Public defence: Made for me? Exploring reflexivity and uses of music streaming recommendations from a critical realist perspective

Master Sebastian Cole at the Department of Media and Communication will defend his dissertation Made for me? Exploring reflexivity and uses of music streaming recommendations from a critical realist perspective for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD).

Digital technologies such as algorithms have become increasingly ubiquitous and are becoming central to how we receive content online. In music streaming platforms, the interplay between music and algorithms raises questions, including how people use these systems and how they affect how we listen to music.

In his doctoral dissertation, Sebastian Cole examines how people think about and engage with algorithmic recommendations in streaming platforms, focusing specifically on the case of music recommendations in Spotify. Building on a critical realist framework, as well as research in critical algorithm studies and media studies, he proposes that reflexivity is central to explain how Spotify users understand and use the recommendations provided by the platform based on their previous experiences and conceptions.

By drawing on qualitative interviews with Spotify users and quantitative streaming data provided by the participants as data donations, Cole argues that users develop diverse reflexivity modes that influence music listening practices and how music recommendations are used. In this way, users of music streaming services are active and reflexive, and select music based on their interests, goals, and contexts, in addition to the algorithmic recommendations.

Sebastian Cole successfully defended his dissertation on 6 May 2024.

Trial lecture

Designated topic: "Data donations and other methodological innovations: Procedures, possibilities, and pitfalls for empirical research on music streaming platforms”

6 May 2024, 10.15 am. Helga Engs hus, Auditorium 3

Evaluation committee

  • Professor David Hesmondhalgh, University of Leeds (first opponent)
  • Professor Brita Ytre-Arne, University of Bergen (second opponent) 
  • Associate Professor Arnt Maasø, University of Oslo (committee administrator)

Chair of the defence


Published Apr. 12, 2024 8:56 AM - Last modified May 7, 2024 8:49 AM