Teaching Station

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The teaching stations in the seminar rooms let you choose how you want to share your media, through an intuitive Crestron touchpad display.

Overview of teaching station in seminar room 3


  • Creston touchpad display
  • Stationary UiO PC with Windows 10
  • Projector and screen
  • HDMI for connecting a personal laptop
    • Includes adapters for USB-C and thunderbolt etc
  • Mini-jack audio connection
  • CD player
  • 2x B&W Hifi speakers 
  • Logitech web camera and remote controller

Turn on the Crestron system simply by interacting with it. This process will take a few minutes. It is equally important to turn off the system when we leave. This procedure is clearly marked on the Crestron display by the big "Quit" button.   

Crestron display on start

We can use a personal laptop as the media source for the B&W speakers and projector. The seminar rooms also have a stationary PC. You switch between personal laptop or PC by selecting a few options on the Crestron display, and on the selected computer.

The projector canvas can be raised or lowered, using designated switches on the wall of the seminar room. In Seminar Room 3, the canvas will lower automatically when starting up the Crestron system. 

Switches for light and projector height

Personal Laptop as Media Source

To use a personal laptop as a media source, connect the laptop to the system via the available HDMI. The adaptors available may be used if you do not have a regular HDMI port on your laptop.

HDMI cable at teaching station and lap top

Now, in the Crestron display, navigate to "Projector" and select "Laptop HDMI" as the video source.

Crestron display showing media source options

Second, navigate to "Sound" and set the sound source to "HDMI". The volume should be high in level, and not muted. We must also choose the correct output source in the audio and screen settings of the laptop. Make sure the volume on your laptop is good.

Screenshot of sound preferences on a Mac computer

You may also have to adjust the settings on the panel of "Kildevelger" on the Seminar Rooms audio system to achieve sound:

Audio system in seminar rooms

To listen through HDMI, choose the following settings. Tape monitor set to "source". Input monitor set to "HDMI".

Source selector on audio system

Seminar Room PC as Media Source

To use the Seminar Room PC as a media source, navigate to "Projector" on the Crestron display and select "Fast PC" as our video source. Next, navigate to "Sound" and make sure that the sound source is set to "PC", that the volume is good, and that the sound is not muted from here. A high audio level in Crestron and from the computer will reduce the level of noise. 

Crestron sound panel

The PC audio setting should be Display Audio, and again, make sure the audio volume of the computer is decently high.

Teaching station audio setting from PC through HDMI


Mini-jack and CD player as Media Source

We can choose to listen to sound through the B&W speakers via a mini-jack and CD player connection. For mini-jack, connect your device to the available mini-jack plug on the desk. Then, turn the wheel on the audio system to "mini-jack".

Minijack for use with personal laptop

NB. In seminar room 3, the settings need to be as below to hear sound using the mini-jack. Here Tape Monitor is set to "Tape 2" and the Input Selector stays on "CD".

Audio settings for using minijack

For playing CDs, simply turn on the CD player, insert a CD and play. The player is connected directly to the speakers so there is no need to configure the Crestron display. If there is no sound, try different settings of "Tape monitor" and/or "Input selector".

Problem solving

  • Some of the later laptop ports, as USB-C, are more easily worn out. If you are unable to connect your laptop, try moving the cable around a bit.
  • If you have trouble connecting your personal laptop through HDMI, restart the Crestron system, keeping your HDMI-laptop connection during the restart.
  • If the system is still troublesome, it might be necessary to do a power reboot. You will need to pull out the power cable, wait a few seconds, and reconnect. After rebooting, note that the system needs several minutes to restart.
    Power cable in seminar room
    Power cables in seminar room
Published Sep. 7, 2022 10:08 AM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2023 1:12 PM