ySKILLS Final Conference

Are children skilled enough for the digital world? The ySKILLS project is coming to a close and we are hosting our final dissemination conference in Leuven, Belgium on 30 November.

Two kids with laptop and tablet

Image by Freepik

Final Conference in Leuven

During this event, we will present our research findings regarding the current state of digital literacy among children and young people in Europe. Additionally, we will bridge the gap between our empirical data and European-level policies and legislation. We have arranged a programme featuring a combination of brief presentations and panel discussions where practitioners, policymakers, and researchers will engage in dialogue.

If you are able to attend in person, there will also be ample networking opportunities!

The ySKILLS Final Conference will take place at the Irish College in Leuven. It will also be possible to stream the conference live on Zoom, registration is free but required. 

Register here

We hope to see you there!


09:30-10:00 Registration and networking

10:00-10:15 Welcome address by Leen d'Haenens - coordinator ySKILLS

10:15:10:30 Presenting the ySKILLS model, David Smahel

10:30:10:55 Digital skills, ySKILLS research findings, trends over three years, Natalia Waechter and Hana Machakova

10:55-11:40 Digital skills and vulnerable groups, 

  • Digital skills and vulnerabilities, Giovanna Mascheroni
  • Young people's online engagement and mental health: What is the role of digital skills? Mariya Stoilova
  • Young refugees: Digital skills for precarious lives, Myria Georgiu

11:40-12:05 SHORT BREAK

12:05-13:00 A fresh approach to measuring digital skills

  • Introducing the yDSI, Ellen Helsper
  • Panel discussion addressing approaches to measuring digital skills, Chair: Hans Martens - European Schoolnet

13:00-14:00 LUNCH BREAK

14:00-15:00 Listening to children's voices and involving educational practitioners

  • Doing research with children, Bieke Zaman
  • The ySKILLS educational toolkit, Cristina Ponte
  • Panel discussion with educational practitioners, Chair: VerĂ³nica Donoso

15:00-15:15 Keynote address by Kim van Sparrentak - European Parliament


15:45-16:15 Children's rights in the digital world, Sonia Livingstone

  • Discussant: Fabiola Bas Palomares - Eurochild

16:15-16:30 Bridging research and policy, Niamh Ni Bhroin

16:30-17:00 Panel discussion - From recommendations to actions, Chair: Leen d'Haenens




ySKILLS: Youth Skills

ySKILLS (external page)


Published Nov. 9, 2023 11:21 AM - Last modified Nov. 14, 2023 10:21 AM