International Symposium on Media Innovations

The International Symposium on Media Innovations (ISMI) is a small and intense conference that serves as a barometer for the state of media innovations every year. Media professionals and academics from around the world gather to discuss innovation in the media industries

Previous symposia

2018: Oslo

The seventh International Symposium on Media Innovations (ISMI18) took place in Oslo, Norway on Friday 31st August and Saturday 1st September, 2018.

The theme for ISMI18 was ‘Media Innovations and Good Lives’. During the two-day event we theorised media innovation and how this may relate, influence, and contribute to, living good lives in contemporary societies. At the same time, we retained a focus on the presentation and discussion of empirical cases of media innovation in different organisations and contexts.

Along with a small group of international academic researchers and industry representatives, we discussed how innovations are developed in, influence, and transform contemporary media.  We also discussed innovation and change in media technologies and services, organisational structures and management, and policies.  We focused on questions relating to media production, journalism, media consumption and use.

2017: Tallinn

2016: Oslo

The fifth International Symposium on Media Innovations united scholars and industry representatives to discuss innovation in the media industry. As the media sector is in flux, many challenges and opportunities was addressed in this symposium.

The symposium was held at Tøyen Startup Village in Oslo at october 13.-14 2016, Norway, returning to the city where the first symposium was held in 2012.

The focus of the Media Innovations symposium was on evolutions and trends in the different media sectors. We aimed to explore how changing technologies, and changing modes of usage and engagement with media bring about innovation and transformation of the media industry.

The symposium was in two parts: An industry session and an academic session, both covering innovations in all media sectors.

2015: Brussels

The fourth International Symposium on Media Innovations took place in Brussels, on June 2 2015.

The Fourth International Symposium on Media Innovations united scholars and industry representatives to discuss innovation in the media industry. As the media sector is in flux, many challenges and opportunities was addressed in this symposium. 

The event was organised by iMinds-SMIT, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, in cooperation with the Department of Media and Innovation, University of Oslo.

The focus of the Media Innovations symposium is on evolutions and trends in the different media sectors. We aimed to explore how changing technologies, and changing modes of usage and engagement with media bring about innovation and transformation of the media industry. We worked with a combination of industrial and academic panels to discuss the current trends and challenges in (a selection of) the following sectors: print, publishing, television, film, radio, advertising, gaming, social media and the music sector.

2014: Oslo 

At ISMI'14 editors, producers, executives, and academics from around the world gathered in Oslo to discuss innovation in the media industry. 

The symposium took place at the University of Oslo, Oslo Innovation Center, on 24– 25 April, 2014. 

The symposium was organised by Center for Research on Media Innovation (CERMI).  Symposium team: Charles Ess, Director of CERMI, Associate Professor Arnt Maasø and Associate Professor Arne H Krumsvik.

2013: Brussels

2012: Oslo

Scholars, editors, producers, and executives from around the world gathered in Oslo 19-20 April 2012 to discuss innovation in the media industry. 

The 2012 symposium was organized by Media Innovations, a research area at the Department of Media and Communications, University of Oslo. Symposium team: Tanja Storsul, Arnt Maasø and Arne H Krumsvik.