Norwegian version of this page

For students

Media aesthetic modules and resources for students.



Modules you can shape yourself

  • MEVIT4892 - Selvvalgt emne (in Norwegian, English on request)
    The media aesthetics workshop is a research environment you can connect to to develop your own topic. Students work on an equal footing with other researchers. If you have a topic of your choice that is relevant to media aesthetics, you can follow the seminar, contribute to the discussions and present your own work along the way and get valuable feedback.
  • MEVIT4896 - Vitenskapelig assistansearbeid (in Norwegian, English on request)
    If you have found a research project at IMK that looks exciting, contact them and ask if they need a scientific assistant. You get academic challenges, independent research experience and exam points.

Resources for students

"Akademisk skriving" (pdf, in Norwegian) 
Everything you need to know to write an academic text.

"Ti bud for hjemmeeksamen" (pdf, in Norwegian)
Advice and tips when writing semester assignments and exam answers at bachelor's and master's level.

"Filmatiske grunnelementer" (pdf, in Norwegian)
Good and basic overview for students working with film.

Published June 16, 2022 12:45 PM - Last modified June 23, 2022 8:26 AM
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