Kim Wilkins er ny postdoktor på FPIII-satsingen Screen Cultures

Wilkins er fra Australia, og har studert film og litteratur. Hun er opptatt av krysningspunktene mellom disse feltene, og skal forske på ideologiske og kulturelle følger av å presentere byen Berlin på skjerm.

Bildet kan inneholde: hår, øyenbryn, hake, panne, frisyre.

Kim Wilkins (foto: privat)

Wilkins presenterer seg selv og sin forskning på engelsk:

«My background is in Film Studies and English Literature. I’ve always been fascinated by the intersections of these disciplines and their connections to others.

To date, my primary area of research has been indie cinema. I recently published a book on indie cinema, irony, and American identity. I’ve also worked on specific filmmakers like Wes Anderson and Spike Jonze, as well as contemporary television.

I really enjoy researching and teaching film and television as they are forever changing, and I’m excited to extend my research to other areas of screen cultures.

My post-doctoral research project examines national and cultural identity through the lens of screen cultures. Looking at a variety of screen cultures - from more traditional film production to social media - my new project examines the ideological and cultural implications of presenting Berlin on screen.

Berlin is an intriguing case study. It is a city navigating its turbulent and violent histories as a distinctly 'German' past in light of its current global position within an increasingly fraught European context.

I have a baby daughter and I love hanging out with her and my husband. Sometimes this ‘hanging out’ occurs at hours when we’d prefer to be asleep, but no matter when it occurs it’s pretty great.

Although I don’t get much time to watch films or television at home right now both remain hugely important to me. That said, I also adore being outdoors. I’m from Australia originally, so being at the beach or bushwalking (hiking) has always been a big part of my life.

I feel fortunate to be now living in Norway as there is so much to see and do outdoors… I just need to learn to ski properly!»

Av Ellen Evju Jahr
Publisert 20. juni 2019 12:49 - Sist endret 20. juni 2019 12:49