Knut Andreas Grimstad

Bilde av Knut Andreas Grimstad
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Besøksadresse Niels Treschows hus Niels Henrik Abels vei 36 0851 OSLO
Postadresse ILOS Pb. 1003 Blindern 0315 Oslo

Forskning og faglige interesser

  • Polsk litteratur og kultur
  • Allmenn litteraturvitenskap
  • Russisk litteratur og kultur
  • Litterære minnestudier
  • Litterære oversettelsesstudier


LIT1310 Vestens litteratur fra antikken til 1700

LIT2300 Litteraturteoretisk emne: Intertekstualitet

LIT3000 Fordypningsemne med bacheloroppgave: Holocaust og krigstraumer i vestlig


POL2000 Polsk tekstkultur

TRANS4401 – Oversetterens oppgave. Teoriemne i litterær oversettelse

RUS4302 Litterært oversetterseminar for russisk

SEU2504 Film i Sentral-Europa og på Balkan: Historie, erindring og identitet



  • 2014-: Professor i polsk, Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk, Universitetet i Oslo
  • 2020-21: Professor II i russisk litteratur og kultur, Institutt for språk og kultur, Universitetet i Tromsø
  • 2005-14: Førsteamanuensis i polsk, Institutt for litteratur, områdestudier og europeiske språk, Universitetet i Oslo
  • 2002: Førsteamanuensis i allmenn litteraturvitenskap, Institutt for nordistikk og litteraturvitenskap, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet (vikariat)
  • 2001-04: postdoktor, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Prosjekt: Imagining the West. Perceptions of the Western Other in Modern and Contemporary Eastern Europe and Turkey
  • 2001:, Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet. Spesialisering: allmenn litteraturvitenskap
  • 1993-94: BA, MA School of Slavonic and East European Studies (SSEES), University College London. Spesialisering: polsk og russisk, litteratur
  • 1985-88: Magisterdiplom, Det jagiellonske universitet, Kraków. Spesialisering: polsk språk og litteratur
Emneord: Polsk, Polsk litteratur, Polsk kultur, Russisk kultur, Russisk litteratur, Sentral-Europa, Identitet og kultur, Litteraturvitenskap, Litterære oversettelsestudier, Media



Red. assistent (for Ursula Phillips), Polish literature and transformation 1989-2011, (Polonistik im Kontext 2), Berlin, 2013, 320 s.

Styling Russia: Multiculture in the Prose of Nikolai Leskov (Slavica Bergensia 7), Bergen, 2007, 256 s.

Red. (med Ursula Phillips), Gender and Sexuality in Ethical Context: Ten Essays on Polish Prose, (Slavica Bergensia 5), Bergen, 2005, 287 s.

Red. (med Ingunn Lunde), Celebrating Creativity: Essays in Honour of Jostein Børtnes, Bergen, 1997, 350 s.

Utvalgte artikler

“En «jødebolsjevik» rapporterer fra Ukraina: Babels mangfoldige minoritetsspråk,” Norsk litteraturvitenskapelig tidskrift, 1, 2023, 23-38.

“Making Sense of Trans-Atlantyk: The Reception of Witold Gombrowicz’s Exile Novel in Norway,” The Routledge World Companion to Polish Literature, red. Tomasz Bilczewski et al, London, 2021, 292-304.

“Niemożliwa autentyczność i bycie ‘pomiędzy.’ Wygnańcza powieść Gombrowicza w Norwegii,” Światowa historia literatury polskiej. Interpretacje, red. M. Popiel et al., Jagiellonian University Press: Kraków, 2020, 433-450.

“What Jews Meant to Gombrowicz, or: Philo-Semitism as a Strategy for Identity Formation,” Slavonic and East European Review, 95 (4), 2017, 625-647.

“Shmontses,” Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur, red. D. Diner, b. 5, Stuttgart, 2014, 468-472.

“Polish Holocaust after testimony, or the relevance of Piotr Paziński’s The Boarding House,” Polish literature and transformation 1989-2011, red. U. Phillips, Berlin, 2013, 189-202.

“Widziane z podwójnego oddalenia, czyli odzyskiwanie pamięci w powieści Piotra Pazińskiego Pensjonat,” Po zaborach, po wojnie, po PRL: polski dyskurs postzależnościowy dawniej i dziś, red. H. Gosk & E. Kraskowska, Krakow, 2013, 219-235.

“What Europe means for Poland. The front-page coverage of Independence Day in Gazeta Wyborcza 1989-2009”, Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic countries, 1985-2010, red. L. Šarić et al, Amsterdam, 2012, 271–296.

“Polsko-żydowskie gry kabaretowe, czyli próba akulturacji Juliana Tuwima”, Polonistyka bez granic. Wiedza o literaturze i kulturze, red. R. Nycz et al, Krakow, 2010, 515-526.

“Gombrowicz mellom fjord og fjell: Umodenhetsproblematikken sett med norske øyne,” Röster om Gombrowicz, red. A. Bodegård et al, Stockholm, 2010, 85-100.

“The Rhetoric of Absence: Representing Jewishness in Post-Totalitarian Poland,” Contesting Europe’s Rim. Cultural Identities in Public Discourse (Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development 29), red. L. Saric et al., London, 2010, 203-217.

“Transcending the East-West? The Jewish Part in Polish Cabaret in the Interwar-Period,” Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instiuts (Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook) nr 7, Ruprecht, Göttingen, 2008, 161-188.

“L'homoérotisme sublimé, ou comment maîtriser le passé polonais,” Gombrowicz – une gueule de classique?, red. Małgorzata Smorąg-Goldberg, Paris, 2007, 231-41.

“Gombrowicz’s “Gender Trouble” or, the Problem of Intimacy in Possessed,” Gender and Sexuality in Ethical Context: Ten Essays on Polish Prose (Slavica Bergensia 5), red. K. A. Grimstad & U. Phillips, Bergen, 2005, 22-253.

“Beyond Identity Politics, or the Polish Past Mastered: Transatlantic Strategies in the Writings of Witold Gombrowicz,” Slavonica 10, 2, red. G. Péteri, 2005, 53-68.


  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2021). Making Sense of Trans-Atlantyk: The Reception of Witold Gombrowicz’s Exile Novel in Norway. I Bilczewski, Tomasz; Bill, Stanley & Popiel, Magdalena (Red.), The Routledge World Companion to Polish Literature. Routledge. ISSN 9780367691622. s. 292–305.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2020). Niemożliwa autentyczność i bycie ‘pomiędzy.’ Wygnańcza powieść Gombrowicza w Norwegii. I Popiel, Magdalena; Bilczewski, Michal & Bill, Stanley (Red.), Światowa historia literatury polskiej. Interpretacje.. Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego. ISSN 978-83-233-4837-5. s. 433–450.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2017). What jews meant to Witold Gombrowicz, or: Philosemitism as a strategy for identity formation. Slavonic and East European Review. ISSN 0037-6795. 95(4), s. 625–647. doi: 10.5699/slaveasteurorev2.95.4.0625.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2014). Shmontses. I Diner, D. (Red.), Enzyklopädie jüdischer Geschichte und Kultur. Bind 5. Verlag J. B. Metzler. ISSN 978-3-476-02500-5. s. 468–472.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2013). Polish Holocaust after testimony, or the relevance of Piotr Paziński’s The Boarding House. I Phillips, U. (Red.), Polish literature and transformation 1989-2011. LIT Verlag. ISSN 978-3-643-90289-4. s. 189–202.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2013). “Widziane z podwójnego oddalenia, czyli odzyskiwanie pamięci w powieści Piotra Pazińskiego Pensjonat,”. I Gosk, Hanna & Kraskowska, Ewa (Red.), (P)o zaborach, (p)o wojnie, (p)o PRL. Polski dyskurs postzależnościowy dawniej i dziś. Universitas. ISSN 97883-242-2244-5. s. 219–235.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2012). What Europe means for Poland. The front-page coverage of Independence Day in Gazeta Qyborcza 1989-2009. I Saric, Ljiljana; Gammelgaard, Karen & Hauge, Kjetil Rå (Red.), Transforming National Holidays: Identity Discourse in the West and South Slavic Countries, 1985-2010. John Benjamins Publishing Company. ISSN 978-90-272-0638-1. s. 271–296. doi: 10.1075/dapsac.47.17gri.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2010). Polsko-zydowskie gry kabaretowe, czyli proba akulturacji Juliana Tuwima. I Nycz, Ryszard (Red.), Polonistyka bez granic. Wiedza o literaturze i kulturze. Jagiellonian University Press. ISSN 9788324213764. s. 515–527.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2010). Gombrowicz mellom fjord og fjell: Umodenhetsproblematikken sett med norske øyne. I Bodegård, A. (Red.), Röster om Gombrowicz. Stockholms universitets förlag. ISSN 978-91-87290-98-5.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2010). The Rhetoric of Present Absence: Representing Jewishness in Post-Totalitarian Poland. I Saric, Ljiljana; Musolff, Andreas; Manz, Stefan & Hudabiunigg, Ingrid (Red.), Contesting Europe's Eastern Rim: Cultural Identities in Public Discourse. Multilingual Matters. ISSN 9781847693242. s. 203–2018.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Polsko-żydowskie gry kabaretowe, czyli Juliana Tuwima próba akulturacji. Teksty drugie. ISSN 0867-0633. 3(116), s. 47–63.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Transcending the East-West? The Jewish Part in Polish Cabaret in the Interwar-Period. I Diner, D. (Red.), Jahrbuch des Simon-Dubnow-Instiuts (Simon Dubnow Institute Yearbook) nr 7. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. ISSN 978-3-525-36934-0. s. 161–188.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Det nærværende fraværs retorikk: Om fremstillingen av jødiskhet i det posttotalitære Polen. I Lunde, Ingunn & Witt, Susanna (Red.), Terminal Øst. Totalitære og posttotalitære diskurser. Spartacus. ISSN 978-82-304-0034-0. s. 47–62.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2007). L'homoérotisme sublimé, ou comment maîtriser le passé polonais. I Smorąg-Goldberg, Małgorzata (Red.), Gombrowicz – une gueule de classique?. Institut d'études slaves. ISSN 978-2-85939-945-0. s. 231–241.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2007). Gombrowicz et ses stratégies transatlantiques. I Tomaszewski, M (Red.), Witold Gombrowicz entre L’Europe et L’Amérique. Presses Universitaires du Septentrion. ISSN 978-2-85939-945-0. s. 115–126.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2006). L'homoérotisme sublimé, ou comment maitriser le passé polonais: Gombrowicz et ses stratégies transatlantiques, Entre L’Europe et L’Amérique. I Tomaszewski, M (Red.), Witold Gombrowicz et son débat avec la destinée. Lille. ISSN 00-0000-000-0. s. 231–241.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2006). Rewolucyjny eksperyment Izaaka Babla, czyli dlaczego dwuznaczność jest tak istotna w opowiadanich z tomu 'Armia Konna'. I Bolecki, W. (Red.), Dzieła – języki – tradycje. IBL. ISSN 00-0000-000-0.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2006). “Performing Bolshevism” or, The Diverse Minority Idiom of Isaak Babel. I Lunde, I. & Roesen, T (Red.), Landslide of the Norm: Language Culture in Post-Soviet Russia. Universitetet i Bergen. ISSN 8290249314. s. 235–262.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2006). ‘A coincidence no less unthinkable than any other’: On Gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wisława Szymborska. I Neuger, Leonard & Wennerholm, Rikard (Red.), Wisława Szymborska. A Stockholm Conference. May 23-2, 2003. Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. ISSN 91-7402-356-X. s. 93–106.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2005). Beyond Identity Politics, or the Polish Past Mastered: Transatlantic Strategies in the Writings of Witold Gombrowicz. Slavonica. ISSN 1361-7427. s. 53–68.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2005). Gombrowicz’s "Gender Trouble" or, the Problem of Intimacy in "Possessed". Slavica Bergensia. ISSN 1501-8954. 5, s. 222–253.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas & Phillips, Ursula (2005). Introduction: Entering into Ethics. Slavica Bergensia. ISSN 1501-8954. 5, s. 7–17.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2004). Strategie transatlantyckie w powojennej tworczosci Gombrowicza. I Bolecki, W. & Nycz, R. (Red.), Narracja i tozsamosc (II). Antropologiczne problemy literatury. Instytut Badań Literackich PAN. ISSN 0084-4411. s. 401–410.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). Homosexual desire in revolutionary Russia: The regulation of sexual and gender dissent. Slavonic and East European Review. ISSN 0037-6795. 81, s. 758–760.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "Slavic Émigré Writers and the �Nationalist� Function of Homosexuality". Motskrift : tidsskrift for språk og litteratur. ISSN 0800-0727. 2, s. 17–25.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). "A Baroque Harbinger of the Polish Novel: Delving into Jan Pasek's Memoirs,". I [Mangler etternavn], [Mangler fornavn] (Red.), Motskrift. [Mangler utgivernavn]. s. 57–67.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). "The Globalization of Biography: On Multilocation in the Transatlantic Writings of Witold Gombrowicz, 1939-1969,". Trondheim Studies on Eastern European Cultures and Societies. ISSN 1501-6684. s. 2–23.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). "Co zdarzylo sie na brygu Banbury? Gombrowicz, erotyka i prowokacja kultury,". Teksty drugie (Gombrowicz w tekstach drugich). s. 57–69.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2007). Styling Russia: Multiculture in the Prose of Nikolai Leskov. Russisk institutt, Universitetet i Bergen. ISBN 978-82-90249-32-3. 256 s.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas & Phillips, Ursula (2005). Gender and Sexuality in Ethical Context: Ten Essays on Polish Prose. Dept. of Russian Studies, IKRR, University of Bergen. ISBN 82-90249-30-6. 286 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2012). Gombrowicz, Polish Modernism, and the Subversion of Form. Comparative Cultural Studies. Slavonic and East European Review. ISSN 0037-6795. 90(2), s. 334–336.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2011). Revisiting the Other Side: Mnemonic Strategies in Piotr Paziński’s “The Boarding House”.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2011). “‘Geniusz żydowskości.’ Kosmopolityzm i uczestnictwo Żydów w polskim przedwojennym kabarecie.”.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2011). "Commemmorating ‘March 1968’ or, how Poland’s serious newspapers grapple with the legacy of antisemitism". Key speaker at the inauguration of the Center for Governance and Culture in Europe (GCE-HSG), University of St Gallen, 18 May 2011.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2011). “Meeting with Mira”. Interview with Polish-Jewish contemporary artist Mira Aleksiun, Trondheim festival of Jewish culture, 3-4 September 2011.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2011). Josef Grabowski - in memoriam. Foredrag i Det jødiske museet Trondheim,3-4 september 2011.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2010). Commemorating March 1968 or, how Polish Newspapers Grapple with the Legacy of Antisemitism.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2010). “What Jews Mean for Poland, or the Leagacy of Anti-Semitism in ‘the New Polish Press’”.
  • Lothe, Jakob; Grimstad, Knut Andreas & Scherr, Rebecca (2010). Når livsløgner står for fall [samtale om Abi Morgans "Blendverk"].
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Baksnakk.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Baksnakk.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Polscy intelektualiści żydowskiego pochodzenia w kulturze popularnej okresu międzywojennego. Midrasz. ISSN 1428-121X. 4(144), s. 31–39.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Innslag om det jødiske bidrag til polsk populærkultur i mellomkrigstiden. [Radio]. Musikkredaksjonen P2, NRK.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Innslag om klassisk musikk og dens betydning for den polske nasjonalfølelsen. [Radio]. Musikkredaksjonen P2, NRK.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Innslag om Nikolaj Gogol i “Bok i P2”. [Radio]. NRK, P2.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2009). Polish-Jewish intellectuals in interwar popular entertainment: The case of Julian Tuwim.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Baksnakk.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Polish-Jewish intellectuals in interwar popular entertainment.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Polsko-żydowskie gry kabaretowe, czyli próba akulturacji Juliana Tuwima.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Meaningful boundary encounters: Representing Jewishness in post-totalitarian Poland.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Transcending the East-West Divide? Cosmopolitanism in Polish Interwar Cabaret and the Jewish Participation.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Saving Graces or, ambiguous eroticism: transatlantic strategies in Witold Gombrowicz.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Polish-Jewish intellectuals in interwar mainstream entertainment,1918-1939: an unfinished adventure?
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2008). Polish-Jewish cabaret games or, Julian Tuwim’s experiment at acculturation.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2007). Prinsesse Iwona. Det Norske Teatret.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2007). “Fraværets retorikk - fremstillingen av ‘jødiskhet’ i det posttotalitære Polen”.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2006). Transcending Westernness? Cosmopolitanism in Polish Interwar Cabaret and the Jewish participation.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). Dan Healey, Homosexual Desire and Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent. The Slavonic and East European Review. 81, s. 758–760.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). Irmhild Christina Sperrle, The Organic Worldview of Nikolai Leskov (Studies in Russian Literature and Theory ), Evanston IL, Northwestern University Pres. The Russian Review. 62.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). ‘A coincidence no less unthinkable than any other’: On Gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wisława Szymborska.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "Gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wislawa Szymborska.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "Homosexuality in Two Postwar Slavic Émigré Writers .".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "Queering the Transatlantic Exile: Nabokov, Gombrowicz and the �Nationalist � Function of Homosexuality.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "�A coincidence no less unthinkable than any other�: On Gendered Sensibility in the Poetry of Wislawa Szymborska.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "Transtalantic Strategies in the Writings of Witold Gombrowicz.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2003). "What Happened on the Banbury? On Gombrowicz, Eroticism and the Provocation of Culture".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). Roar Lishaugen, Den seksuelle forbannelsens dikter. Homoseksuell tematikk i Jiri Karasek ze Lvovics 1890-tallslyrikk,Meddelelser, 1999, 82, Oslo. The Slavonic and East European Review, 80.. s. 325–328.
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). "'Ikke noe femi-greier!' -- om kjønn og etnisitet i Gogols roman Taras Bulba.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2002). "The Transatlantic Writings of Witold Gombrowicz.".
  • Grimstad, Knut Andreas (2001). Styling Russia. Structuring Mechanisms in the Prose Fiction of Nikolai Leskov. Det historisk-filosofiske fakultet, NTNU. ISSN 82-471-5043-3.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

Publisert 1. sep. 2024 16:16 - Sist endret 1. sep. 2024 16:16


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