Mirjana Plath

Doctoral Research Fellow - IMV stab
Image of Mirjana Plath
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Room 330
Visiting address Sem Sælands vei 2 ZEB-bygningen 0371 Oslo
Postal address Postboks 1017 Blindern 0315 Oslo
Other affiliations Faculty of Humanities (Student)

Academic interests

Subject of the doctoral thesis are the transfer processes of popular musical theatre from Vienna and Berlin to Stockholm from the late 1920s to the late 1940s. The focus lies on the strategies of adapting initially German-language operettas for stagings in Stockholm and exploring the circumstances of popular musical theatre production in Stockholm.


Mirjana Plath studied art history, media studies, and musicology (Bachelor of Arts) at the University of Marburg and the University of Oslo. She graduated with a master’s degree in musicology from the University of Vienna and worked as a research fellow at the University of Alberta, Canada.

Besides her scientific research, she worked with major European music festivals such as Lucerne Festival and Grafenegg Festival, furthermore at the Vienna Volksoper, the publisher Schott Music, and Klassik Radio in Hamburg.


Tags: Musicology, Music History, Opera Studies, Popular Musical Theatre, Transfer studies, Music and Politics, Cultural politics, Music and Cultural Understanding, Music of the Twentieth Century


  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). Rosen in Tirol? Aspekte des Tirolerischen in Carl Zellers Operette Der Vogelhändler. Nestroyana – Blätter der Internationalen Nestroy-Gesellschaft. ISSN 1027-3921. 43(3/4), p. 118–137.

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  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). Popular Music Cultures of the 20th and 21st Centuries. [Radio]. Oslo.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). German operetta as a means of escape for Nazi persecutees to Stockholm in the 1930s.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). Populäres Unterhaltungstheater aus Berlin und Wien als Exportschlager in Stockholm. Operettentransfer in der Zwischenkriegszeit im Kontext von Politik und Populärkultur .
  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). “Adjeu Mimi!“: A Case Study of Popular Music Theatre Transfer from Vienna to Sweden.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). Rosen in Tirol? Aspekte des Tirolerischen in der Wiener Operette.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2023). Preface: Victor Bendix - Symphony No. 2 (Summer Sounds from Southern Russia) op. 20.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2022). Transfer of Operettas between Vienna and Stockholm in the 1920s.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2022). Images of Tyrol in Viennese Operetta.
  • Plath, Mirjana (2015). Review: Olivier Moeschler: Der Schweizer Film: Kulturpolitik im Wandel: der Staat, die Filmschaffenden, das Publikum. MEDIENwissenschaft: Rezensionen | Reviews. ISSN 1431-5262. 32, p. 13–13. doi: 10.25969/mediarep/5187.

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Published Sep. 22, 2022 1:49 PM - Last modified Oct. 12, 2023 2:49 PM