Global natives besøker Media Futures

Marika Lüders besøker Media Futures i Bergen for å snakke om unges medieopplevelser på globale plattformer

Tema for innlegget er (på engelsk):

The media and platforms taken for granted by those born since the turn of the millennium are often interpreted as causing unprecedented competition for national and legacy players in the field of media entertainment. Accordingly, notions such as “lost generation” signal how legacy media perceive re-engagement with youth audiences as core to their future existence. In this talk Lüders will first address how the notion of youth as a lost generation serves a strategic function in the media entertainment sector by legitimating actions. She will next report from how we study teens’ media entertainment experiences in the research project “Global Natives? Serving young audiences on global platforms”. By enquiring the media entertainment experiences of youth as constituted by content produced by legacy media and what is often termed “social media entertainment”, we hope to advance knowledge on youth as a media generation.

Lüders besøker Media Futures 13 mai. 

Publisert 11. mai 2022 11:06 - Sist endret 11. mai 2022 11:07