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Funding for field work and conferences

All master's students at the Department of Musicology can apply for funding to cover travel expenses that are necessary to complete the master's thesis, e.g. in connection with fieldwork, or to cover participation in a relevant academic conference.

Travel support in connection with the master's thesis

Master's students at the Department of Musicology can apply for up to 5,000 NOK in travel support. This support can only be granted once during the master's course.

How to carry out field work?

  • Discuss it with your supervisor. Going on field work should be relevant to your Master's thesis project and must be approved by your supervisor. Moreover, your supervisor can give you advice on where to carry out your field work.
  • Apply for funding up to 5,000 NOK. This should be done within the given deadlines (please "how to apply" below). You may of course choose to go on field work without applying for funding. 
  • If you are going abroad: read the information about safety abroad.
  • When you start planning your field work, you should discuss with your supervisor whether your material will include personal data and if it you need to notify the Data Protection Official for Research. Read more about guidelines on privacy protection here. 

Guidelines for travel support

  • The trip/conference must be relevant to your Master's thesis and should take place in the same semester that the application is made. You cannot receive this type of funding more than once during your course of study.
  • Expenses for transport (cheapest method of travel), accommodation and entrance tickets/fees for conferences and the like can be covered
  • Expenses for board are not covered
  • The journey must not be an obstacle to your completion within the normal time of completing the thesis.

How to apply

Find out where you want to travel and fill out the application form. The applications are processed at the same time after the semester's deadline.

  • Autumn semester: 15 September
  • Spring semester: 15 February
  • If there are enough money left in the budget, applications after the deadlines will be considered as they come in.

Applications for support for travel, conferences, seminars, etc. must contain information about what you are applying for support for and why this is important for the thesis. You must also provide a simple budget and a recommendation from your supervisor. Emails from supervisors are accepted as signatures.

The application need to be sent to the Department before you travel.

Compensation for expenses

After the trip has been completed, you must submit the reimbursement form and original receipts as soon as possible, and at the latest by the end of the semester in which your application was approved.

You can find the reimbursement form here (form in English coming). The bottom part of the form should not be filled out.

For travelers whose application was approved, it is important to keep the following receipts:

  • Tickets for travel
  • Boarding pass (if flying)
  • Receipts from flights, buses, etc.
  • Receipts for paid stays at hotels/boarding houses

The receipts must show that the expense has been paid for. The receipts are then pasted on A4 sheets and delivered to the study consultant for your master's programme together with the reimbursement form.

Published Feb. 22, 2023 10:41 AM - Last modified Apr. 28, 2023 9:45 AM