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Grade guidelines for exams at master's level at IMK

These grading guidelines are intended for all types of exams at master's level at IMK with the exception of the master's thesis. The master's thesis has its own grading guide. 

A (Excellent)

Very clear and well-reasoned presentation, precise and clear language, consistent and correctly implemented reference use. Convincing with regard to factual knowledge and very good knowledge of the relevant research literature, also beyond the course curriculum.

If the exam includes a research question, this / these must be clearly formulated.  The research question(s) should be addressed in the assignment, supported by analysis, argumentation and documentation. The paper makes explicit and very well articulated use of theory.

Theoretical perspectives are relevant, and presented and discussed in an independent manner. Empirical analysis (if included) is at a high level, in line with academic standards. Very interesting perspectives. Demonstrates excellent understanding of key concepts and consistent use of these in the presentation. Clear, independent and interesting reasoning. Fulfills the formal requirements of the exam.

Partly outstanding and original work that proves a very good understanding and handling of theoretical and, if applicable, analytical, themes. High level of knowledge. The candidate demonstrates excellent judgement and a high degree of independent thinking.


B (Very good)

Satisfies most, but not all, of the criteria in category A. This grade assumes a coherent and well formulated argumentation and very good knowledge of the course curriculum. Relevant use of theory, very sound judgment and high degree of independence.

Clear language, sound structure and an informed relationship between form and content.

If the exam should include a research question, this / these must be clearly formulated and addressed in the assignment. Strong coherence between the research question, theory and data. Theory should be clearly presented and relevant to the research question.

Solid overview of the academic field.

Fulfills the formal requirements of the exam.


C (Good)

A good answer on most important points. Explains the utilized theory reasonably well. The candidate shows good knowledge of the syllabus literature, and sound judgment and independence.

If the exam should include a research question, this / these are relevant, but may be somewhat incomplete or vaguely formulated.

Exams graded with a C may also display factors such as: 

Some vague and imprecise use of language, partly inconsistent use of concepts, some unclear structure, some inadequate presentation of facts or theoretical perspectives. Fulfills the formal requirements of the exam, with some minor exceptions.

A good performance in most respects.


D (Satisfactory)

The exam is completed in accordance with the given question, but has several major and significant shortcomings. Some of the content is relevant, but the answer also contains parts that are irrelevant, unnecessary, incorrect or deficient, with some shortcomings associated with central aspects of the academic field.

Adequate knowledge of key parts of the course syllabus, but significant weaknesses in theoretical and / or empirical parts. Does not use the course syllabus independently.

Too limited and / or short according to the time available for completing the exam.

Exams graded with a D may also display factors such as: 

Unclear and imprecise use of language, inconsistent use of concepts, unclear structure, somewhat incorrect or incomplete presentation of facts or theoretical perspectives, poorly explained and unclear presentation, incorrect or inconsistent use of references. Fulfills the formal requirements of the exam, with some exceptions.


E (Adequate)

Does not answer the exam question(s) beyond a minimum level.

Displays deficient command over the course’s central themes. Poor argumentation and does not demonstrate sufficient knowledge.

Only a minimum of the relevant parts of the course syllabus are reflected in the exam answer.

Exams graded with an E will have major and significant shortcomings, both in terms of knowledge and reasoning. The exam answer will display many of the points mentioned in the last section under level D, in addition to clearly lacking in detail and academic maturity. Fulfills the formal requirements of the exam, with some exceptions.


F - (Fail)

Does not answer the exam question. Does not document knowledge of key areas in the course syllabus. Does not document knowledge of the central themes of the course.

Appears unfamiliar with the field of knowledge, imprecise / immature language, unclear reasoning, unclear structure, lack of judgment and independence.

Fails to fulfill the formal requirements of the exam.

Published Sep. 30, 2021 2:08 PM - Last modified Apr. 11, 2023 3:08 PM