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Biopolitikk og funksjonshemming, sykdom og animalitet (avsluttet)

Prosjektet undersøkte hvordan noen menneskelige og ikke-menneskelige liv blir konstruert som verdifulle eller ikke i kulturelle, litterære og sosiale fremstillinger av funksjonshemming, sykdom, dyr og animalitet.

Om prosjektet

Biopolitikk og funksjonshemming, sykdom og animalitet: Kulturelle fremstillinger og sosial betydning (BIODIAL).

Prosjektets interdisiplinære kjerneformål var å forbinde funksjonshemmingsforskning, som gjerne inkluderer sykdomsforskning, med studier av dyr og animalitet.

Dette forbindelsesarbeidet fant sted innenfor en biopolitisk ramme, trass i at feltene funksjonshemmingsforskning og forskning på animalitet tradisjonelt har motsatt seg tydelige biopolitiske koblinger seg imellom.

Prosjektets teoretiske bakteppe kan bidra til å forklare kulturelt forankrede holdninger og dilemmaer knyttet til funksjonshemming, sykdom og animalitet, samt relevante debatter i norsk offentlighet.

Les mer på de engelske prosjektsidene.


1. september 2017 - 30 juni 2021.


Prosjektet var finansiert av Norges Forskningsråd.


Gjør sykdom deg mindre verdt som menneske?, intervju med Michael Lundblad.


  • Lundblad, Michael & Grue, Jan (2020). Companion Prosthetics: Avatars of Animality and Disability. I McHugh, Susan; McKay, Robert & Miller, John (Red.), The Palgrave Handbook of Animals and Literature. Palgrave Macmillan. ISSN 978-3-030-39772-2. s. 557–574.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2020). Animality/ posthumanism/ disability: An introduction. New Literary History. ISSN 0028-6087. 51(4), s. v–xxi. doi: 10.1353/NLH.2020.0040.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2020). Disanimality: Disability studies and animal advocacy. New Literary History. ISSN 0028-6087. 51(4), s. 765–795. doi: 10.1353/NLH.2020.0048.
  • Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold (2020). Monstermekanismer. Fryktinngytende blandinger og rasjonalitetens makt. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 1, s. 19–33. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3053-2020-01-03.
  • Grue, Jan & Lundblad, Michael (2019). The Biopolitics of Disability and Animality in Harriet McBryde Johnson. I Watson, Nick J. & Vehmas, Simo (Red.), Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies. 2nd Edition . Routledge. ISSN 9781138365308. doi: 10.4324/9780429430817-9.
  • Grue, Jan (2018). Samarbeidsklimaendringer. Om humanistiske og filosofiske livsbetingelser i en posthumanistisk tid. Norsk Filosofisk tidsskrift. ISSN 0029-1943. 53(1), s. 19–27. doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2901-2018-01-03.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). The Future of Reading: Animality, Illness, and the Politics of Critique. I Lothe, Jakob (Red.), The Future of Literary Studies. Novus Forlag. ISSN 978-82-7099-900-2. s. 87–97.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Grue, Jan (2019). Det var en gang et menneske. Posthumanisme som tanke og tendens. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215031798. 192 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Lundblad, Michael (2021). Hold the Door: Companion Prosthetics in Game of Thrones.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2021). Animality/ Posthumanism/ Disability.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2021). Disability in Dialogue with Animality: The BIODIAL Project.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Lilleslåtten, Mari (2020). Does Illness Make You Less Human? [Internett]. ScienceNorway.no.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Lilleslåtten, Mari (2020). Gjør sykdom deg mindre verdt som menneske? [Internett]. https://www.hf.uio.no/ilos/forskning/aktuelt/aktuelle-saker/.
  • Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold & Taylor, Sunaura (2020). Being Human, Being Animal: Species Membership in Extraordinary Times. New Literary History. ISSN 0028-6087. 51, s. 663–685.
  • Grue, Jan (2019). Hele mennesker i en fantastisk verden. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2019). The Enabling Condition, or, What Does It Mean to Learn from Temple Grandin?
  • Grue, Jan & Lundblad, Michael (2019). Embodying the narrative: Disability and animality in Game of Thrones.
  • Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold (2019). "Disability, animality and gender: the extraordinary body in Nnedi Okorafor’s The Book of Phoenix".
  • Lundblad, Michael (2019). The Jungle of the Ill: Biopolitics of Animality in Contemporary Illness Narratives.
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2019). "Narrative Maiming"? Debilitation and Capacitation in Kingsolver and Coetzee.
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2019). Next Friends: Nonhuman Subjectivity and the Problem of Self-Representation in Paul Auster’s 'Timbuktu'.
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2019). The Enabling Condition, Or, What Are "We" Learning from Temple Grandin?
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2019). Diagnosing the Diagnosis: Towards a "Green Reading" of/in Jeffrey Eugenides’ 'Middlesex'.
  • Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold (2019). Speculative Storytelling and Configurations of the Human: Disability, Animality, and Monstrosity in an Extraordinary Female Body.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2019). Iddiorhythmy and Its Discontents: Keywords for Multispecies Immersive Cultural Studies.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2019). Idiorrhythmy and Its Discontents: Keywords for Multispecies Immersive Cultural Studies.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2019). Zombie Terrorists, Necropolitics, and Animality in World War Z.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2019). The Jungle of the Ill: Biopolitics of Animality in Contemporary U.S. Illness Narratives.
  • Grue, Jan (2018). Åpen bok. [Radio]. NRK P2.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2018). Survival Reading: Illness Narratives and Animalities in the New Millennium.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Grue, Jan (2018). The Biopolitics of Disability and Animality in Harriet McBryde Johnson.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2018). The Jungle of the Ill: Animalities in Contemporary Illness Narratives.
  • Grue, Jan (2018). De-valuing Lives: Towards a Critical Thanatopolitics.
  • Grue, Jan (2018). Etter mennesket. Cary Wolfe, Mel Chen og Jan Grue om posthumanisme, biopolitikk, kunst og kropsspråk. [Tidsskrift]. Vinduet.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Grue, Jan (2018). Posthuman Entanglements: The Biopolitics of Disability, Illness, and Animality.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2018). Den litterære fauna: Menneskelige dyr og dyriske mennesker (deltager).
  • Lundblad, Michael (2018). The Biopolitics of Disability, Illness, and Animality: Cultural Representations and Societal Significance.
  • Orning, Sara Elisabeth Sellevold (2018). "Early modern monstrous births and transhumanism's silent monsters: investigating the promise and threat of bodily difference".
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2018). Podcast: How Subversive is "The Shape of Water"?
  • Bradstreet, Tom Zachary (2018). Making the Cut: Reading Disability and Animality in the 21st Century.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). Survival Reading: Terrors of Illness and Animality in the New Millennium.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). Survival Reading: Illness, Animality, and Terror in the New Millennium.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). The Future of Reading: Animality, Illness, and the Politics of Critique.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). Disability and Animality.
  • Lundblad, Michael (2017). Life in a Toxic Homeland: The Biopolitics of Animality and Disability in Bhopal and Indra Sinha's Animal's People .
  • Grue, Jan (2017). Dine, mine, våre barn. Anmeldelse av Karin Bojs' Min europeiske familie. Klassekampens Bokmagasin. s. 12–12.
  • Grue, Jan (2017). System uten senter. Om posthumanisme. Morgenbladet. ISSN 0805-3847.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Druglitrø, Tone (2017). Ebola Zombies and Terrorist Animals?: Welcome to World War Z . The BIODIAL Blog.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Grue, Jan (2017). BIODIAL: The Biopolitics of Disability, Illness, and Animality.
  • Lundblad, Michael & Grue, Jan (2016). Representations of Disability.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 8. feb. 2017 10:09 - Sist endret 27. mai 2022 13:56


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