Meet your new Senior Lecturer on Screen Cultures Program

- I want students to breathe life into the theoretical perspectives with their own interests and research ideas, says Steffen Krüger, new Senior Lecturer on the Master Program Screen Cultures.

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"I like to research media use from an everyday perspective," says Steffen Krüger, who will also be teaching “Screen Politics” course on the Department’s brand new Master Program "Screen Cultures".

Steffen underlines that exploring the political dimensions of our use of screens is one of the most important research topics for him personally.  "I have specialized in psychosocial and psychoanalytic approaches to media and communication, and consider psychological and social phenomena as interconnected," he explains.

- In our new master program "Screen Cultures" we - together with the students - will develop research out of teaching, he says. - My teaching philosophy - both generally and in this specific context - is to present larger theoretical perspectives and then invite the students to breathe life into these perspectives with their own interests and research ideas. I don't want the students just to learn from me; I also want to learn from the students, he emphasizes.

Krüger holds a Master's degree in literature and cultural studies with English and postcolonial literature from Freie Universität Berlin, and a PhD degree in media and communication from the same University.

Before joining the Screen Cultures program, Steffen has been leading the NFR-funded research project "Online Interaction Forms" as a PhD fellow at the IMK.

Published Jan. 31, 2019 9:57 AM - Last modified Oct. 25, 2019 4:05 PM