Norwegian version of this page

Changes in the film and cinema industry (completed)

Is the cinema industry which we are used to in Norway, about to disappear?

About the project

2013 was a memorable year for the Norwegian film and cinema institution.

One hundred years after the legislation on public viewing was adopted and laid the formal basis for the special Norwegian film and cinema model, we see several ongoing changes in the industry.

Does it mean that everything that made Norway a "different place" as far as film and cinema context is concerned, the so-called municipal film and cinema system, will disappear?


The project studied how changes in the ownership structure can affect film and cinema culture in Norway.

The research questions was as follows:

  • What are the reasons for ownership changes in the Norwegian film and cinema industry? 
  • What consequences will this have for the Norwegian public cinema and its offer for the audience?


The project was funded by the Council for Applied Media Research, the Norwegian Media Authority (External page in Norwegian).



Published Oct. 12, 2020 11:22 AM - Last modified Aug. 8, 2022 1:48 PM


Professor Ove Solum


  • Ove Solum University of Oslo
  • Even Fossum Egeberg
  • Anders Teigen Emblem
Detailed list of participants