ENPC: Norwegian translations, fiction

Part of speech tags in the Norwegian translations, fiction

© The Department of British and American Studies, University of Oslo

26363 A
  320 ABBR
  930 Acmp
45833 ADV
 1121 Apresp
  633 Asup
19011 Cc
14844 Cs
  221 DET
10438 DETdem
 1031 DETintens
17993 DETkvant
 6502 DETposs
 1321 I
 6544 Infmerke
63969 N
28263 Npl
14796 Nprop
  175 P
 1221 Pinterr
47900 Ppers
 3409 Prefl
50977 PREP
  204 Presipr
  455 Pubest
  385 U
   38 V
 1311 Vimp
   63 Vimpaux
12039 Vinf
 2909 Vinfaux
 9101 Vperfp
 1439 Vperfpaux
 7305 Vpres
 8483 Vpresaux
27886 Vpret
18024 Vpretaux
Published Sep. 5, 2008 1:37 AM - Last modified July 6, 2010 10:39 AM