Øyvind Ihlen

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Øyvind Ihlen, dr. art., er professor ved Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon (IMK), Universitetet i Oslo og professor II ved Faggruppe for Historie, kultur og medier ved Nord Universitet. Sammen med Eli Skogerbø leder han POLKOM – Senter for studier av politisk kommunikasjon, og han er også norsk redaktør for Rhetorica Scandinavica. Ihlens forskning er særlig konsentrert rundt strategisk kommunikasjon om politiske tema. Han er forfatter eller medforfatter av over 150 publikasjoner, inkludert 14 bøker, og har fått en rekke internasjonale priser for sin forskning. Fullstendig biografi og publikasjonsliste finnes på http://oyvindihlen.wordpress.com/  Siteringsstatistikk: Google scholar.

Akademisk bakgrunn

Professor ved IMK (fra 2011). Professor ved Handelshøyskolen BI (2009–2010) og Høgskolen i Hedmark (2009–2011). Post.doc. ved IMK (2006–2009) og førsteamanuensis Høgskolen i Hedmark (2004–2009).

Utdanning: Dr.art. i medievitenskap (2004). Cand.polit. i medievitenskap (1995).

Faglige interesser

Strategisk kommunikasjon, politisk kommunikasjon, journalistikk, samfunnsansvar og retorikk.


Emneord: Medier og kommunikasjon, Journalistikk, Politisk kommunikasjon, Strategisk kommunikasjon, Retorikk


Siste års produksjon


Ihlen, Ø., Fladmoe, A., & Steen-Johnsen, K. (2024). Uncertainty communication in a high-trust society: Source type, political preference, and trust. International Journal of Communication.

Raknes, K., & Ihlen, Ø. (2024). Analyzing frames in public and media venues. In A. Timmermans (Ed.), Research handbook on public affairs (pp. 163-176). Edward Elgar.

Ihlen, Ø., Kjeldsen, J. E., & Offerdal, T. S. (2024). Handling protracted crises: Communication challenges, constraints and opportunities. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, 32(3), e12589.

Skogerbø, E., Ihlen, Ø., Kjeldsen, J., & Vranic, A. (in press). Trustworthiness: Public reactions to COVID-19 crisis communication. Communications: The European Journal of Communication Research.


Ihlen, Ø., & Vranic, A. (2023). Dealing with dissent from the medical ranks: Public health authorities and COVID-19 communication. Public Understanding of Science.

Fiskvik, J., Bjarkø, A. V., & Ihlen, Ø. (2023). Trustworthiness on Twitter over time. Social Media + Society. 

Ongenaert, D., Joye, S., & Ihlen, Ø. (2023). Manufacturing humanitarian imagery: Explaining Norwegian Refugee Council’s public communication strategies toward the Syrian and Central African crisesInternational Journal of Communication.

Johansson, B., Ihlen, Ø., Lindholm, J., & Ørsten, M. (Eds.). (2023a). Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries. NORDICOM

Johansson, B., Ihlen, Ø., Lindholm, J., & Ørsten, M. (2023b). Introduction: Communicating a pandemic in the Nordic countries. In B. Johansson, Ø. Ihlen, J. Lindholm, & M. Ørsten (Eds.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries (pp. 11-30). NORDICOM.

Johansson, B., Ihlen, Ø., Lindholm, J., & Ørsten, M. (2023c). Conclusions: In search of a Nordic model of crisis communication. In B. Johansson, Ø. Ihlen, J. Lindholm, & M. Ørsten (Eds.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries (pp. 349-361). NORDICOM.

Rasmussen, J., Ihlen, Ø., & Kjeldsen, J. E. (2023). Strategic COVID-19 management in communicational practice: At the crossroads to remain open or not in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. In B. Johansson, Ø. Ihlen, J. Lindholm, & M. Ørsten (Eds.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and COVID-19 in the Nordic Countries (pp. 73-95). NORDICOM.

Edwards, L., & Ihlen, Ø. (2023). Social theory in public relations: Insights and directions. In C. Botan & E. J. Sommerfeldt (Eds.), Public Relations Theory III (pp. 213-227). Routledge.


Ihlen, Ø., Just, S. N., Kjeldsen, J. E., Mølster, R., Offerdal, T. S., Rasmussen, J., & Skogerbø, E. (2022). Transparency beyond information disclosure: strategies of the Scandinavian public health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Risk Research, 1-14. doi:10.1080/13669877.2022.2077416

Offerdal, T. S., Ihlen, Ø., Just, S. N., & Rasmussen, J. (2022). “We do not have any further info to add, unfortunately” – Strategic disengagement on public health Facebook pages. International Journal of Strategic Communication, 16(3), 499-515. https://doi.org/10.1080/1553118X.2022.2041021

Ihlen, Ø., & Raknes, K. (2022). The game of goodwill: An exploratory study of discursive strategies of interest organizations in a consensus democracy. Interest Groups & Advocacy. https://doi.org/10.1057/s41309-022-00153-4

Wollebæk, D., Fladmoe, A., Steen-Johnsen, K., & Ihlen, Ø. (2022). Right-wing ideological constraint and vaccine refusal: The case of the COVID-19 vaccine in Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies, 45(2), 253-278. https://doi.org/10.1111/1467-9477.12224

Seiffert-Brockmann, J., Hackl, L., & Ihlen, Ø. (2022). Between progress and struggle: young PR-scholars’ contribution to theory building and progress in public relations researchJournal of Communication Management. doi:10.1108/jcom-12-2021-0150

Ihlen, Ø., Johansson, B., & Blach-Ørsten, M. (2022). Experiencing COVID-19 in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: The role of the Nordic model. In R. Tench, J. Meng, & Á. Moreno (Eds.), Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis (pp. 184-198). Routledge.

Valentini, C., Ihlen, Ø., & Tench, R. (2022). A question of trust: Exploring trust concepts, experiences and early observations from Europe. In R. Tench, J. Meng, & Á. Moreno (Eds.), Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis (pp. 15-31). Routledge.

Ihlen, Ø. (2022). A sociological lens on public relations. In D. Pompper, K. R. Place, & C. K. Weaver (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Public Relations (pp. 125-135). Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003131700-12

Ihlen, Ø., Lock, I., & Raknes, K. (2022). Democracy, strategic communication and lobbying. In J. Falkheimer & M. Heide (Eds.), Research Handbook of Strategic Communication (pp. 165-176). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Catellani, A., & Ihlen, Ø. (2022). CSR communication from a rhetorical and semiotic perspective. In A. O’Connor (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication (pp. 34-45). New York: Routledge.

Kjeldsen, J. E., Mølster, R., & Ihlen, Ø. (2022). Expert uncertainty: Arguments bolstering the ethos of expertise in situations of uncertainty. In S. Oswald, M. Lewinski, S. Greco, & S. Villata (Eds.), The pandemic of argumentation (pp. 85-103). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-91017-4_5


Kjeldsen, J. E., Ihlen, Ø., Just, S. N., & Larsson, A. A. O. (2021). Expert ethos and the strength of networks: negotiations of credibility in mediated debate on COVID-19Health Promot Int. doi:10.1093/heapro/daab095

Offerdal, T. S., Just, S. N., & Ihlen, Ø. (2021). Public ethos in the pandemic rhetorical situation: Strategies for building trust in authorities' risk communication. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research, 4(2), 247-270. doi:10.30658/jicrcr.4.2.3

Ihlen, Ø., Toledano, M., & Nørholm, S. J. (2021). Using rhetorical situations to examine and improve vaccination communication. Frontiers in Communication. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.697383

Skogerbø, E., Ihlen, Ø., Kristensen, N. N., & Nord, L. W. (Eds.). (2021). Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. NORDICOM.

Ihlen, Ø., Binderkrantz, A., & Öberg, P. (2021). Lobbying in Scandinavia. In E. Skogerbø, Ø. Ihlen, N. N. Kristensen, & L. W. Nord (Eds.), Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries (pp. 305–323). NORDICOM.

Skogerbø, E., Kristensen, N. N., Nord, L. W., & Ihlen, Ø. (2021). Introduction: A Nordic model for political communication? In E. Skogerbø, Ø. Ihlen, N. N. Kristensen, & L. W. Nord (Eds.), Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries (pp. 13-27). NORDICOM.

Heath, R. L., Waymer, D., & Ihlen, Ø. (2021). Rhetorical theory of public relations. In C. Valentini (Ed.), Handbook of public relations. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton.


Ihlen, Ø., & Raknes, K. (2020). Appeals to ‘the public interest’: How public relations and lobbying create a social license to operate. Public Relations Review, 46(5), 101976. OPEN ACCESS

Valentini, C., Ihlen, Ø., Somerville, I., Raknes, K., & Davidson, S. (2020). Trade unions and lobbying: Fighting fat cats while defending the public interest? International Journal of Communication, 14, 4913–4931. OPEN ACCESS

Ihlen, Ø., Valentini, C., Davidson, S., & Shavit, A. (2020). Lobbying, the public interest, and democracy: Communication perspectives. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(2), e2091. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2091

Raknes, K., & Ihlen, Ø. (2020). Self-interest in new wrapping: “Appeal to the public interest” as a topos in lobbying. Journal of Public Affairs, 20(2), e2059. https://doi.org/10.1002/pa.2059

Ihlen, Ø. (2020). Science communication and strategic communication: The case of health authorities, trust building and vaccine hesitancy. Journal of Communication Management. https://doi.org/10.1108/JCOM-03-2020-0017

Ihlen, Ø. (2020). Le côté obscur de la communication dans la RSE [The dark side of corporate social responsibility communication]. In V. Carayol, V. Lepine, & L. Morillon (Eds.), Le Côté obscur de la communication des organisations (s. 169-184). MSHA.

Ihlen, Ø., & Washbourne, N. (2020). Public relations, politics and democracy. I R. Tench & S. Waddington (Red.), Exploring public relations (s. 51-65). FT Prentice Hall.


Somerville, I., Edwards, L., & Ihlen, Ø. (Red.). (2019). PR and society: The generative power of history in the present and future. London: Routledge.

Ihlen, Ø., & Lie, E. (2019). Debatt om lederlønn i egalitære mediesamfunn: Topos for virksomhetsretorikk  [Public debate of CEO compensation in an egalitarian society: Topoi for organizational rhetoric]. Rhetorica Scandinavica (77), 7-21.

Ihlen, Ø., Gabrielsen, J., & Falkman, L. L. (2019). Virksomhetsretorikk: Betingelser og effekter. Rhetorica Scandinavica (77), 7-21.

Ihlen, Ø., & Heath, R. L. (2019). Ethical grounds for public relations as organizational rhetoric. Public Relations Review, doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.101824

Buhmann, A., Ihlen, Ø., & Aaen-Stockdale, C. (2019). Connecting the dots: A bibliometric review of Habermasian theory in public relations research. Journal of Communication Management. doi:10.1108/JCOM-12-2018-0127

Dan, V., Ihlen, Ø., & Raknes, K. (2019). Political public relations and strategic framing. In J. Strömbäck & S. Kiousis (Eds.), Political public relations: Principles and applications (pp. 146-164). New York, NY: Routledge.

Somerville, I., Edwards, L., & Ihlen, Ø. (2019). Introduction: Public relations, society and the generative power of history. In I. Somerville, L. Edwards, & Ø. Ihlen (Eds.), PR and society: The generative power of history in the present and future (pp. 1-12). London: Routledge.

  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Fladmoe, Audun & Steen-Johnsen, Kari (2024). Uncertainty Communication in a High-Trust Society: Source Type, Political Preference, and Trust. International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. 18, s. 219–247. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ongenaert, David; Joye, Samantha & Ihlen, Øyvind (2023). Manufacturing humanitarian imagery: Explaining Norwegian Refugee Council’s public communication strategies toward the Syrian and Central African crises. International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Vranic, Anja (2023). Dealing with dissent from the medical ranks: Public health authorities and COVID-19 communication. Public Understanding of Science. ISSN 0963-6625. doi: 10.1177/09636625231204563. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Fiskvik, Jannicke; Bjarkø, Andrea Vik & Ihlen, Øyvind (2023). Trustworthiness Over Time on Twitter: Three Critical Periods for the Norwegian Health Authorities and Political Leadership During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Social Media + Society. ISSN 2056-3051. 9(April-June). doi: 10.1177/20563051231179689. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ongenaert, David; Stijn, Joye & Ihlen, Øyvind (2023). Manufacturing Humanitarian Imagery: Explaining Norwegian Refugee Council’s Public Communication Strategies Toward the Syrian and Central African Crises. International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. 17, s. 3799–3821.
  • Edwards, Lee & Ihlen, Øyvind (2023). Social theory in public relations: Insights and directions. I Botan, Carl & Sommerfeldt, Erich (Red.), Public relations theory III. Routledge. ISSN 9781003141396. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Rasmussen, Joel; Ihlen, Øyvind & Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2023). Strategic COVID-19 management in communicational practice: At the crossroads to remain open or not in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden. I Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Blach-Ørsten, Mark (Red.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom. ISSN 978-91-88855-68-8. s. 73–95. doi: 10.48335/9789188855688-4. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Ørsten, Mark (2023). Introduction: Communicating a pandemic in the Nordic countries. I Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Blach-Ørsten, Mark (Red.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom. ISSN 978-91-88855-68-8. s. 11–30. doi: 10.48335/9789188855688-1. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Ørsten, Mark (2023). Conclusions: In search of a Nordic model of crisis communication. I Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Blach-Ørsten, Mark (Red.), Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom. ISSN 978-91-88855-68-8. s. 349–361. doi: 10.48335/9789188855688-16. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2023). A sociological lens on public relations. . I Pompper, Donnalyn; Place, Katie & Weaver, C. Kay (Red.), The Routledge Companion to Public Relations. Routledge. ISSN 9780367654641. s. 125–135.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Lock, Irina & Raknes, Ketil (2022). Democracy, strategic communication and lobbying . I Falkheimer, Jesper & Heide, Mats (Red.), Research Handbook on Strategic Communication. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781800379886. s. 166–177. doi: 10.4337/9781800379893.00017.
  • Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild & Ihlen, Øyvind (2022). Expert uncertainty: Arguments bolstering the ethos of expertise in situations of uncertainty. I Oswald, Steve; Lewinski, Marcin; Greco, Sara & Villata, Serena (Red.), The pandemic of argumentation . Springer. ISSN 978-3-030-91019-8.
  • Catellani, Andrea & Ihlen, Øyvind (2022). CSR communication from a rhetorical and semiotic perspective . I O'connor, Amy (Red.), The Routledge Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility Communication. Routledge. ISSN 978-1-032-01909-3.
  • Seiffert-Brockmann, Jens; Hackl, Laura & Ihlen, Øyvind (2022). Between progress and struggle: young PR-scholars’ contribution to theory building and progress in public relations research. Journal of Communication Management. ISSN 1363-254X. doi: 10.1108/jcom-12-2021-0150. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Valentini, Chiara; Ihlen, Øyvind & Tench, Ralph (2022). A question of trust: Exploring trust concepts, experiences and early observations from Europe. I Tench, Ralph; Meng, Juan & Moreno, Angeles (Red.), Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis . Routledge. ISSN 9781003184669. s. 15–31. doi: 10.4324/9781003184669-4.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Johansson, Bengt & Ørsten, Mark (2022). Experiencing COVID-19 in Denmark, Norway and Sweden: The role of the Nordic model. I Tench, Ralph; Meng, Juan & Moreno, Angeles (Red.), Strategic Communication in a Global Crisis . Routledge. ISSN 9781003184669. s. 184–198. doi: 10.4324/9781003184669-17.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine N.; Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Mølster, Ragnhild; Offerdal, Truls Strand & Rasmussen, Joel [Vis alle 7 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2022). Transparency beyond information disclosure: strategies of the Scandinavian public health authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Risk Research. ISSN 1366-9877. 25(10), s. 1176–1189. doi: 10.1080/13669877.2022.2077416. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Offerdal, Truls Strand; Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine Nørholm & Rasmussen, Joel (2022). “We Do Not Have Any Further Info to Add, Unfortunately”–Strategic Disengagement on Public Health Facebook Pages. International Journal of Strategic Communication. ISSN 1553-118X. 16(3), s. 499–515. doi: 10.1080/1553118X.2022.2041021. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Wollebæk, Dag; Fladmoe, Audun; Steen-Johnsen, Kari & Ihlen, Øyvind (2022). Right-wing ideological constraint and vaccine refusal: The case of the COVID-19 vaccine in Norway. Scandinavian Political Studies. ISSN 0080-6757. 45(2), s. 253–278. doi: 10.1111/1467-9477.12224. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Raknes, Ketil (2022). The game of goodwill: an exploratory study of discursive goodwill strategies of interest organizations in a consensus democracy. Interest Groups & Advocacy. ISSN 2047-7414. 11. doi: 10.1057/s41309-022-00153-4. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Offerdal, Truls Strand; Just, Sine Nørholm & Ihlen, Øyvind (2021). Public Ethos in the Pandemic Rhetorical Situation: Strategies for Building Trust in Authorities’ Risk Communication. Journal of International Crisis and Risk Communication Research (JICRCR). ISSN 2576-0017. 4(2), s. 247–270. doi: 10.30658/jicrcr.4.2.3.
  • Skogerbø, Eli; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard; Nord, Lars & Ihlen, Øyvind (2021). A Nordic model for political communication? I Skogerbø, Eli; Ihlen, Øyvind; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Nord, Lars W. (Red.), Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Nordicom. ISSN 978-91-88855-28-2. s. 13–27. doi: 10.48335/9789188855299-1. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund; Ihlen, Øyvind; Just, Sine Nørholm & Larsson, Anders Olof (2021). Expert ethos and the strength of networks: negotiations of credibility in mediated debate on COVID-19. Health Promotion International. ISSN 0957-4824. 37(2), s. 1–11. doi: 10.1093/heapro/daab095. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Toledano, Margalit & Just, Sine Nørholm (2021). Using Rhetorical Situations to Examine and Improve Vaccination Communication. Frontiers in Communication. ISSN 2297-900X. 6. doi: 10.3389/fcomm.2021.697383. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Heath, Robert L.; Waymer, Damion & Ihlen, Øyvind (2021). Rhetorical theory of public relations. I Valentini, Chiara (Red.), Public relations. De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN 3110552299. s. 361–380.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Binderkrantz, Anne & Öberg, Perola (2021). Lobbying in Scandinavia. I Skogerbø, Eli; Ihlen, Øyvind; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Nord, Lars W. (Red.), Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Nordicom. ISSN 978-91-88855-28-2.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Raknes, Ketil (2020). Appeals to ‘the public interest’: How public relations and lobbying create a social license to operate. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 46(5). doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2020.101976. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Valentini, Chiara; Ihlen, Øyvind; Somerville, Ian; Raknes, Ketil & Davidson, Scott (2020). Trade Unions and Lobbying: Fighting Private Interests While Defending the Public Interest? International Journal of Communication. ISSN 1932-8036. 14, s. 4913–4931. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2020). Science communication, strategic communication and rhetoric: the case of health authorities, vaccine hesitancy, trust and credibility. Journal of Communication Management. ISSN 1363-254X. 24(3), s. 163 –167. doi: 10.1108/JCOM-03-2020-0017. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Dan, Viorela; Ihlen, Øyvind & Raknes, Ketil (2019). Political Public Relations and Strategic Framing: Underlying Mechanisms, Success Factors, and Impact. I Strömbäck, Jesper & Kiousis, Spiro (Red.), Political Public Relations. Concepts, Principles, and Applications.. Routledge. ISSN 9781351053143. s. 146–164. doi: 10.4324/9781351053143-7.
  • Raknes, Ketil & Ihlen, Øyvind (2019). Self-interest in New Wrapping: “Appeal to the Public Interest” as a Topos in Lobbying . Journal of Public Affairs. ISSN 1472-3891. s. 1–9. doi: 10.1002/pa.2059.
  • Somerville, Ian; Edwards, Lee & Ihlen, Øyvind (2019). Introduction: Public relations, society and the generative power of history. I Somerville, Ian; Edwards, Lee & Ihlen, Øyvind (Red.), Public relations, society and the generative power of history . Routledge. ISSN 9781138317116. s. 1–12. doi: 10.4324/9780429451287-1.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Anne, Gregory; Luoma-aho, Vilma & Buhmann, Alexander (2019). Post-truth and public relations: Special section introduction. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.101844. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind & Aaen-Stockdale, Craig (2019). Connecting the dots: A bibliometric review of Habermasian theory in public relations research. Journal of Communication Management. ISSN 1363-254X. 23(4), s. 444–467. doi: 10.1108/JCOM-12-2018-0127. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Heath, Robert L. (2019). Ethical grounds for public relations as organizational rhetoric. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 45(4). doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2019.101824. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Lie, Einar (2019). Debatt om lederlønn i egalitære mediesamfunn: Topos for virksomhetsretorikk. Rhetorica Scandinavica. ISSN 1397-0534. 77, s. 68–89.
  • Lie, Einar & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Debatt om lederlønn i egalitære mediesamfunn Topikk for virksomhetsretorikk. Rhetorica Scandinavica. ISSN 1397-0534. 77, s. 68–89.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Atiçando as chamas do social: perspectivas em relações públicas críticas [Fanning the social flames: perspectives on critical public relations]. I Mainieri, T & Marques, Ângela (Red.), Comunição e poder organizacional: Enfrentamentos discursivos, políticos e estratégicos . Gráfica UFG. ISSN 978-85-495-0226-1. s. 49–75.
  • Frame, Alex & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Beyond the cultural turn: A critical perspective on culture-discourse within public relations. I Bowman, Sarah K; Crookes, Adrian; Ihlen, Øyvind & Rometni, Stefania (Red.), Public relations and the power of creativity. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 9781787692923. doi: 10.1108/s2398-391420180000003009.
  • Heath, Robert L. & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Conclusions and take away points. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (Red.), Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication.. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-26577-1. doi: 10.1002/9781119265771.ch34.
  • O'connor, Amy & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Corporate social responsibility and rhetoric: Conceptualization, construction, and negotiation. . I Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (Red.), Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication.. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-26577-1. doi: 10.1002/9781119265771.ch28.
  • Heath, Robert L.; Cheney, George & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Identification: Connection and division in organizational rhetoric and communication. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (Red.), Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication.. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-26577-1. doi: 10.1002/9781119265771.ch8.
  • Heath, Robert L. & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Public relations and rhetoric: Conflict and concurrence. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (Red.), Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication.. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-26577-1. doi: 10.1002/9781119265771.ch4.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Heath, Robert L. (2018). Introduction: Organizational rhetoric. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (Red.), Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication.. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-26577-1. doi: 10.1002/9781119265771.ch1.
  • Olsson, Eva-Karin & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Strategic communication and framing. I Heath, Robert L. & Johansen, Winni (Red.), The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-01071-5.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Symbolic capital. I Heath, Robert L. & Johansen, Winni (Red.), The International Encyclopedia of Strategic Communication. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-119-01071-5.
  • Hurst, Bree & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Corporate social responsibility and engagement. . I Johnston, Kim A. & Taylor, Maureen (Red.), The Handbook of Communication Engagement. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 9781119167495.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Verhoeven, Piet & Fredriksson, Magnus (2018). Conclusions on the compass, context, concepts, concerns and empirical avenues for public relations. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Magnus, Fredriksson (Red.), Public Relations and Social Theory. Key Figures, Concepts and Developments. Routledge. ISSN 9781138281295. doi: 10.4324/9781315271231-22.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). On Bourdieu: Public relations, positions and resources. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Magnus, Fredriksson (Red.), Public Relations and Social Theory. Key Figures, Concepts and Developments. Routledge. ISSN 9781138281295. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2007.05.005.
  • Fredriksson, Magnus & Ihlen, Øyvind (2018). Introduction: Public relations and social theory. I Ihlen, Øyvind & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures, concepts and developments . Routledge. ISSN 9781138281301. doi: 10.4324/9781315271231-1.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil; Somerville, Ian; Valentini, Chiara; Stachel, Charlotte & Lock, Irina [Vis alle 8 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2018). Framing “the Public Interest”: Comparing Public Lobbying Campaigns in Four European States. Journal of Public Interest Communications. ISSN 2573-4342. 2(1). doi: 10.32473/jpic.v2.i1.p107. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2017). Fanning the flames of discontent: Public relations as a radical activity. I Bridgen, Elizabeth & Verčič, Dejan (Red.), Experiencing Public Relations: International Voices. Routledge. ISSN 9781138632448. s. 165–173.
  • Rasmussen, Joel & Ihlen, Øyvind (2017). Risk, crisis, and social media: A systematic review of seven years? research. Nordicom Review. ISSN 1403-1108. 38(2), s. 1–17. doi: 10.1515/nor-2017-0393. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Levenshus, Abbey (2017). Panacea, placebo or prudence: Perspectives and constraints for corporate dialogue. Public relations inquiry. ISSN 2046-147X. 6(3), s. 219–232. doi: 10.1177/2046147X17708815. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Levenshus, Abbey (2017). Digital dialogue: Crisis communication in social media. I Jin, Yan (Red.), Social Media and Crisis Communication. Routledge. ISSN 1138812005. s. 389–400. doi: 10.4324/9781315749068-28.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2016). Source credibility. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781483376516. s. 781–783.
  • Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). The rhetorical citizenship of corporations in the digital age. Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility. ISSN 2043-0523. 7, s. 17–37. doi: 10.1108/S2043-052320150000007003.
  • Larsson, Anders & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). Birds of a feather flock together? Party leaders on Twitter during the 2013 Norwegian elections. European Journal of Communication. ISSN 0267-3231. 30(6), s. 666–681. doi: 10.1177/0267323115595525.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (2015). På jakt etter norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 22(3).
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). Politikk og PR: Strategisk kommunikasjon om byrder og knappe goder. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (Red.), Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215024585. s. 64–75.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Gullberg, Anne Therese (2015). Lobbyisme: påvirkning av politikere og byråkrater. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (Red.), Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215024585. s. 232–243.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (2015). Introduksjon. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (Red.), Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215024585.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). Critical rhetoric and public relations. I L'Etang, Jacquie; McKie, David; Snow, Nancy & Xifra, Jordi (Red.), Routledge handbook of critical public relations. Routledge. ISSN 9780415727334. s. 90–100.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). “It Is Five Minutes to Midnight and All Is Quiet”: Corporate Rhetoric and Sustainability. Management Communication Quarterly. ISSN 0893-3189. 29(1), s. 145–152. doi: 10.1177/0893318914563145.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Larsen, Anna M. Grøndahl (2015). Behind the framing scenes: Challenges and opportunities for NGOs and authorities framing irregular immigration. American Behavioral Scientist. ISSN 0002-7642. 59(7), s. 822–838. doi: 10.1177/0002764215573254.
  • Hoff-Clausen, Elisabeth & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). The rhetorical citizenship of corporations in the digital age. I Adi, A; Crowther, David & Grigore, G. (Red.), Corporate social responsibility in the digital age. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 9781784415822. s. 25–45. doi: 10.1108/s2043-052320150000007003.
  • Ditlev-Simonsen, Caroline Dale; Høivik, Heidi von Weltzien & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). The historical development of corporate social responsibility in Norway. I Idowu, Samuel O.; Schmidpeter, P. & Fifka, M. (Red.), Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe. Springer. ISSN 978-3-319-13565-6. s. 177–196. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-13566-3_10.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Roper, Juliet (2014). Corporate reports on sustainability and sustainable development: ’We have arrived’. Sustainable Development. ISSN 0968-0802. 22(1), s. 42–51. doi: 10.1002/sd.524.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2014). Social theories for strategic communication. I Holtzhausen, Derina R. & Zerfass, Ansgar (Red.), The Routledge handbook of strategic communication. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-53001-9.
  • Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Ihlen, Øyvind (2014). Mediatization in public bureaucracies: A typology. Communications. ISSN 0341-2059. 39(1), s. 3–22. doi: 10.1515/commun-2014-0002.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti (2014). Mediatization in new areas: The changed role of public bureaucracies. I Pallas, Josef; Jonsson, Stefan & Strannegård, Lars (Red.), Organizations and the media: Organizing in a mediatized world. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-81365-5. s. 162–175. doi: 10.1515/commun-2014-0002.
  • Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti; Figenschou, Tine Ustad & Ihlen, Øyvind (2014). Mediatization of public bureaucracies. I Lundby, Knut (Red.), Mediatization of communication. De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN 978-3-11-027193-5. s. 405–422. doi: 10.1515/9783110272215.405.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Pallas, Josef (2014). Meditizaiton of corporations. I Lundby, Knut (Red.), Mediatization of communication. De Gruyter Mouton. ISSN 978-3-11-027193-5. s. 423–441.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; May, Steve & Bartlett, Jennifer (2014). Four aces: Bringing communication perspectives to corporate social responsibility. I Tench, Ralph; Sun, William & Jones, Brian (Red.), Communicating corporate social responsibility: Perspectives and practice. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 978-1-78350-795-5. doi: 10.1108/S2043-9059(2014)0000006023.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti (2014). Tears and Framing Contests: Public Organizations Countering Critical and Emotional Stories. International Journal of Strategic Communication. ISSN 1553-118X. 8(1), s. 45–60. doi: 10.1080/1553118X.2013.850695.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti (2014). Making news and influencing decisions: Three threshold cases concerning forced return of immigrants. European Journal of Communication. ISSN 0267-3231. 29(2), s. 139–152. doi: 10.1177/0267323114523149.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). Kämpfe im Feld der Wirtschaft verstehen. Bourdieu und die Analyse strategischer Kommunikation. I Wiedemann, Thomas & Meyen, Michael (Red.), Pierre Bourdieu und die Kommunikationswissenschaft: Internationale Perspektiven. Herbert von Halem Verlag. ISSN 978-3-86962-086-2. s. 214–233.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). Relating rhetoric and reputation. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), Handbook of Communication and Corporate Reputation. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-0-470-67098-9. s. 249–261. doi: 10.1002/9781118335529.ch22.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Høivik, Heidi von Weltzien (2013). Ye Olde CSR: The Historic Roots of Corporate Social Responsibility in Norway. Journal of Business Ethics. ISSN 0167-4544. doi: 10.1007/s10551-013-1671-9.
  • Bartlett, Jennifer; May, Steve & Ihlen, Øyvind (2012). Organisations behaving badly: The role of communication in understanding CSI and CSR. I Tench, Ralph; Sun, William & Jones, Brian (Red.), Corporate social irresponsibility: A challenging concept. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISSN 978-1-78052-998-1. s. 157–174. doi: 10.1108/s2043-9059(2012)0000004016.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2012). A public relations identity for the 2010s. Public relations inquiry. ISSN 2046-147X. s. 159–176. doi: 10.1177/2046147x11435083.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Haugen, Anne Oline (2011). Epler og pærer: om analogien mellom kommunikasjonsrådgivere og advokater. I Madsbu, Jens Petter & Pedersen, Mona (Red.), I verdens rikeste land. Samfunnsvitenskapelige innganger til norsk samtid. Oplandske Bokforlag. ISSN 978-82-7518-187-7. s. 45–59.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (2011). Conclusions and Take Away Points. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (Red.), The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-4443-3634-4. s. 550–571. doi: 10.1002/9781118083246.ch28.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2011). Rhetoric and corporate social responsibility. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (Red.), The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-4443-3634-4. s. 147–166. doi: 10.1002/9781118083246.ch8.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (2011). Corporate Social Responsibility and Communication. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (Red.), The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 978-1-4443-3634-4. s. 3–22. doi: 10.1002/9781118083246.ch1.
  • Dan, Viorela & Ihlen, Øyvind (2011). Framing expertise and media framing: A cross-cultural analysis of success in framing contests. Journal of Communication Management. ISSN 1363-254X. 15(4), s. 368–388. doi: 10.1108/13632541111183352.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Brønn, Peggy S. (2011). Corporate Reputation and the News Media in Norway. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), Corporate Reputation and the News Media: Agenda-setting within Business News Coverage in Developed, Emerging, and Frontier Markets. Routledge. ISSN 9780415871525. s. 153–167.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2011). On barnyard scrambles: Towards a rhetoric of public relations. Management Communication Quarterly. ISSN 0893-3189. 25(3), s. 423–441. doi: 10.1177/0893318911409533.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2010). Corporate identity. I Jackson, R (Red.), Encyclopedia of identity. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781412979306. s. 140–144.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2010). The cursed sisters: Public relations and rhetoric. I Heath, Robert L. (Red.), The Sage Handbook of Public Relations. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781412977807. s. 59–70.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2010). Love in Tough Times: Crisis Communication and Public Relations. Review of Communication. ISSN 1535-8593. 10(2), s. 98–111.
  • Gelders, Dave; Ihlen, Øyvind & Gelders, David (2010). Minding the gap: Applying a service marketing model into government policy communications. Government Information Quarterly: an international journal of information technology management, policies, and practices. ISSN 0740-624X. 27(1), s. 34–40. doi: 10.1016/j.giq.2009.05.005.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Allern, Sigurd; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti & Waldahl, Ragnar (2010). The world on television: Market-driven, public service news. Nordicom Review. ISSN 1403-1108. 31(2), s. 31–45.
  • Gelders, Dave & Ihlen, Øyvind (2010). Government communication about potential policies: Public relations, propaganda or both? Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 36(1), s. 59–62.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Business and Climate Change: The Climate Response of the World's 30 Largest Corporations. Environmental Communication. ISSN 1752-4032. 3(2), s. 244–262. doi: 10.1080/17524030902916632.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & van Ruler, Betteke (2009). Introduction : applying social theory to public relations. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7. s. 1–21.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2009). Conclutions on the domain, context, consepts, issues, and empirical avenues of public relations. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7. s. 323–340.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). On Bourdieu: public relations in field struggles. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7. s. 62–82.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). On Pierre Bourdieu: Public relations in field struggles. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2009). Conclusions on the domain, context, concepts, issues and empirical avenues of public relations. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Good environmental citizens? The green rhetoric of corporate social responsibility. I Heath, Robert L.; Toth, Elizabeth & Waymer, Damion (Red.), Rhetorical and Critical Approaches to Public Relations II. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-8058-6424-3.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Klima i endring: Føringer og muligheter for oljeselskapene. I Nordhaug, Odd & Kristiansen, Hans-Ivar (Red.), Retorikk, etikk og næringsliv. Forlag1. ISSN 978-82-92735-40-4. s. 223–243.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). The oxymoron of ‘sustainable oil production’: The case of the Norwegian oil industry. Business Strategy and the Environment (BSE). ISSN 0964-4733. 18(1), s. 53–63. doi: 10.1002/bse.563.
  • Nitz, Mike; Ihlen, Øyvind; Egge, Jessyna & Sobolik, Stacy (2009). Transatlantic Perspectives on the U.S. 2004 Election: The Case of Norway. Nordicom Review. ISSN 1403-1108. 30(1), s. 101–117.
  • Wæraas, Arild & Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). “Green” legitimation: The construction of an environmental ethos. International Journal of Organizational Analysis. ISSN 1934-8835. 17(2), s. 84–102.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Allern, Sigurd (2008). This is the issue: Framing contests, public relations and media coverage. I Strömbäck, Jesper; Ørsten, Mark & Aalberg, Toril (Red.), Communicating politics: Political communication in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom. ISSN 9789189471634. s. 233–248.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Rakkenes, Kjell (2008). Public relations in Norway: Communication in a small welfare state. I Sriramesh, Krishnamurhty & Vercic, Dejan (Red.), The global public relations handbook: Theory, research, and practice (Expanded and revised edition). Routledge. ISSN 0-203-88937-1. s. 466–487.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Nitz, Mike (2008). Framing contests in environmental disputes: Paying attention to media and cultural master frames. International Journal of Strategic Communication. ISSN 1553-118X. 2(1), s. 1–18.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Mapping the environment of corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders, publics, and the public sphere. Corporate Communications. An International Journal. ISSN 1356-3289. 13(2), s. 135–146.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Building on Bourdieu: A sociological grasp of public relations. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 33(3), s. 269–274. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2007.05.005.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Berntzen, Øystein (2007). When lobbying backfires: Balancing lobby efforts with insights from stakeholder theory. Journal of Communication Management. ISSN 1363-254X. 11(3), s. 235–246.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Van Ruler, Betteke (2007). How public relations works: Theoretical roots and public relations perspectives. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 33(3), s. 243–248. doi: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2007.05.001.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Klimaendringene og oljeindustriens retoriske utfordring. Rhetorica Scandinavica. ISSN 1397-0534.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2006). Substitution or pollution? Competing views of environmental benefit in a gas-fired power plant dispute. The Environmental Communication Yearbook. ISSN 1556-7400. s. 137–155.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Organisasjoners retorikk - det forsømte forskningsfelt. Rhetorica Scandinavica. ISSN 1397-0534. s. 35–52.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). The power of social capital: Adapting Bourdieu to the study of public relations. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 31(4), s. 492–496.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Norwegian hydroelectric power: Testing a heuristic for analyzing symbolic strategies and resources. Public Relations Review. ISSN 0363-8111. 30(2), s. 217–223.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Defending the Mercedes A-Class: combining and changing crisis-response strategies. Journal of Public Relations Research. ISSN 1062-726X. 14(3), s. 185–206.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Rethoric and resources: notes for a new approach to public relations and issues managenent. Journal of Public Affairs. ISSN 1472-3891. 2(4), s. 259–269.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Miljømakt og journalistikk: Retorikk og regi, Til dagsorden! Journalistikk, makt og demokrati. Red. av Martin Eide. Gyldendal Akademisk. s. 304–328.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Defending the Mercedes A-Class: Combining and changing crisis-response strategies. Journal of Public Relations Research. ISSN 1062-726X. 14(3), s. 185–206.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Rhetoric and resources: Notes for a new approach to public relations and issues management. Journal of Public Affairs. ISSN 1472-3891. 2(4), s. 259–269.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2001). Medier, miljø og påvirkning. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 42(1), s. 65–88.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2001). Miljømakt og journalistikk: Retorikk og regi. I Eide, Martin (Red.), Til dagsorden! Journalistikk, makt og demokrati. Gyldendal Akademisk.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2001). Medier, miljø og påvirkning. Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. ISSN 0040-716X. 42(1), s. 65–88.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Andersen, Elin W. (1999). "Rammer", "posisjoner" og Romeriksporten : "Mediepakker" som praktisk-analytisk verktøy. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Andersen, Elin W. (1999). 'Rammer', 'posisjoner' og Romeriksporten: 'Mediepakker' som praktisk-analytisk verktøy. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 6(1), s. 19–39.
  • Høyer, Svennik; Ihlen, Øyvind; Mühleisen, Wenche; Iversen, Gunnar & Sivertsen, Erling (1998). Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring : et historisk tilbakeblikk. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 5(2), s. 94–115.
  • Høyer, Svennik & Ihlen, Øyvind (1998). Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring: Et historisk tilbakeblikk. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 5(2), s. 94–115.
  • Høyer, Svennik & Ihlen, Øyvind (1995). Forfattere i pressen : noen data om forbindelsen mellom forfattere og pressen i det nittende århundret. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 2(nr 1), s. 29–42.
  • Høyer, Svennik & Ihlen, Øyvind (1995). Forfattere i pressen. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 2(1), s. 29–42.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Johansson, Bengt; Ihlen, Øyvind; Lindholm, Jenny & Blach-Ørsten, Mark (2023). Communicating a Pandemic: Crisis Management and Covid-19 in the Nordic Countries. Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-88855-68-8. 362 s.
  • Skogerbø, Eli; Ihlen, Øyvind; Kristensen, Nete Nørgaard & Nord, Lars W. (2021). Power, communication, and politics in the Nordic countries. Nordicom. ISBN 978-91-88855-28-2. 396 s.
  • Somerville, Ian; Edwards, Lee & Ihlen, Øyvind (2019). Public relations, society and the generative power of history . Routledge. ISBN 9781138317116. 208 s.
  • Bowman, Sarah K; Crookes, Adrian; Ihlen, Øyvind & Rometni, Stefania (2018). Public relations and the power of creativity. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISBN 9781787692923. 232 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Fredriksson, Magnus (2018). Public relations and social theory: Key figures, concepts and developments . Routledge. ISBN 9781138281301. 454 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Robert L., Heath (2018). Handbook of organizational rhetoric and communication. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-119-26577-1. 510 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Magnus, Fredriksson (2018). Public Relations and Social Theory. Key Figures, Concepts and Developments. Routledge. ISBN 9781138281295. 454 s.
  • van Ruler, Betteke; Smit, Iekje; Ihlen, Øyvind & Romenti, Stefania (2017). How strategic communication shapes value and innovation in society. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. ISBN 9781787147171. 300 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (2015). Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215024585. 368 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). PR og strategisk kommunikasjon: Teorier og fagidentitet. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215022284. 192 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Bartlett, Jennifer & May, Steve (2011). The Handbook of communication and corporate social responsibility. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 978-1-4443-3634-4. 585 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2011). Samfunnsansvar på norsk: Tradisjon og kommunikasjon. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 978-82-450-1036-7. 197 s.
  • Brønn, Peggy S. & Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Åpen eller innadvendt : omdømmebygging for organisasjoner. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205352940. 287 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (2009). Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-99786-7. 384 s.
  • Brønn, Peggy & Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Åpen eller innadvendt: Omdømmebygging for organisasjoner. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISBN 9788205352940. 240 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Petroleumsparadiset: Norsk oljeindustris strategiske kommunikasjon og omdømmebygging. Unipub forlag. ISBN 978-82-7477-323-3. 210 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Robstad, Per (2004). Informasjon og samfunnskontakt - perspektiver og praksis. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 8245002216. 242 s.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Robstad, Per (2004). Informasjon & samfunnskontakt: Perspektiver og praksis. Fagbokforlaget. ISBN 82-450-0221-6. 242 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Robinson, Jessica Yarin & Ihlen, Øyvind (2021). "Public health authorities in a global context: A multi-lingual network approach to corona discourse on Twitter." Presented at the ECREA Political Communication Section Interim Conference, Bucharest [Virtual], March 26-27, 2021.
  • Robinson, Jessica Yarin & Ihlen, Øyvind (2021). "The Presence of National Public Health Institutes in Twitter Discussions of COVID-19." Presented at the 71st Annual ICA Conference [Virtual], May 27-31, 2021.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Washbourne, Neil (2020). Public relations and democracy. I Tench, Ralph & Waddington, Stephen (Red.), Exploring Public Relations and Management Communication. Pearson Education Academic Publisher. ISSN 1292321741.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Valentini, Chiara; Davidson, Scott & Shavit, Anna (2020). Lobbying, the public interest, and democracy: Communication perspectives. Journal of Public Affairs. ISSN 1472-3891. 20(2). doi: 10.1002/pa.2091.
  • Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Ihlen, Øyvind & Buhmann, Alexander (2020). Kunstig intelligens og PR. Communication for Leaders.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil & Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). The Democratic Success of Twitter as a Lobbying tool.
  • Brønn, Peggy Simcic; Buhmann, Alexander & Ihlen, Øyvind (2019). Kunstig intelligens og PR. Dagens næringsliv. ISSN 0803-9372.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil & Larsson, Anders Olof (2019). Twitter, Lobbying and Democracy.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Gabrielsen, Jonas & Falkman, Lena Lid (2019). Temaintroduksjon: Virksomhetsretorikk. Rhetorica Scandinavica. ISSN 1397-0534. s. 7–21.
  • Buhmann, Alexander; Ihlen, Øyvind & Aaen-Stockdale, Craig (2018). Big theory in a small field: how Habermas’ works have impacted public relations research.
  • Buhmann, Alexander & Ihlen, Øyvind (2017). The fate of Habermas’ theory in public relations. A quantitative review of three decades of public relations research.
  • Raknes, Ketil & Ihlen, Øyvind (2017). “Everyone will be better off”: Rhetorical strategies in public lobbying campaigns".
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Raknes, Ketil & Kjeldsen, Jens Elmelund (2016). Self-interest in new wrapping: “Appeal to community” as a topos in lobbying. .
  • Raknes, Ketil & Ihlen, Øyvind (2016). Framing “the common good”: Professional lobbying in the media spotlight .
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2016). Organization-society relationship. I Scott, C. Ronald & Lewis, Laurie (Red.), The International Encyclopedia of Organizational Communication. Wiley-Blackwell. ISSN 9781118955567.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Verhoeven, Piet (2016). Social theory. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781483376516. s. 778–780.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2016). Framing theory. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781483376516. s. 330–332.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2016). Rhetorical theory. I Carroll, Craig E. (Red.), The SAGE Encyclopedia of Corporate Reputation. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781483376516. s. 716–718.
  • Rasmussen, Joel & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). "Risk, Crisis and Social Media: A Meta-Study of Six Years' Research".
  • Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (2015). Konklusjon. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Skogerbø, Eli & Allern, Sigurd (Red.), Makt, medier og politikk: Norsk politisk kommunikasjon. Universitetsforlaget. ISSN 9788215024585. s. 298–304.
  • Larsson, Anders Olof & Ihlen, Øyvind (2014). Birds of a Feather Flock Together? Party Leaders on Twitter during the 2013 Norwegian Elections.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). External organizational rhetoric. I Heath, Robert L. (Red.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Second edition. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781452240794. s. 331–332.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). Corporate social responsibility. I Heath, Robert L. (Red.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Second edition. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781452240794. s. 206–211.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). Social capital. I Heath, Robert L. (Red.), Encyclopedia of Public Relations, Second edition. Sage Publications. ISSN 9781452240794.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2013). Communicating with stakeholders. I Idowu, Samuel O. (Red.), Encyclopedia of corporate social responsibility. Springer. ISSN 978-3-642-28035-1. s. 393–398.
  • Figenschou, Tine Ustad; Thorbjørnsrud, Kjersti & Ihlen, Øyvind (2012). Mediatized bureaucracy: Uncovering mediatization in public organizations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2011). Anmeldelse av Merkelsen, H. (red.): Håndbog i strategisk public relations, Frederiksberg C: Samfundsliteratur; Nielsen, M.F.: Strategisk kommunikation, København: Akademisk forlag; Sepstrup, P. og Fruensgaard, P.: Kommunikations- og kampagneplanlegning. København: Academica. Nordicom Information. ISSN 0349-5949. 33(4), s. 93–96.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Dan, V (2010). Integrative textual and visual framing analysis.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2010). Sustainability” as shield or standard: Corporate environmental rhetoric in action.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). CSR rhetoric [Pre-conference session].
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Business in the news: Implications for public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Gelders, David (2009). Public propaganda about potential policies?
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Roper, Juliet (2009). The fuzzy corporate conception of sustainability and sustainable development: Discourse practices of the World's largest corporations.
  • Van Ruler, Betteke & Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Introduction: Applying social theory to public relations. I Ihlen, Øyvind; Van Ruler, Betteke & Fredriksson, Magnus (Red.), Public relations and social theory: Key figures and concepts. Routledge. ISSN 978-0-415-99786-7.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2009). Mapping the environment of corporate social responsibility: Stakeholders, publics, and the public sphere.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Rhetorical theory of public relations. I Donsbach, Wolfgang (Red.), The Blackwell International Encyclopedia of Communication. Blackwell Publishing. ISSN 978-1-4051-3199-5. s. 4395–4397.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Rhetoric to the rescue: Serving the public interest with critical-rhetorical approaches to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Caring companies? The CSR understandings of the World’s 30 largest corporations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Forming an international environmental communication organization: An unconventional move?
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Paradoxes in public relations: Survival strategies.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2008). Talking green: The rhetoric of “good corporate environmental citizens”.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Review of Berger, B. K., & Reber, B. H. (2006). Gaining influence in public relations: The role of resistance in practice. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Journal of Communication Inquiry. ISSN 0196-8599. 32(2), s. 94–96.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Anmeldelse av Johansen, W., & Frandsen, F. (2007). Krisekommunikation. Frederiksberg, Denmark: Samfundslitteratur. Norsk Medietidsskrift. ISSN 0804-8452. 14(4), s. 378–380.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Berntzen, Øystein (2007). When lobbying backfires: Balancing lobby efforts with insights from stakeholder theory.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2007). Media coverage of corporate social responsibility in Norway.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Brønn, Peggy (2007). Corporate reputation and the news media in Norway.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Capriotti, Paul (2007). Media coverage of CSR in North and South Europe: The examples of Spain and Norway.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2006). Building on Bourdieu: A sociological grasp of public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2006). Bærekraftighet: Oljebransjens retoriske utfordring.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2006). Rhetorical expression and ethical grounding of corporate citizenship and social responsibility: The case of Norway.
  • Nitz, Mike; Ihlen, Øyvind; Egge, Julie & Sobolik, S (2006). Transatlantic perspectives on the U.S. 2004 Election: The case of Norway.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Nitz, Mike (2006). Oil and gas as natural riches or environmental problems: Framing contests in public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2006). On Pierre Bourdieu and public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Fremtidas kommunikasjon med klassiske verktøy: Informasjon & samfunnskontakt som retorikk.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Kritiske perspektiver på teori om informasjon & samfunnskontakt.
  • Ingenhoff, Diana & Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Improving the map for corporate citizenship and issues management: Public sphere theory to the rescue.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Coping with paradox: Oil companies meeting the challenge of climate change.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Rhetoric and the reflective paradigm: A European approach to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind & Allern, Sigurd (2005). This is the issue: Framing contests, public relations and media coverage.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Global Roundup From A Dialogic Perspective: The Norwegian Situation.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2005). Terror and Protest: Visual Public Relations Strategies in Political Conflicts.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Naturkrafts skjebne: Hvorfor det gikk som det gikk.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Warts and all : serving the public interest with social and critical approaches to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Retorikkens kraft. Dagbladet. ISSN 0805-3766.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Rett ord til rett tid. Putsj.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Kampen om gasskraften. [Avis]. Klassekampen.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Ord er mektigere enn penger. [Internett]. forskning.noforskning.no.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Grisete [sic] omdømme i oljebransjen. [Internett]. Propaganda Innsikt.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Ordet avgjør. [Avis]. Natur & Miljø.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). - Aksjoner mest effektive. [Avis]. Natur & MIljø Bulletin.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Mapping the Environment for Corporate Social Responsibility: Stakeholders, Publics, and the Public Sphere.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Substitution or pollution? A dispute over environmental rhetoric ownership.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Warts and all: Serving the public interest with social and critical approaches to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2003). Retorikk og ressurser i informasjon og samfunnskontakt.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2003). Retorikk for informatører.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2003). Retorikk og ressurser.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2003). Pursuing energy and environmental interests with the help of public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2003). Social capital: A critical alternative to relationship management.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Hva var det vi sa? Eller: Hva skal vi si? : Retorikkens betydning for informasjon og samfunnskontakt.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). It is not just rhetoric : analyzing rhetoric and resources in environmental public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Hva var det vi sa? Eller: Hva skal vi si?
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Analytical tools for fields of struggle: Notes for a sociological and rhetorical approach to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2002). Rhetoric and resources: Notes for a new approach to public relations.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2001). Miljøretorikk : kommunikasjonsstrategier i energi- og miljøfeltet.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2000). Tabloide tall : mediene overdriver.
  • Høyer, Svennik & Ihlen, Øyvind (1999). Újságíróképzés Norvégiában (Journalisters utdanning og yrkeserfaring). Magyar Felsõoktatás. ISSN 1215-3990. s. 34–36.
  • Rasmussen, Joel & Ihlen, Øyvind (2015). Lessons from Norwegian Emergency Authorities’ Use of Social Media. Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO). ISSN 978-82-7288-640-9. 2015(14).
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Rhetoric and resources in public relations strategies : a rhetorical and sociological analysis of two conflicts over energy and the environment. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (2004). Rhetoric and Resources in Public Relations Strategies: A Rhetorical and Sociological Analysis of Two Conflicts over Energy and the Environment. Unipub forlag.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (1999). Medier og miljø : En skisse av norske avisers miljødekning 1977-1997. Universitetet i Oslo. ISSN 82-570-6110-7.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (1999). Medier og miljø: En skisse av norske avisers miljødekning 1977-97. Institutt for medier og kommunikasjon.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (1995). Nyere forskning har vist... : forskningsformidling og medielogikk. Universitetet i Oslo.
  • Ihlen, Øyvind (1995). Nyere forskning har vist... Forskningsformidling og medielogikk.

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Publisert 5. jan. 2011 12:23 - Sist endret 26. juni 2024 14:45
