Social or Academic Project Funding

Students, professors and student associations can apply for funding from the study programme for social and academic purposes. Master’s students can also apply to get extraordinary costs relating to their masters thesis covered.

Questions about social or academic project funding can be sent to:

Social Academic Funding (Bachelor’s Level)

You can apply for social academic funding if you, for example, want to arrange a lunch, guest lecture, quiz or other events with academic and social content. The funding is meant for bachelor's students, but the events can also be open for master’s students.

Criteria for use of social and academic funding:

  1. Social and academic funding shall be used for social academic activities on the study programme
  2. Events that are open to all students on a programme will be prioritized ahead of events that are only open to students on a particular course
  3. Social and academic funding cannot be used to buy beer/wine/spirits during orientation week, graduation ceremony or other student events.
  4. Students arranging events at the IMK premises where coffee serving is required, are encouraged to brew coffee using the coffee brewer (and one of the thermoses) on the 2nd floor. 

You can find the application form in the menu to the right.

Academic Project Funding (Master’s Level)

Academic project funding is meant for master's students, for events with clear academic content.

Criteria for use of academic project funding:

  • Academic funding should be used for academic events for master's students, such as excursions, seminars or conferences.
  • Can also be used for student trips or excursions where both master’s and bachelor’s students participate, but only if the event has clear academic content.
  • Graduation ceremony and orientation meeting for master’s students.
  • Academic funding cannot be used to buy beer/wine/spirits, neither at orientation week, the graduation ceremony or other student events.

You can find the application form in the menu to the right.

Extraordinary Costs in Relation to the Master’s Thesis

Master's students at IMK can apply for support for extraordinary costs in relation to their master’s thesis. You send the application to the study advisor.

Rules for allocation of funding in relation to the master’s thesis:

  • You must apply in advance
  • Master’s students can apply for up to 1500 NOK to cover extraordinary costs in relation to their master’s thesis
  • The costs MUST be related to the work on the master’s thesis
  • You can only receive funding once while you are studying
  • Your supervisor has to support the application

What are extraordinary costs in relation to the master’s thesis?

  • Participation at conferences to present the thesis or collect data
  • Fieldwork
  • Buy data/licenses/newspapers/materials that you need for the thesis
  • Other materials directly linked to your master’s thesis

What are NOT extraordinary costs in relation to the master’s thesis?

  • Curriculum
  • Technical equipment such as a PC or similar

Extraordinary costs are not advertised, and the budget is limitet: first come first served!

How to apply for funding?

You apply for social or academic project funding by filling out and submitting the application form. The application has to contain a description of the event/project and a budget where you account for expected costs and revenues.

Please note that we can’t pay you directly – you will have to save your receipts and submit them to us. Companies with their own organization number can send an invoice to IMK. Please contact the study advisor for more information.

You hand in the application at the expedition at IMK or by email to 

How do I apply to get extraordinary costs in relation to the master’s thesis covered?

  • Use the application form for academic project funding. Remember to get it signed by your supervisor!
  • Your supervisor can also approve the application by sending it for you by email to the study advisor
  • Hand in your application to the study advisor
  • Deadline for applying spring semester 1. June
  • Deadline for applying autumn semester 1. December
Published July 25, 2016 1:59 PM - Last modified Jan. 5, 2021 2:32 PM