ENPC: Norwegian original texts, non-fiction

Part of speech tags in the Norwegian original texts, non-fiction

© The Department of British and American Studies, University of Oslo

17415 A
  966 ABBR
  944 Acmp
20106 ADV
  515 Apresp
  597 Asup
10843 Cc
 7541 Cs
  307 DET
 8019 DETdem
  543 DETintens
11773 DETkvant
 1806 DETposs
  173 I
 2608 Infmerke
47570 N
24150 Npl
11591 Nprop
   14 P
  180 Pinterr
11332 Ppers
 1229 Prefl
33347 PREP
   65 Presipr
  322 Pubest
  539 U
   51 V
  314 Vimp
    6 Vimpaux
 5702 Vinf
 1327 Vinfaux
 5142 Vperfp
  681 Vperfpaux
 5416 Vpres
 7276 Vpresaux
 6795 Vpret
 6623 Vpretaux
Published Sep. 5, 2008 1:36 AM - Last modified July 6, 2010 10:39 AM