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Previous events - Page 15

Time and place: , Seminar room 2

Guest lecture by Dr. Thomas Hermann from Bielefeld University.

Time and place: , 103 & Mocap lab, ZEB

A guest lecture and hands-on workshop on sonification of music-related body motion with Dr. Thomas Hermann from Bielefeld University.

Time and place: , Norwegian Academy of Music

An interactive art installation at the Norwegian music technology conference Musikkteknologidagene. Resonating guitars controlled by human standstill.

Time and place: , Professorboligen

An interactive art installation at Researcher's Night 2017. Six guitars playing electronic dance music when you stand still.

Time and place: , ZEB-bygningen

A Study Day co-hosted by IASPM Norden & Nordic Sounds 

All are invited to the International Association for the Study of Popular Music (IASPM Norden) Study Day at the Department of Musicology, University of Oslo on September 14 2017.

The theme of the day is the study of popular music in the Nordic countries. Professor Stan Hawkins will introduce the event, which is co- hosted by our department’s Nordic Sounds: Critical Music Research Group.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB Building

The next Nordic Sounds meeting features visiting guests Professor Fabian Holt (Humbolt-Universität zu Berlin) & Professor Tina K. Ramnarine (Royal Holloway University of London), who discuss their chapters in The Oxford Handbook of Popular Music in the Nordic Countries (forthcoming).  

Time and place: , Sentralen

An interactive art installation at the Ultima Contemporary Music Festival 2017. Resonating guitars controlled by standstill.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

An overview of eye tracking as research method and how it is used by some UiO researchers.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Presentation of our new researchers (Jonna Vuoskoski, Olivier Lartillot, Georgios Sioros) and a quick demonstration of our new Delsys EMG system.

Time and place: , P. A. Munch, room 389

Dr. Sven Ubik from the Department of Research and Development in CESNET, a Czech NREN (National Research and Educational) will present their low latency streaming hardware, MVTP-TICO-4K and MVTP-2HD-AUDIO.

Time and place: , ZEB, 103 & Mocap lab

Workshop with Dr. Elisavet Konstantinidou from University of Nicosia, Cyprus.

Time and place: , 106, ZEB

The next Nordic Sounds meeting will be an informal workshop where research group participants can come together to discuss critical themes and issues related to ongoing research on music in the Nordic countries. 

Unfortunately this event has been cancelled. We will meet again in September.

Time and place: , 4th Floor, Informatics

Jim Tørresen will present the ROBIN group at Department of Informatics.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB Bygningen

The next Nordic Sounds meeting features a presentation from Astrid Kvalbein (Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Musicology, University of Oslo) 

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Anne Danielsen, Kristian Nymoen, Mari Romarheim Haugen and Gui Camara present the new project "Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm" (TIME).

Time and place: ,  103, ZEB

Anne Danielsen, Kristian Nymoen, Mari Romarheim Haugen and Gui Camara present the new project "Timing and Sound in Musical Microrhythm" (TIME).

Time and place: , Deichmanske bibliotek, Musikkavdelingen

As part of the international conference “Global Challenges – Nordic Experiences” happening in Oslo 20-21 March 2017, Deichman will host an event with presentations by music researchers Stéphane Aubinet and Tore Størvold from The University of Oslo and Nina Nielsen from the Norwegian Academy of Music, followed by a live performance by Torgeir Vassvik.   

Time and place: , Room 417, Northwest side, Department of Psychology, Harald Schjelderups hus

Tor Endestad will present the research of the FRONT neurolab in the Department of Psychology.

Time and place: , 106, ZEB

The Nordic Sounds research group aims to establish interfaculty and inter-departmental collaboration on issues dealing with music, sound, subjectivity, national and Nordic identity, culture, and social systems. 

This seminar features presentations from two members of the group, who will discuss their current research projects.  All welcome.

Time and place: , Bevegelseslab'en, 1. etasje, ZEB-bygningen

Results from the 2017 Norwegian Championship of Standstill, held at the University of Oslo.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Alexander Refsum Jensenius, Victor Sanchez and Agata Zelechowska will present the new MICRO project.


Time and place: , Bevegelseslab'en ved Institutt for musikkvitenskap, 1. etasje ZEB-bygningen

A workshop on electromyography (EMG), a method for measuring muscle tension, with Christian Lersch from Noraxon.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Pritty and Patrick Patel-Grosz (Linguistics) and Bruno Laeng (Psychology) will present some of their latest research.

Time and place: , 103, ZEB

Solveig Aasen (IFIKK) and Kai Olav Ellefsen/Jim Tørresen (IFI) will present some of their latest research in music, dance, movement, robotics and health applications.