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Previous events - Page 11

Time and place: , Zoom

In this talk, Anne Danielsen will present results from a comparative study with expert musicians from three different musical genres.

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral Research Fellow Kjell Andreas Oddekalv from RITMO will gave a talk on "Metre on metre - a theoretical framework for rap analysis"  

Time and place: , On Zoom; please request connection details by e-mail to <>

We wish to invite you to an open midway assessment for our PhD fellow in musicology, Cagri Erdem.

To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited Professor 

Marcelo M. Wanderley from McGill University in Montreal.

Time and place: , Zoom

Postdoctoral researcher Carlos Eduardo Cancino-Chacón is a guest researcher at RITMO from the Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence. He will gave a talk on "Modeling Expressive Performance with Machine Learning"

Time and place: , Zoom

Videos are visual to start with, but they can be easier to understand if they are visualized. In this talk Alexander Refsum Jensenius will present some of his tools for creating alternative visualizations of video files.

Time and place: , NB: seminar room 3, Harald Schjelderups hus

The talk has been cancelled because of the increasing health safety concerns about COVID 19 and related travel restrictions.

In this talk, Greg Niemeyer (UC Berkeley) and Roger Antonsen (UiO) discuss their interdisciplinary collaboration and their explorations of networks, specifically network transformations.

Time and place: , Zoom

Doctoral Research Fellow Dongho Kwak from RITMO will give a talk on "Music for cells?!"

Time and place: , IMV room 338, ZEB Building

We wish to invite you to an open midway assessment for our PhD fellow in musicology, Kjell Andreas Oddekalv. 

To comment on the candidate's work, we have invited  Professor Mats Johansson from the University of South-Eastern Norway.

Time and place: , Dokkhuset, Trondheim

The interactive installation "Air-Guitar Control of Interactive Rhythmic Robots" featuring three Dr Squiggles robots was shown at the International Conference on Live Interfaces.

Time and place: , RITMO's Common area

Dr. Fernando E. Rosas from Imperial College London will give a talk on "How music and the brain can illuminate each other via complexity science"

Time and place: , RITMO meeting room V217

In this mini-workshop we will explore how we can measure complexity computationally, in particular when it comes to time series and biosignals.

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen, Harald Schjelderups hus

Professor Tecumseh Fitch will give a seminar lecture on "Hierarchy in Rhythmic Cognition" as part of the RITMO Seminar Series. 

Time and place: , Norsk teknisk museum, Kjelsåsveien 143

RITMO presents an interactive installation with Dr. Squiggles robots during UiO:Life Science's annual Light Walk, this year at The Norwegian Museum of Science and Technology.

Time and place: , RITMO's Common area

Postdoctoral Fellow Finn Upham from McGill University will give a talk on "When listeners breathe with the music".

Time and place: , Harald Schjelderups Hus

Welcome to the seminar Muddy Rhythms & Broken Beats at RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion, February 4-5. The focus of the seminar is on experimental grooves, typically perceived of as breaking the “rules.”

Time and place: , Forsamlingssalen

Professor Mark Katz from University of North Carolina will give a seminar lecture on "Hip Hop Turntablism and the Limits of Rhytmic Complexity"

Time and place: , RITMO's Common area

Postdoctoral fellow at RITMO Victor Gonzalez Sanchez will give a talk on "Nonlinear analysis of music-induced movement"

Time and place: , RITMO's common area

In today’s Food & Paper talk Jo Fougner Skaansar will go through the main research questions and findings from the study "Microtiming and Mental Effort: Onset Asynchronies in Musical Rhythm Modulate Pupil Size" by Skaansar, Laeng & Danielsen. The article will be published in Music Perception in December 2019.

Time and place: , N202

Neta Maimon from the Department of Cognitive Psychology in the School of Psychology at Tel-Aviv University will give a workshop on the mobile EEG system Neurosteer.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 4, Harald Schjelderups hus

RITMO will host a workshop by Daniel S. Quintana on Heart Rate Variability (HRV), its physiology, methodology and experimental possibilities.

Time and place: , RITMO's common area

Doctoral candidate Neta Maimon from the Department of Cognitive Psychology in the School of Psychology at Tel-Aviv University will give a talk on Cross-modal Correspondences of Tonal Stability.

Time and place: , Harald Schjelderups hus, RITMO

The Borealis String Quartet, from the Norges Musikkhøgskole, will perform a concert at the RITMO MoCap lab Dec 9, at 7-8pm.

Time and place: , RITMO's common area

PhD student Scott Bannister from Durham University (UK) will have a talk on Two Types of Musical Chills: Theories of Vigilance and Social Bonding.