Two- and multi-word lemmas in the English original texts, fiction

Two- and multi-word lemmas in the English original texts, fiction

   98 a_bit                          ADV
   60 a_bit_of                       DET
  216 a_few                          DET
   26 a_few                          P
   10 a_go                           N
    3 a_great_many                   DET
    3 a_great_many                   P
   14 a_la                           PREP
    8 a_little                       A
  158 a_little                       ADV
   78 a_little                       DET
    2 a_little                       P
   15 a_little_bit                   Nadv
    6 a_little_more                  ADV
    3 a_little_more                  DET
    6 a_lot_more                     ADV
    9 a_lot_more                     DET
    3 a_lot_more                     P
  213 a_lot_of                       DET
    4 above_all                      ADV
   38 according_to                   PREP
   12 again_and_again                ADV
   48 ahead_of                       PREP
    9 all_at_once                    ADV
    6 all_but                        ADV
    6 all_but_one                    Ncard
    9 all_in_all                     ADV
   20 all_of_a_sudden                ADV
   12 all_over                       ADV
   62 all_over                       PREP
    8 all_right                      A
  190 all_right                      ADV
   39 all_the_same                   ADV
   63 all_the_time                   Nadv
   44 along_with                     PREP
    2 alongside_of                   PREP
    3 and_so_forth                   ADV
   15 and_so_on                      ADV
    6 anybody_else                   P
   40 anyone_else                    P
    2 anyone_else                    Pgen
   42 anything_else                  P
   10 anywhere_else                  ADV
   74 apart_from                     PREP
    2 as_between                     PREP
   30 as_for                         PREP
    2 as_from                        PREP
  476 as_if                          Cs
   22 as_in                          PREP
    6 as_of                          PREP
    3 as_opposed_to                  PREP
    2 as_per                         PREP
   78 as_though                      Cs
   16 as_to                          PREP
    8 as_to                          TO
    3 as_to_whether                  Cs
   66 as_well_as                     Cc
    9 as_well_as                     Cs
    9 as_well_as                     PREP
   12 as_yet                         ADV
    2 aside_from                     PREP
  188 at_least                       ADV
   86 at_once                        ADV
   24 back_and_forth                 ADV
  136 because_of                     PREP
   56 but_for                        PREP
    3 by_and_large                   ADV
   44 by_now                         ADV
   42 by_then                        ADV
    4 chaise_longue                  N
    3 coup_de_grace                  N
    3 day_by_day                     N
    4 down_payment                   N
    2 due_north                      ADV
   14 due_to                         PREP
   10 due_to                         TO
  156 each_other                     P
    2 en_masse                       ADV
    2 en_route                       ADV
    4 et_cetera                      ADV
   74 even_if                        Cs
   32 even_though                    Cs
   32 ever_since                     ADV
   16 every_now_and_then             ADV
    4 everybody_else                 P
   28 everyone_else                  P
   12 everything_else                P
   34 except_for                     PREP
   30 except_that                    Cs
   21 face_to_face                   ADV
    6 far_back                       ADV
    2 far_below                      ADV
    4 faux_pas                       N
    8 fed_up                         A
    2 femme_fatale                   N
   12 for_all_that                   ADV
    3 for_all_that                   PREP
    4 for_better_or_worse            ADV
   32 for_ever                       ADV
   24 for_example                    ADV
   36 for_instance                   ADV
    6 for_once                       ADV
    6 fourth_of_July                 N
    3 from_here_on                   ADV
    4 from_left_to_right             ADV
    6 from_now_on                    ADV
   12 from_then_on                   ADV
   18 from_under                     PREP
   12 half_a_dozen                   Ncard
    2 halfway_to                     PREP
    9 hand_in_hand                   ADV
   24 here_and_there                 ADV
   30 in_and_out                     ADV
    6 in_between                     ADV
   14 in_between                     PREP
    2 in_extremis                    ADV
    3 in_flagrante_delicto           ADV
   72 in_order_to                    TO
   12 in_so_far_as                   Cs
   57 in_spite_of                    PREP
   48 in_there                       ADV
    2 inasmuch_as                    Cs
    2 insofar_as                     Cs
   80 instead_of                     PREP
   26 just_about                     ADV
    6 just_so                        A
    4 lapis_lazuli                   N
    9 least_of_all                   ADV
    8 let_alone                      Cc
    6 little_by_little               ADV
   40 long_ago                       ADV
    8 long_before                    Cs
    8 long_since                     ADV
   24 lots_of                        DET
    2 mea_culpa                      N
    2 mixed_up                       A
    9 more_and_more                  A
   24 more_and_more                  ADV
    3 more_and_more                  P
   34 more_like                      PREP
    4 more_often_than_not            ADV
   33 more_or_less                   ADV
    6 more_so                        ADV
   12 much_the_same                  A
    3 near_at_hand                   ADV
   78 next_to                        PREP
    2 next_to                        TO
    2 nigh_on                        PREP
    2 no_further                     A
    2 no_further                     ADV
   88 no_longer                      ADV
   24 no_matter_how                  ADVwh
    3 no_matter_what                 DETwh
    6 no_matter_what                 Pwh
    3 no_matter_where                ADVwh
   16 no_more                        A
   28 no_more                        ADV
   26 no_more                        P
   14 no_such                        DET
    2 nobody_else                    P
    3 none_the_less                  ADV
   12 nothing_else                   P
    6 now_and_again                  ADV
   18 now_and_then                   ADV
   12 nowhere_near                   ADV
  378 of_course                      ADV
    6 of_late                        ADV
    3 on_and_off                     ADV
   12 on_and_on                      ADV
   24 once_again                     ADV
    4 once_and_for_all               ADV
   28 once_in_a_while                ADV
   16 once_more                      ADV
   12 once_or_twice                  ADV
    8 one_after_the_other            ADV
   70 one_another                    P
    8 one_at_a_time                  ADV
   18 one_by_one                     ADV
    6 one_more_time                  ADV
    3 one_or_more                    A
   84 ought_to                       Vmod
  718 out_of                         PREP
   15 out_the_window                 ADV
   26 out_there                      ADV
   24 over_and_over                  ADV
    8 over_and_over_again            ADV
   10 over_here                      ADV
   14 over_there                     ADV
    6 owing_to                       PREP
   34 per_cent                       N
   28 plenty_of                      DET
    6 post_mortem                    A
   50 rather_than                    Cc
    2 rather_than                    TO
    2 razor_sharp                    A
    4 regardless_of                  PREP
    4 right_away                     ADV
   22 right_now                      ADV
    6 right_up_to                    PREP
    3 round_and_round                ADV
    2 rushed_about                   A
    2 save_for                       PREP
    4 short_of                       PREP
   18 side_by_side                   ADV
    6 since_then                     ADV
    2 sine_die                       ADV
   24 so_as_not_to                   TO
    3 so_as_to                       TO
   86 so_far                         ADV
    9 so_to_speak                    ADV
    2 somebody_else                  P
    4 somebody_else                  Pgen
   48 someone_else                   P
    6 someone_else                   Pgen
   34 something_else                 P
    9 sooner_or_later                ADV
    2 sought_after                   A
    3 step_by_step                   A
    3 sure_as_hell                   ADV
    4 that's_because                 Cs
   26 that's_why                     ADV
   20 that_is_to_say                 ADV
    3 these_sort_of                  DET
    2 thumbs_down                    ADV
    4 time_and_time_again            ADV
    2 time_off                       N
    2 time_out                       N
    2 to_wit                         ADV
    6 too_soon                       ADV
    4 until_now                      ADV
   21 up_and_down                    ADV
   24 up_and_down                    PREP
    3 up_till_then                   ADV
   13 up_to                          ADV
  156 up_to                          PREP
   37 up_to                          TO
   12 what_with                      PREP
   18 whether_or_not                 Cs
    2 who_else                       Pint
    2 without_doubt                  A
    4 worth_while                    A
    6 wrapped_up                     A
    6 year_after_year                ADV
   46 years_old                      A
    9 years_or_so                    Npl
Published Sep. 5, 2008 1:36 AM - Last modified July 6, 2010 10:39 AM