Creating Soundscapes with Upcycled Materials and Music Technology (Mari Lesteberg and Ane Bjerkan)

Women in Music Technology Seminar with Mari Lesteberg and Ane Bjerkan.

Image may contain: Forehead, Joint, Shoulder, Facial expression, Smile.

Mari Lesteberg and Ane Bjerkan

In this seminar, Ane and Mari will show Image may contain: Photograph, Black, Fashion, Piano, Musical to use upcycled materials and technology to create sound and music, with objects borrowed from MUV Kreativt Gjenbrukssenter. The seminar will start with a brief introduction to acoustics, then they will demonstrate how to interact with technology and physical objects to explore new timbres and sounds. The seminar will conclude with a hands-on creative jam session where the audience will be encouraged to participate, creating together a sonic landscape.

Mari Lesteberg is a vocalist, keyboard player and composer based in Oslo. She finished her Master's degree in Music, Communication and Technology at UiO/NTNU in December 2021. In her thesis, Mari developed several web applications in JavaScript/HTML for using motion in the air to play around with sound and music. Mari is a member of two progressive rock bands as a vocalist, keyboard player and composer: Fraction Distraction and Suburban Savages. In 2017, Mari gained success with her YouTube channel, when she made some music videos that went viral with more than 500 000 views. The videos, which she labelled as MIDI art drawings, combined music, story-telling and art in a novel way that hadn't really been done before. Today her channel has more than 2 200 000 views in total.

You can check out Lesteberg's YouTube channel, blog and Spotify channel.

Ane Bjerkan is a singer/songwriter from the peninsula Inderøy, north of Trondheim, who has a wide interest in sound and layers that merge into her music creating a deep universe of alternative music. Enjoying the process of working with and discovering sound and sonic landscapes, mainly acoustic, she collaborates with different musicians from various scenes, such as jazz, folk, pop and classical contemporary piano music. She has released the albums “Vago” (2021), “Nothing But Cherry Blossoms From Now On” (2017), the EP “Winter Grit” (2018) and “Songs for Jirka” (2019).

In 2020 Ane finished her master thesis “Tekstløst, men ikke vektløst
 Abstrakt vokal — Sang, språk og stemme” in Musicology at UiO, a thesis conceptualizing singing without words and the intentions behind the artistic choices. Since 2019 she has been working with WoNoMute. Ane also has a background from teaching popular music, museums (Ringve Museum, Rockheim and Popsenteret) and the record label SusannaSonata.

You can check out Bjerkan’s Spotify channel and blog here.


Mari Lesteberg and Ane Bjerkan were a part the WoNoMute committee as research assistants when they were Master students. In the autumn of 2022 they started WoNoMute Young together, to inspire young women to discover the fun and possibilities of music technology.


This seminar will be followed by the opportunity to ask questions and discuss while enjoying some light food and drink refreshments.


Attendance to the seminar is free, but registration is required.

The seminar will be held in English.

The seminar will be held in Salen, located in the basement 1 (U1) of the ZEB building. Enter the building from Sem Sælands Vei 2A and follow the directions.

Tags: music technology, woman in music technology
Published Dec. 3, 2022 11:59 AM - Last modified Jan. 20, 2023 12:41 PM