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Fire safety at IMV

Emergency numbers

  • Fire - 110
  • Police - 112
  • Ambulance - 113

Alarm and Security Centre at UiO: 22 85 66 66

Contact the emergency services first, then the Alarm and Security Centre.

The following procedures apply when the fire alarm activates

  • Close the windows and doors, leave the building. Don't lock the door!
  • Before leaving the floor, check the neighboring rooms on both sides
  • Teachers must ensure that all students leave the classroom
  • If someone needs medical attention, hang a note on the door and notify the person in charge at the fire control center as soon as possible
  • Use the stairs – do not use the elevator

Inquiries regarding fire protection at your workplace?

Contact the safety representative or report to the floor contact.

Contact persons for the different floors

  • U2 - Rehearselrooms/interaction room: Nina Rundgren
  • U1 - Salen: Foreleser
  • 1th floor - Reading room, meeting rooms og seminar room: Foreleser
  • 1th floor - Studio, Mixing suite og Portal
  • 2nd floor - MIDI-Lab og administration:
  • 3rd floor - Stipendiatgangen (right): Hans T. Zeiner-Henriksen
  • 3rd floor - Lærergangen (left):
  • 4th floor - Øvingsrom:

Contact persons for the different floors must

  1. The floor manager must have completed a fire protection course for floor supervisors
  2. Issue information material on fire protection to other employees
  3. Look for and report errors and deficiencies in his/her area of ​​responsibility
  4. In the event of a fire alarm: Put on a fire vest and encourage everyone in the area of ​​responsibility to leave the building

Further information

Published May 30, 2023 3:53 PM - Last modified June 20, 2023 1:46 PM