Research Forum: Kristina Klungnes and Vincenzo Madaghiele

Presentation of two ongoing research projects at IMV: "Stories From After The End: Eco-critical Readings of the Soundtrack of Post-apocalyptic film and TV-series" and "Autonomous agents for augmented musical improvisation"

Image may contain: Colorfulness, Purple, Art, Visual effect lighting, Magenta.


Kristina Klungnes will present her PhD project: "Stories From After The End: Eco-critical Readings of the Soundtrack of Post-apocalyptic film and TV-series" 

In this project, Kristina investigates the soundtrack of post-apocalyptic films and TV-series thematizing the climate crisis. Through the use of nostalgic songs and both technological and acoustic underscores, the soundtrack may offer affordances of fear and hope. 

Vincenzo Madaghiele will present his PhD project: “Autonomous agents for augmented musical improvisation”

Augmented and automated improvisation has been the subject of significant research in the field of computer music. Understanding how humans can produce meaningful improvised music interacting with computers allows us to investigate the affordances of new digital means in the context of musical expression, and also to reflect on what makes a musical improvisation among humans meaningful to listeners and musicians. 

Vincenzo's project aims at developing a system for organizing musical materials in the context of free improvisation. The result of the project will be a software that is able to react to the behavior of a live musician adaptively in real-time, with a musical style that is guided by the musician. The objective is to develop a highly flexible tool for musicians, to be used in free improvisation with a wide range of sonic inputs. To do so he employs machine learning techniques with a focus on small, curated datasets and modular design. 

The design of his system will be informed by close contact with musicians, throughout the whole duration of the study. The project will take place in three phases: (1) an interview study with technology-fluent improvisation musicians, (2) iterative design and prototyping of my improvisation software and (3) collaboration with musicians in the development of new musical pieces. 

Visit from Wikimedia Norway at 1:30pm

Following the research presentations, there will be a presentation by Elisabeth Carrera, Executive Director at Wikimedia Norge. She will discuss possibilities for collaborating with and contributing to Wikipedia through teaching and research activities. Read more here


Published Jan. 29, 2024 11:04 AM - Last modified Jan. 31, 2024 7:57 PM