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Creating a Text Globe Using Processing

Creative Computing Hub Oslo (C2HO) presents a series of workshops featuring international creative computing practitioners who will explain the coding process and aesthetic considerations behind one of their digital artworks.

Image may contain: Font, Slope, Astronomical object, Science, Space.

In the tutorial, we explore the P3D renderer and create a typographic sphere in which I apply a simple sin() wave motion to. I am using Processing to create my animation, a java based programme. To begin with, I created a 2d grid with nested loops. This 2d grid can be extremely useful and flexible while being fairly simple. It is the basis for plenty of my work. I then apply the wave onto the x and y axis. We can play around with the different values and create a wave we desire. Using the parametric equation, we then shift from a 2d grid to a 3d sphere. The library Peasy is also introduced, a built-in camera in P3D that can be freely moved using our mouse. To make things more interesting, I then used text to create our sphere. This gives off a modern aesthetic and thought it would be helpful to see how text works in Processing.

Source code:

import peasy.*;
PeasyCam cam;
int cols = 20;
int rows = 20;
String[] input = s.split("");
float inputL = input.length;
float waveSize = 60;
float t;
float speed = 0.05;
float phi, theta;
float globeRadius = 400;
float txtSize;
PFont font;
void setup() {
  font = createFont("AktivGrotesk-Regular.ttf",txtSize);
  cam = new PeasyCam(this, 1000);
  phi = 2*PI/rows;
  theta = PI/rows;
void draw() {
  for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) {
    for (int i = 0; i < inputL; i++) {
       float thisRadius = globeRadius * sin(j*theta);
       txtSize = (2*PI*thisRadius/(inputL*1.5));
      float w = cos(i*0.5+j*0.5+t)*waveSize;
      float globeWave = globeRadius+w;
      float x = globeWave*sin(j*theta)*cos(i*phi);
      float y = globeWave*sin(j*theta)*sin(i*phi);
      float z = globeWave*cos(j*theta);
  t+= speed;


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© Andreion De Castro 2024, Some Rights Reserved

Except where otherwise noted, this work is licensed under 

Tags: C2HO, Creative Computing, Creative Coding By Andreion de Castro
Published Jan. 8, 2024 8:55 PM - Last modified May 13, 2024 7:30 PM