Creative Computing at UiO Survey

One of the goals of the Creative Computing Hub Oslo is to map and bring together people at the University of Oslo who are involved in creative computing at some level, regardless of which department they belong to.

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Rectangle, Font, Parallel, Slope.

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To facilitate this, we conducted a university-wide survey to find out where and how creative computing is relevant. The following question was asked all academic and technical employees of UiO:

"Is Creative Computing relevant to you?"

And possible answers were:

  • Yes, I teach Creative Computing or use Creative Computing approaches in my reaching.

  • Yes, I do or have done research related to Creative Computing.

  • Yes, but related to activities I do outside of UiO.

  • No, but I am interested in learning more about Creative Computing.

A total of 276 UiO employees participated in the survey, with 214 selecting at least one of the options listed above. The images below breakdown the answer against the four available options detailing also the faculty and/or department the respondents are affiliated with.

Number of survey response by faculty
Number of survey response by faculty
Image may contain: Font, Parallel, Rectangle, Terrestrial plant.
Number of survey response by faculty
Number of survey response by selected answer
Image may contain: Rectangle, Slope, Line, Font, Parallel.
Number of survey selected answer by department


As can be seen, by far the most active department in creative computing is the Department of Informatics, with its use in research being marginally more common than in teaching. There is also an active community of people that are involved in it outside of the university.

The second most active department was the Department of Education, with there being a much broader use in research that in teaching. 

The Departments of Geosciences, Mathematics, Pharmacy and Physics also showed significant creative computing activity. While this was mostly within research, there were also a considerable number of people who were involved in creative computing outside of UiO. Of these departments, creative computing use in teaching was limited to the Department of Geosciences.

We would like to say a big thank you to all of those that participated in our survey. C2HO will continue our work in bringing researchers, educators and practitioners together to share ideas, approaches and interests.

Tags: C2HO, Survey, Creative Computing, Creative Coding By Stefano Fasciani, Stephen Gardener
Published July 25, 2023 4:47 PM - Last modified Aug. 18, 2023 3:12 PM