusual                        ADV
   10 tuck                           EN
   10 tremble                        ING
   10 tone                           Npl
   10 thoughtful                     ADV
   10 tale                           Npl
   10 swing                          ING
   10 sweat                          ING
   10 swallow                        EN
   10 suspect                        Vpast
   10 survive                        EN
   10 suit                           Npl
   10 stuff                          EN
   10 strong                         ADV
   10 stop                           ING
   10 station                        Npl
   10 standard                       Npl
   10 stall                          Npl
   10 sort                           Npl
   10 smell                          Vpres
   10 slight                         Asup
   10 Sinbad                         Ngen
   10 shoot                          Vpast
   10 shine                          Vpast
   10 service                        Npl
   10 satisfy                        EN
   10 sandwich                       Npl
   10 run                            Vpres
   10 rub                            Vpast
   10 roll                           EN
   10 rock                           Npl
   10 restaurant                     Npl
   10 rest                           ING
   10 regular                        ADV
   10 record                         Npl
   10 rat                            Npl
   10 race                           ING
   10 publish                        EN
   10 provide                        ING
   10 produce                        Vpast
   10 prepare                        ING
   10 practical                      ADV
   10 pot                            Npl
   10 possibility                    Npl
   10 polish                         EN
   10 pipe                           Npl
   10 peer                           ING
   10 patient                        Npl
   10 patch                          Npl
   10 pack                           ING
   10 owner                          Npl
   10 own                            EN
   10 over_here                      ADV
   10 monster                        Npl
   10 mention                        EN
   10 march                          Vpast
   10 manner                         Nadv
   10 loud                           ADV
   10 list                           EN
   10 light                          ADV
   10 leap                           Vpast
   10 join                           ING
   10 jewel                          Npl
   10 intention                      Npl
   10 intent                         ADV
   10 instinctive                    ADV
   10 instant                        ADV
   10 inevitable                     ADV
   10 imagine                        EN
   10 husband                        Ngen
   10 honest                         ADV
   10 hill                           Npl
   10 hesitate                       Vpast
   10 help                           EN
   10 Hartmann                       Ngen
   10 happen                         ING
   10 hand                           ING
   10 gather                         EN
   10 furnish                        EN
   10 frown                          Vpast
   10 frame                          EN
   10 form                           Vpast
   10 forget                         Vpast
   10 fold                           ING
   10 fix                            Vpast
   10 fade                           EN
   10 eyebrow                        Npl
   10 effect                         Npl
   10 due_to                         TO
   10 drawer                         Npl
   10 doubt                          Vpast
   10 disturb                        EN
   10 disgust                        ING
   10 discuss                        EN
   10 disappoint                     EN
   10 develop                        EN
   10 desperate                      ADV
   10 depend                         ING
   10 demand                         Npl
   10 dangle                         ING
   10 curve                          EN
   10 curse                          Vpast
   10 curl                           Npl
   10 cover                          Vpast
   10 contain                        Vpast
   10 complain                       Vpast
   10 collect                        ING
   10 chicken                        Npl
   10 cereal                         Npl
   10 burn                           EN
   10 boil                           ING
   10 bite                           Vpast
   10 big                            Asup
   10 bedroom                        Npl
   10 batter                         EN
   10 bark                           ING
   10 baby                           Ngen
   10 arrangement                    Npl
   10 apologetical                   ADV
   10 apartment                      Npl
   10 anywhere_else                  ADV
   10 answer                         ING
   10 answer                         EN
   10 amuse                          ING
   10 admire                         ING
   10 add                            ING
   10 accept                         Vpast
   10 accept                         EN
   10 a_go                           N
    9 zinger                         Npl
    9 young                          Asup
    9 years_or_so                    Npl
    9 wipe                           ING
    9 wife                           Npl
    9 white                          Npl
    9 wear                           Vpres
    9 village                        Npl
    9 view                           Npl
    9 train                          EN
    9 town                           Ngen
    9 tool                           Npl
    9 tile                           Npl
    9 thigh                          Npl
    9 teacher                        Npl
    9 teach                          ING
    9 survey                         Vpast
    9 surround                       ING
    9 surprising                     ADV
    9 suggest                        EN
    9 strike                         EN
    9 stretch                        EN
    9 spell                          Npl
    9 sound                          Vpres
    9 sooner_or_later                ADV
    9 soon                           ADV
    9 soldier                        Npl
    9 so_to_speak                    ADV
    9 sleep                          EN
    9 skirt                          Npl
    9 sixty                          Npl
    9 shout                          EN
    9 shock                          EN
    9 sharp                          ADV
    9 share                          EN
    9 send                           ING
    9 seek                           Vpast
    9 seek                           ING
    9 secret                         ADV
    9 seat                           Npl
    9 sandal                         Npl
    9 rose                           Npl
    9 ring                           Npl
    9 result                         Npl
    9 repeat                         EN
    9 remove                         EN
    9 remember                       EN
    9 remark                         Npl
    9 relation                       Npl
    9 refer                          Vpast
    9 recognize                      Vpast
    9 recognize                      EN
    9 receive                        ING
    9 receive                        EN
    9 previous                       ADV
    9 pretend                        Vpast
    9 press                          ING
    9 press                          EN
    9 point                          Npl
    9 plant                          EN
    9 pile                           Npl
    9 pierce                         ING
    9 pant                           ING
    9 packet                         Npl
    9 pack                           EN
    9 own                            Vpast
    9 offer                          EN
    9 nurse                          ING
    9 nothing                        P
    9 nice                           ADV
    9 mouse                          Npl
    9 more_and_more                  A
    9 miss                           EN
    9 mind                           Npl
    9 Megan                          Ngen
    9 Meg                            Npl
    9 mark                           Vpast
    9 manage                         ING
    9 manage                         EN
    9 Macon                          Ngen
    9 live                           Vpres
    9 literal                        ADV
    9 line                           EN
    9 light                          Acmp
    9 leave                          Vpres
    9 least_of_all                   ADV
    9 lawn                           Npl
    9 late                           Asup
    9 late                           Acmp
    9 large                          ADV
    9 kiss                           ING
    9 Kevin                          Ngen
    9 item                           Npl
    9 interval                       Npl
    9 intend                         Vpast
    9 inherit                        EN
    9 increase                       ING
    9 include                        Vpast
    9 inch                           Npl
    9 image                          Npl
    9 ignore                         Vpast
    9 ignore                         ING
    9 hurry                          Vpast
    9 hide                           Vpast
    9 hide                           ING
    9 Harry                          Ngen
    9 hand_in_hand                   ADV
    9 habit                          Npl
    9 grunt                          Vpast
    9 group                          Npl
    9 greet                          Vpast
    9 grant                          EN
    9 god                            Ngen
    9 furious                        ADV
    9 frame                          Npl
    9 fortune                        Npl
    9 form                           Npl
    9 fold                           EN
    9 flame                          Npl
    9 firm                           Npl
    9 fingerprint                    Npl
    9 fear                           Vpast
    9 farmer                         Npl
    9 farm                           ING
    9 expert                         Npl
    9 exhaust                        EN
    9 exclaim                        Vpast
    9 escape                         EN
    9 enter                          ING
    9 enter                          EN
    9 enjoy                          ING
    9 embarrass                      EN
    9 elbow                          Npl
    9 eager                          ADV
    9 different                      ADV
    9 describe                       EN
    9 death                          Npl
    9 dance                          Vpast
    9 Daggett                        Ngen
    9 crumple                        EN
    9 crawl                          ING
    9 corridor                       Npl
    9 contain                        EN
    9 consult                        Vpast
    9 constant                       ADV
    9 complicate                     EN
    9 complain                       ING
    9 colleague                      Npl
    9 class                          Npl
    9 chuckle                        Vpast
    9 chance                         Npl
    9 care                           EN
    9 bulb                           Npl
    9 bruise                         EN
    9 brick                          Npl
    9 bounce                         ING
    9 bother                         ING
    9 begin                          Vpres
    9 beat                           ING
    9 bear                           Vpast
    9 bead                           Npl
    9 bark                           Vpast
    9 banknote                       Npl
    9 ball                           Npl
    9 assure                         EN
    9 as_well_as                     PREP
    9 as_well_as                     Cs
    9 approach                       EN
    9 angry                          ADV
    9 all_in_all                     ADV
    9 all_at_once                    ADV
    9 alarm                          EN
    9 admit                          Vpast
    9 activity                       Npl
    9 a_lot_more                     DET
    8 yearn                          ING
    8 workman                        Npl
    8 wind                           ING
    8 water                          Npl
    8 watch                          EN
    8 waste                          ING
    8 warn                           EN
    8 unite                          EN
    8 twin                           Npl
    8 twenty                         Npl
    8 trouble                        Npl
    8 trial                          Npl
    8 treat                          Vpast
    8 trader                         Npl
    8 trade                          ING
    8 track                          Npl
    8 touch                          EN
    8 toss                           Vpast
    8 tin                            Npl
    8 threaten                       Vpast
    8 threaten                       ING
    8 tender                         ADV
    8 task                           Npl
    8 tap                            Vpast
    8 talk                           Vpres
    8 Tad                            Ngen
    8 switch                         EN
    8 sweep                          EN
    8 surrounding                    Npl
    8 suffer                         EN
    8 succeed                        Vpast
    8 stun                           EN
    8 stripe                         EN
    8 stride                         Vpast
    8 stretch                        Vpast
    8 stream                         ING
    8 stick                          ING
    8 stay                           EN
    8 startle                        ING
    8 squeeze                        Vpast
    8 spill                          ING
    8 son                            Ngen
    8 small                          Asup
    8 smack                          Vpast
    8 sit                            EN
    8 sing                           ING
    8 sin                            Npl
    8 sign                           EN
    8 shape                          EN
    8 setting                        Npl
    8 servant                        Npl
    8 separate                       Vpast
    8 secretary                      Npl
    8 school                         ING
    8 sack                           Npl
    8 rose                           Ngen
    8 roll                           ING
    8 ring                           EN
    8 respond                        Vpast
    8 remain                         EN
    8 refuse                         EN
    8 recover                        EN
    8 record                         ING
    8 recall                         Vpast
    8 reasonable                     ADV
    8 push                           ING
    8 pupil                          Npl
    8 porcelain                      Npl
    8 plan                           ING
    8 plan                           EN
    8 payment                        Npl
    8 path                           Npl
    8 partner                        Npl
    8 owe                            Vpast
    8 over_and_over_again            ADV
    8 opportunity                    Npl
    8 open                           ADV
    8 one_at_a_time                  ADV
    8 one_after_the_other            ADV
    8 occupy                         EN
    8 obsess                         EN
    8 observe                        ING
    8 obedient                       ADV
    8 note                           Vpast
    8 nerve                          Npl
    8 name                           Vpast
    8 murder                         EN
    8 motel                          Npl
    8 moan                           ING
    8 mistake                        EN
    8 miserable                      ADV
    8 message                        Npl
    8 Mattie                         Ngen
    8 match                          Npl
    8 marvel                         Vpast
    8 martin                         Ngen
    8 main                           ADV
    8 long_since                     ADV
    8 long_before                    Cs
    8 load                           Npl
    8 list                           Npl
    8 linger                         ING
    8 lift                           EN
    8 lid                            Npl
    8 let_alone                      Cc
    8 landscape                      Npl
    8 land                           Npl
    8 kiss                           Npl
    8 keep                           Vpres
    8 join                           EN
    8 jasper                         Ngen
    8 intend                         EN
    8 insist                         EN
    8 inquire                        Vpast
    8 increasing                     ADV
    8 illuminate                     EN
    8 husband                        Npl
    8 howl                           ING
    8 hole                           Npl
    8 hire                           Vpast
    8 high                           Asup
    8 herb                           Npl
    8 helpless                       ADV
    8 hat                            Npl
    8 hair                           Npl
    8 guess                          Vpast
    8 great                          Asup
    8 grave                          Npl
    8 gift                           Npl
    8 genuine                        ADV
    8 generation                     Npl
    8 gasp                           Vpast
    8 flush                          EN
    8 float                          ING
    8 fling                          Vpast
    8 firm                           Ngen
    8 finish                         ING
    8 fingernail                     Npl
    8 fed_up                         A
    8 farm                           Npl
    8 execute                        EN
    8 excite                         EN
    8 exchange                       Vpast
    8 establish                      EN
    8 errand                         Npl
    8 engage                         EN
    8 embarrass                      ING
    8 educate                        EN
    8 early                          Acmp
    8 dwarf                          Npl
    8 drop                           ING
    8 dream                          Vpast
    8 drawing                        Npl
    8 doctor                         Ngen
    8 discuss                        ING
    8 dig                            Vpast
    8 devote                         EN
    8 delight                        EN
    8 declare                        EN
    8 debt                           Npl
    8 day                            Ngen
    8 daddy                          Ngen
    8 curl                           EN
    8 cupboard                       Npl
    8 Cujo                           Ngen
    8 crowd                          EN
    8 cram                           EN
    8 cover                          Npl
    8 continue                       ING
    8 contented                      ADV
    8 confine                        EN
    8 comrade                        Npl
    8 comfortable                    ADV
    8 collect                        EN
    8 clean                          Vpast
    8 Claire                         Ngen
    8 check                          EN
    8 casual                         ADV
    8 burn                           Vpast
    8 build                          Vpast
    8 bucket                         Npl
    8 breed                          EN
    8 bowl                           Npl
    8 bother                         EN
    8 board                          Npl
    8 board                          ING
    8 blush                          Vpast
    8 blow                           EN
    8 blank                          ADV
    8 bill                           Npl
    8 bend                           EN
    8 bell                           Npl
    8 bang                           Vpast
    8 bake                           EN
    8 attache                        N
    8 ask                            Vpres
    8 as_to                          TO
    8 artist                         Npl
    8 arrive                         ING
    8 arm                            EN
    8 approach                       ING
    8 appear                         Vpres
    8 answer                         Npl
    8 amuse                          Vpast
    8 amaze                          EN
    8 all_right                      A
    8 agent                          Npl
    8 advantage                      Npl
    8 adjust                         Vpast
    8 address                        Vpast
    8 act                            ING
    8 account                        Npl
    8 a_little                       A
    7 wrist                          Npl
    7 worry                          Vpast
    7 world                          Npl
    7 worker                         Npl
    7 wonder                         EN
    7 wish                           ING
    7 wise                           Acmp
    7 win                            ING
    7 win                            EN
    7 week                           Ngen
    7 weed                           Npl
    7 weary                          ADV
    7 wash                           EN
    7 warm                           Acmp
    7 visit                          Vpast
    7 vehicle                        Npl
    7 vanish                         Vpast
    7 unsee                          EN
    7 twist                          EN
    7 trip                           Npl
    7 tremble                        Vpast
    7 treasure                       Npl
    7 travel                         Vpast
    7 train                          Npl
    7 trail                          ING
    7 town                           Npl
    7 throw                          ING
    7 thank                          Vpast
    7 tend                           Vpast
    7 temporary                      ADV
    7 swim                           ING
    7 suitcase                       Npl
    7 suffer                         Vpast
    7 string                         Npl
    7 stir                           ING
    7 stalk                          Npl
    7 square                         Npl
    7 spread                         ING
    7 splash                         ING
    7 spectacle                      Npl
    7 sophisticate                   EN
    7 smooth                         ADV
    7 smoke                          ING
    7 slide                          ING
    7 slam                           Vpast
    7 skate                          ING
    7 short                          Npl
    7 shave                          ING
    7 shave                          EN
    7 secret                         Npl
    7 search                         ING
    7 scrub                          ING
    7 scream                         Npl
    7 scene                          Npl
    7 sausage                        Npl
    7 sad                            ADV
    7 rumour                         Npl
    7 ruin                           EN
    7 rug                            Npl
    7 rub                            ING
    7 Rowe                           Ngen
    7 round                          EN
    7 rock                           Vpast
    7 ring                           ING
    7 right                          Npl
    7 report                         Npl
    7 reply                          EN
    7 release                        EN
    7 reject                         EN
    7 regard                         ING
    7 refer                          ING
    7 reduce                         EN
    7 reach                          ING
    7 rattle                         ING
    7 race                           Vpast
    7 quiver                         ING
    7 queen                          Ngen
    7 push                           EN
    7 pub                            Npl
    7 prove                          EN
    7 proud                          ADV
    7 protest                        Vpast
    7 protect                        EN
    7 produce                        ING
    7 price                          Npl
    7 porter                         Ngen
    7 policeman                      Ngen
    7 pole                           Npl
    7 plaster                        EN
    7 plane                          Npl
    7 pillow                         Npl
    7 perch                          EN
    7 pencil                         Npl
    7 pea                            Npl
    7 pattern                        Npl
    7 pat                            Vpast
    7 overall                        Npl
    7 outstretch                     EN
    7 order                          EN
    7 oil                            Npl
    7 officer                        Npl
    7 oblige                         EN
    7 notice                         ING
    7 note                           EN
    7 nose                           Npl
    7 new                            ADV
    7 need                           Npl
    7 necessary                      ADV
    7 near                           Asup
    7 monkey                         Npl
    7 momentary                      ADV
    7 mix                            EN
    7 mattress                       Npl
    7 matter                         Vpast
    7 master                         Npl
    7 marry                          ING
    7 magnify                        ING
    7 ma                             Ngen
    7 lower                          EN
    7 love                           ING
    7 loud                           Acmp
    7 link                           Vpast
    7 light                          ING
    7 lie                            Vpres
    7 lens                           Npl
    7 knuckle                        Npl
    7 joke                           ING
    7 jar                            Npl
    7 isolate                        EN
    7 invite                         ING
    7 invent                         EN
    7 invariable                     ADV
    7 introduce                      Vpast
    7 interrupt                      Vpast
    7 interrupt                      EN
    7 inform                         Vpast
    7 inform                         EN
    7 indicate                       ING
    7 incline                        EN
    7 hunt                           Ngen
    7 huddle                         EN
    7 hire                           EN
    7 head                           ING
    7 Harris                         Ngen
    7 hard                           ADV
    7 happy                          Acmp
    7 ground                         Npl
    7 greet                          ING
    7 good                           Npl
    7 glow                           ING
    7 Gillespie                      Ngen
    7 gentleman                      Npl
    7 gem                            Npl
    7 frighten                       ING
    7 Franklin                       Ngen
    7 fold                           Vpast
    7 flush                          Vpast
    7 float                          Vpast
    7 flicker                        Vpast
    7 fire                           Npl
    7 file                           Npl
    7 fight                          Vpast
    7 fierce                         ADV
    7 feather                        Npl
    7 fear                           EN
    7 fast                           ADV
    7 expression                     Npl
    7 expense                        Npl
    7 expectation                    Npl
    7 exist                          Vpast
    7 escape                         Vpast
    7 end                            EN
    7 empty                          Vpast
    7 earring                        Npl
    7 duck                           Vpast
    7 divorce                        EN
    7 divide                         EN
    7 dislike                        Vpast
    7 disappear                      EN
    7 direct                         EN
    7 dinner                         Npl
    7 difficulty                     Npl
    7 difference                     Npl
    7 desert                         EN
    7 depress                        ING
    7 definite                       ADV
    7 deal                           EN
    7 date                           Npl
    7 dare                           ING
    7 Dalgliesh                      Ngen
    7 current                        ADV
    7 crumb                          Npl
    7 creature                       Npl
    7 create                         ING
    7 cow                            Npl
    7 count                          Vpast
    7 Cornish                        Ngen
    7 consist                        Vpast
    7 consider                       ING
    7 confuse                        EN
    7 complete                       EN
    7 compare                        EN
    7 comment                        Vpast
    7 comfort                        ING
    7 cock                           EN
    7 cling                          Vpast
    7 climb                          ING
    7 citizen                        Npl
    7 change                         Npl
    7 cell                           Npl
    7 Celia                          Ngen
    7 caterpillar                    Npl
    7 cast                           ING
    7 call                           Vpres
    7 button                         Npl
    7 brain                          Npl
    7 bow                            Vpast
    7 bolt                           Npl
    7 block                          EN
    7 blink                          Vpast
    7 believe                        ING
    7 behave                         Vpast
    7 become                         Vpres
    7 bear                           ING
    7 bat                            Npl
    7 bang                           ING
    7 aunt                           Ngen
    7 attract                        Vpast
    7 art                            Npl
    7 arrest                         EN
    7 argue                          Vpast
    7 appreciate                     Vpast
    7 announce                       ING
    7 affect                         EN
    7 adult                          Npl
    7 adore                          Vpast
    7 admire                         Vpast
    7 act                            Vpast
    7 achievement                    Npl
    7 accumulate                     EN
    7 accountant                     Npl
    7 abandon                        Vpast
    6 year_after_year                ADV
    6 write                          Vpres
    6 wrapped_up                     A
    6 wrap                           EN
    6 wild                           ADV
    6 wide                           Acmp
    6 whisper                        Npl
    6 whisper                        ING
    6 waste                          EN
    6 wander                         ING
    6 visit                          EN
    6 virtual                        ADV
    6 vein                           Npl
    6 upturn                         EN
    6 unspeak                        EN
    6 unquestionable                 ADV
    6 unlock                         Vpast
    6 unhappy                        ADV
    6 uncharacteristical             ADV
    6 type                           ING
    6 Ty                             Ngen
    6 twig                           Npl
    6 tuck                           Vpast
    6 trouble                        EN
    6 treat                          EN
    6 travel                         EN
    6 trap                           EN
    6 Townsend                       Ngen
    6 tower                          Npl
    6 towel                          Npl
    6 tourist                        Npl
    6 too_soon                       ADV
    6 tongue                         Npl
    6 Timmy                          Ngen
    6 tighten                        Vpast
    6 thousand                       Npl
    6 thou                           Pobl
    6 terrify                        ING
    6 terrify                        EN
    6 tax                            Npl
    6 swear                          Vpast
    6 survivor                       Npl
    6 surprise                       Npl
    6 suppose                        ING
    6 support                        Vpast
    6 supply                         Npl
    6 sum                            Npl
    6 suit                           Vpres
    6 suit                           Vpast
    6 successful                     ADV
    6 study                          Npl
    6 strong                         Acmp
    6 strap                          EN
    6 strand                         Npl
    6 stiff                          ADV
    6 step                           ING
    6 starve                         ING
    6 start                          Vpres
    6 spring                         Vpast
    6 spoil                          EN
    6 speech                         Npl
    6 space                          Npl
    6 space                          EN
    6 soul                           Npl
    6 son                            Npl
    6 someone_else                   Pgen
    6 someone                        Pgen
    6 sofa                           Npl
    6 soak                           EN
    6 sneeze                         Vpast
    6 snatch                         Vpast
    6 smile                          Vpres
    6 slide                          EN
    6 slice                          Npl
    6 slice                          ING
    6 since_then                     ADV
    6 simple                         Acmp
    6 sign                           ING
    6 short                          Acmp
    6 shock                          ING
    6 shiver                         Vpast
    6 shirt                          Npl
    6 set                            Vpres
    6 serve                          ING
    6 separate                       ADV
    6 senator                        Ngen
    6 see                            Vpres
    6 search                         Vpast
    6 scratch                        ING
    6 scot                           Npl
    6 scab                           Npl
    6 save                           Vpast
    6 save                           ING
    6 Saturday                       Nadv
    6 rush                           ING
    6 roar                           ING
    6 rip                            EN
    6 right_up_to                    PREP
    6 ridge                          Npl
    6 ride                           Vpast
    6 rib                            Npl
    6 revolve                        ING
    6 reveal                         ING
    6 retire                         EN
    6 rest                           Vpast
    6 resource                       Npl
    6 replace                        ING
    6 remember                       ING
    6 release                        Vpast
    6 relax                          Vpast
    6 relax                          EN
    6 refuse                         ING
    6 recover                        Vpast
    6 record                         EN
    6 reckon                         Vpast
    6 realize                        EN
    6 reach                          Npl
    6 rag                            EN
    6 provide                        Vpast
    6 proof                          Npl
    6 promise                        ING
    6 produce                        EN
    6 proceed                        Vpast
    6 private                        ADV
    6 print                          EN
    6 present                        ING
    6 prescribe                      EN
    6 prefer                         EN
    6 powder                         EN
    6 post_mortem                    A
    6 possess                        EN
    6 poor                           Acmp
    6 poem                           Npl
    6 please                         Vpast
    6 play                           EN
    6 place                          ING
    6 physical                       ADV
    6 persuade                       Vpast
    6 pearl                          Npl
    6 patient                        Ngen
    6 patient                        ADV
    6 parent                         Ngen
    6 palm                           Npl
    6 pair                           Npl
    6 painter                        Npl
    6 paint                          Vpast
    6 pad                            EN
    6 pace                           ING
    6 owing_to                       PREP
    6 origin                         Npl
    6 orange                         Npl
    6 onion                          Npl
    6 one_more_time                  ADV
    6 offer                          Vpres
    6 of_late                        ADV
    6 nurse                          Npl
    6 number                         EN
    6 now_and_again                  ADV
    6 no_matter_what                 Pwh
    6 neglect                        EN
    6 museum                         Npl
    6 mug                            Npl
    6 more_so                        ADV
    6 matter                         Vpres
    6 Mathilda                       Ngen
    6 march                          ING
    6 machine                        Npl
    6 loose                          ADV
    6 long                           ING
    6 locate                         Vpast
    6 little_by_little               ADV
    6 layer                          Npl
    6 lash                           Npl
    6 just_so                        A
    6 jump                           ING
    6 irritate                       ING
    6 irritate                       EN
    6 invite                         Vpast
    6 insect                         Npl
    6 injure                         EN
    6 inhabitant                     Npl
    6 in_between                     ADV
    6 ignore                         EN
    6 hurt                           ING
    6 hundred                        Npl
    6 howl                           Vpast
    6 house                          ING
    6 hog                            Npl
    6 hiss                           Vpast
    6 heave                          Vpast
    6 heap                           Npl
    6 haunt                          EN
    6 Harold                         Ngen
    6 harden                         EN
    6 grey                           ING
    6 greeting                       Npl
    6 grave                          ADV
    6 glitter                        Vpast
    6 gleam                          Vpast
    6 glare                          Vpast
    6 glance                         Npl
    6 glance                         ING
    6 Gillian                        Ngen
    6 gesture                        Vpast
    6 generous                       ADV
    6 gallery                        Npl
    6 gain                           Vpast
    6 gain                           EN
    6 from_now_on                    ADV
    6 free                           ADV
    6 fourth_of_July                 N
    6 fork                           Npl
    6 forest                         Npl
    6 force                          Vpast
    6 for_once                       ADV
    6 footstep                       Npl
    6 fold                           Npl
    6 flow                           Vpast
    6 flatten                        EN
    6 fit                            EN
    6 fist                           Npl
    6 fine                           Acmp
    6 find                           Vpres
    6 figure                         Vpast
    6 fifty                          Npl
    6 fee                            Npl
    6 father                         Npl
    6 fascinate                      EN
    6 far_back                       ADV
    6 fair                           ADV
    6 fade                           ING
    6 eye                            Vpast
    6 express                        Vpast
    6 express                        EN
    6 explain                        EN
    6 exchange                       ING
    6 Evelyn                         Ngen
    6 escape                         ING
    6 employ                         EN
    6 elect                          EN
    6 earn                           Vpast
    6 early                          Asup
    6 drum                           Npl
    6 drop                           Npl
    6 dream                          EN
    6 drag                           ING
    6 dog                            EN
    6 distress                       EN
    6 discuss                        Vpast
    6 discard                        EN
    6 desk                           Npl
    6 deserve                        Vpast
    6 depress                        EN
    6 demand                         ING
    6 define                         EN
    6 decay                          EN
    6 deal                           ING
    6 de                             PREP
    6 daughter                       Ngen
    6 cut                            Npl
    6 crowd                          Vpast
    6 cross                          ING
    6 crop                           EN
    6 crawl                          Vpast
    6 country                        Npl
    6 cost                           Vpres
    6 corn                           EN
    6 cooky                          Npl
    6 continue                       EN
    6 consume                        EN
    6 connection                     Npl
    6 confide                        Vpast
    6 condition                      Npl
    6 complain                       EN
    6 commit                         EN
    6 commission                     Npl
    6 collection                     Npl
    6 collapse                       ING
    6 circle                         Vpast
    6 choke                          EN
    6 chew                           ING
    6 cheerful                       ADV
    6 century                        Nadv
    6 celebrate                      EN
    6 cautious                       ADV
    6 cause                          ING
    6 cashier                        Ngen
    6 carve                          EN
    6 care                           Vpast
    6 can                            Npl
    6 cable                          Npl
    6 bury                           Vpast
    6 bring                          Vpres
    6 bright                         ADV
    6 breed                          ING
    6 brace                          Npl
    6 borrow                         Vpast
    6 border                         EN
    6 boil                           EN
    6 blaze                          ING
    6 Bert                           Ngen
    6 beginning                      Npl
    6 barbiturate                    Npl
    6 bank                           ING
    6 banish                         EN
    6 balance                        EN
    6 awful                          ADV
    6 automatical                    ADV
    6 attract                        EN
    6 attend                         EN
    6 assume                         ING
    6 associate                      EN
    6 assemble                       EN
    6 aspect                         Npl
    6 as_of                          PREP
    6 as                             Cs
    6 arrange                        Vpast
    6 armchair                       Npl
    6 Aristotle                      Ngen
    6 appear                         EN
    6 anybody_else                   P
    6 ancestor                       Npl
    6 all_but_one                    Ncard
    6 all_but                        ADV
    6 advertise                      ING
    6 acknowledge                    Vpast
    6 achieve                        EN
    6 accent                         Npl
    6 a_lot_more                     ADV
    6 a_little_more                  ADV
    5 Yvette                         Ngen
    5 yank                           Vpast
    5 writer                         Npl
    5 wound                          EN
    5 worry                          Npl
    5 wonderful                      ADV
    5 witness                        EN
    5 with                           PREP
    5 wink                           Vpast
    5 whirl                          Vpast
    5 wheel                          Npl
    5 wave                           EN
    5 warn                           Vpast
    5 warm                           ADV
    5 warehouse                      Npl
    5 wail                           Vpast
    5 wag                            Vpast
    5 victim                         Npl
    5 vanish                         EN
    5 utter                          EN
    5 usher                          Vpast
    5 use                            Vpres
    5 unkind                         ADV
    5 unfortunate                    ADV
    5 undoubted                      ADV
    5 twitch                         ING
    5 twist                          ING
    5 twinkle                        Npl
    5 turtle                         Npl
    5 tube                           Npl
    5 trot                           Vpast
    5 trick                          Npl
    5 tray                           Npl
    5 trace                          Vpast
    5 toxin                          Npl
    5 tip                            EN
    5 tile                           EN
    5 ticket                         Npl
    5 thump                          Vpast
    5 tempt                          EN
    5 temple                         Npl
    5 Ted                            Ngen
    5 tatter                         EN
    5 tap                            Npl
    5 tap                            ING
    5 tank                           Npl
    5 tall                           Acmp
    5 swoop                          Vpast
    5 swift                          ADV
    5 swallow                        Vpast
    5 suspicion                      Npl
    5 survive                        Vpast
    5 surprise                       Vpast
    5 surface                        Npl
    5 Sunday                         Nadv
    5 summon                         Vpast
    5 suit                           EN
    5 suggest                        ING
    5 suburb                         Npl
    5 study                          EN
    5 strip                          EN
    5 stretch                        ING
    5 strap                          Npl
    5 strange                        ADV
    5 store                          Npl
    5 store                          EN
    5 stockroom                      Npl
    5 sting                          Npl
    5 statue                         Npl
    5 state                          Npl
    5 stamp                          EN
    5 stage                          Npl
    5 stack                          Npl
    5 squint                         Npl
    5 spot                           Vpast
    5 splash                         Vpast
    5 spend                          ING
    5 speed                          Vpast
    5 speed                          ING
    5 special                        ADV
    5 sonny                          Ngen
    5 snowflake                      Npl
    5 smooth                         Vpast
    5 smoke                          Vpast
    5 smell                          Npl
    5 slipper                        Npl
    5 skin                           Npl
    5 sip                            Vpast
    5 sign                           Vpast
    5 shuffle                        ING
    5 shudder                        Vpast
    5 shrink                         Vpast
    5 shriek                         ING
    5 show                           Vpres
    5 ship                           Npl
    5 ship                           ING
    5 sheet                          ING
    5 shadow                         EN
    5 severe                         ADV
    5 seal                           EN
    5 screen                         Npl
    5 scratch                        Vpast
    5 scrape                         Vpast
    5 scramble                       EN
    5 scaffold                       ING
    5 Saskia                         Ngen
    5 sag                            ING
    5 ruffle                         Vpast
    5 rueful                         ADV
    5 rough                          ADV
    5 Ros                            Npl
    5 rope                           Npl
    5 roof                           Npl
    5 roll                           Npl
    5 ride                           ING
    5 reveal                         EN
    5 retire                         Vpast
    5 retain                         Vpast
    5 republican                     Npl
    5 report                         EN
    5 repeat                         ING
    5 remind                         ING
    5 remind                         EN
    5 remain                         Vpres
    5 rejoice                        ING
    5 register                       EN
    5 recognise                      ING
    5 recognise                      EN
    5 rear                           EN
    5 reappear                       Vpast
    5 rate                           Npl
    5 rank                           Npl
    5 race                           Npl
    5 quarter                        Nadv
    5 quality                        Npl
    5 punish                         EN
    5 puff                           Vpast
    5 publish                        ING
    5 propose                        ING
    5 propose                        EN
    5 prop                           EN
    5 prompt                         Vpast
    5 promote                        EN
    5 profit                         Npl
    5 proceeding                     Npl
    5 procedure                      Npl
    5 present                        Npl
    5 present                        ADV
    5 prayer                         Npl
    5 pray                           Vpast
    5 power                          Npl
    5 pour                           ING
    5 pour                           EN
    5 poor                           ADV
    5 polo                           Ngen
    5 point                          EN
    5 plume                          Npl
    5 plimsoll                       Npl
    5 pleasant                       ADV
    5 plain                          Npl
    5 pin                            EN
    5 pill                           Npl
    5 picture                        Vpast
    5 photograph                     EN
    5 Pete                           Ngen
    5 person                         Npl
    5 permit                         EN
    5 permanent                      ADV
    5 peel                           Vpast
    5 paw                            Npl
    5 pave                           EN
    5 passenger                      Npl
    5 park                           Vpast
    5 pane                           Npl
    5 pamphlet                       Npl
    5 painful                        ADV
    5 pad                            Npl
    5 opinion                        Npl
    5 official                       Npl
    5 odour                          Npl
    5 occur                          EN
    5 occupant                       Npl
    5 observe                        EN
    5 object                         Vpast
    5 nod                            ING
    5 nipple                         Npl
    5 nightmare                      Npl
    5 neighbor                       Npl
    5 neck                           Npl
    5 name                           Ngen
    5 mum                            Ngen
    5 move                           Npl
    5 mourn                          ING
    5 mimic                          ING
    5 million                        Npl
    5 mild                           ADV
    5 mental                         ADV
    5 mat                            ING
    5 mass                           Npl
    5 martyr                         Ngen
    5 Martine                        Ngen
    5 loom                           Vpast
    5 lock                           Npl
    5 lock                           ING
    5 locate                         EN
    5 load                           EN
    5 lizard                         Npl
    5 list                           ING
    5 limb                           Npl
    5 lily                           Npl
    5 lay                            ING
    5 laugh                          EN
    5 lane                           Npl
    5 land                           Vpast
    5 land                           EN
    5 lady                           Ngen
    5 lack                           Vpast
    5 label                          EN
    5 lab                            Npl
    5 knit                           ING
    5 knife                          Npl
    5 kind                           ADV
    5 kick                           EN
    5 judge                          ING
    5 judge                          EN
    5 joke                           Vpast
    5 Jim                            Ngen
    5 jerk                           Vpast
    5 jacket                         Npl
    5 irritable                      ADV
    5 investigation                  Npl
    5 install                        EN
    5 infect                         EN
    5 incredulous                    ADV
    5 impulsive                      ADV
    5 hug                            Vpast
    5 hospital                       Npl
    5 horror                         Npl
    5 horn                           Npl
    5 hook                           Vpast
    5 hit                            ING
    5 highway                        Npl
    5 herd                           EN
    5 help                           Vpres
    5 heat                           ING
    5 heat                           EN
    5 heart                          Npl
    5 headlight                      Npl
    5 hate                           Vpres
    5 handle                         ING
    5 guy                            Npl
    5 gutter                         Npl
    5 grow                           Vpres
    5 grip                           Vpast
    5 green                          Npl
    5 great                          ADV
    5 grateful                       ADV
    5 grasp                          Vpast
    5 grandchild                     Npl
    5 glower                         ING
    5 glad                           ADV
    5 gadget                         Npl
    5 fuck                           ING
    5 fuck                           EN
    5 fruit                          Npl
    5 fresh                          ADV
    5 Fred                           Ngen
    5 freckle                        EN
    5 fray                           EN
    5 fragment                       Npl
    5 formal                         ADV
    5 flower                         EN
    5 flow                           ING
    5 flight                         Npl
    5 flicker                        ING
    5 flatter                        EN
    5 flash                          ING
    5 flame                          ING
    5 fish                           ING
    5 fill                           Vpres
    5 fight                          ING
    5 fight                          EN
    5 fiddle                         ING
    5 feed                           Vpast
    5 fear                           Npl
    5 favour                         Npl
    5 favour                         EN
    5 fail                           ING
    5 face                           EN
    5 eyelid                         Npl
    5 extend                         Vpast
    5 explode                        Vpast
    5 experience                     Npl
    5 estate                         Npl
    5 entitle                        EN
    5 enjoy                          Vpres
    5 enjoy                          EN
    5 engine                         Npl
    5 energy                         Npl
    5 endearment                     Npl
    5 end                            ING
    5 employee                       Npl
    5 emotion                        Npl
    5 emerge                         ING
    5 embroider                      EN
    5 ease                           Vpast
    5 ease                           ING
    5 dust                           Vpast
    5 dry                            ING
    5 drift                          ING
    5 dress                          Npl
    5 draw                           Vpres
    5 drain                          Npl
    5 doze                           Vpast
    5 double                         EN
    5 disturb                        ING
    5 distract                       EN
    5 display                        ING
    5 display                        EN
    5 disillusion                    EN
    5 dignify                        EN
    5 Diana                          Ngen
    5 destine                        EN
    5 descend                        Vpast
    5 define                         Vpast
    5 dealer                         Npl
    5 dash                           Vpast
    5 damn                           EN
    5 damage                         Npl
    5 cuff                           Npl
    5 cry                            Npl
    5 cry                            EN
    5 crush                          EN
    5 crouch                         Vpast
    5 crouch                         EN
    5 create                         Vpast
    5 create                         EN
    5 crash                          ING
    5 cramp                          EN
    5 cracker                        Npl
    5 crack                          Vpast
    5 couple                         Npl
    5 count                          ING
    5 count                          EN
    5 correct                        Vpast
    5 cornflake                      Npl
    5 cool                           Acmp
    5 content                        EN
    5 contemporary                   Npl
    5 confident                      ADV
    5 confess                        Vpast
    5 conference                     Npl
    5 computer                       Npl
    5 complaint                      Npl
    5 community                      Npl
    5 communist                      Npl
    5 comment                        Npl
    5 comfort                        EN
    5 combine                        EN
    5 color                          Npl
    5 college                        Npl
    5 collect                        Vpast
    5 cock                           Vpast
    5 clutch                         Vpast
    5 close                          Acmp
    5 cling                          ING
    5 client                         Npl
    5 clench                         EN
    5 clear                          EN
    5 clean                          EN
    5 clamp                          EN
    5 city                           Ngen
    5 christian                      Npl
    5 choice                         Npl
    5 chin                           Npl
    5 check                          Npl
    5 cheat                          ING
    5 charm                          EN
    5 charge                         Vpast
    5 charge                         Npl
    5 character                      Npl
    5 chant                          ING
    5 ceske                          N
    5 ceremony                       Npl
    5 catholic                       Npl
    5 catch                          ING
    5 cashier                        Npl
    5 care                           ING
    5 canape                         Npl
    5 campaign                       Npl
    5 calm                           Vpast
    5 cage                           Npl
    5 cafe                           N
    5 buzz                           Vpast
    5 buttock                        Npl
    5 bustle                         Vpast
    5 bus                            Npl
    5 builder                        Npl
    5 bruise                         ING
    5 Britain                        Ngen
    5 brew                           ING
    5 breath                         Npl
    5 bound                          Vpast
    5 bounce                         Vpast
    5 boast                          Vpast
    5 bloodstain                     EN
    5 block                          Vpast
    5 blind                          ADV
    5 blackout                       Npl
    5 bitter                         ADV
    5 bite                           ING
    5 benefit                        Npl
    5 bemuse                         EN
    5 belonging                      Npl
    5 bellow                         Vpast
    5 belief                         Npl
    5 beg                            ING
    5 beckon                         Vpast
    5 because                        Cs
    5 beauty                         Npl
    5 beat                           EN
    5 beak                           Npl
    5 basical                        ADV
    5 bank                           Npl
    5 ban                            ING
    5 back                           Vpast
    5 auntie                         Ngen
    5 attend                         ING
    5 attempt                        ING
    5 astonish                       ING
    5 astonish                       EN
    5 article                        Npl
    5 argue                          ING
    5 approve                        EN
    5 appoint                        EN
    5 appearance                     Npl
    5 anxious                        ADV
    5 ant                            Npl
    5 and                            Cc
    5 agree                          ING
    5 affect                         Vpast
    5 affect                         ING
    5 advise                         EN
    5 admit                          ING
    5 admire                         EN
    5 address                        Npl
    5 address                        EN
    5 act                            Npl
    5 acquire                        EN
    5 accompany                      EN
    5 accept                         ING
    5 abandon                        ING
Published July 6, 2010 10:39 AM - Last modified Dec. 8, 2022 10:38 AM