Nye nordiske nettverksmidler

Nordforsk har bevilget midler til videreføring av nettverket Nordic Research Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics 2010-2012.

Nettverket involverer partnere fra en rekke nordiske institusjoner: 

  • Syddansk Universitet, Danmark (Cynthia M. Grund)
  • Vestjysk Musikkonservatorium/Academy of Music and Music Communication, Esbjerg, Danmark (Fredrik Søegaard)
  • Aalborg Universitet Esbjerg, Danmark (Kristoffer Jensen)
  • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, Stockholm, Sverige (Anders Friberg)
  • Tampere Universitet, Finland (Tere Vadén)
  • Sibelius-akademiet, Helsinki, Finland (David Hebert)
  • Institutt for musikkvitenskap, UiO, Oslo, Norway (Alexander Refsum Jensenius)
  • Bifröst University, Borgames, Iceland (Njörður Sigurjónsson)


Nordic Network for the Integration of Music Informatics, Performance and Aesthetics aims at shedding new light upon  traditional and contemporary questions within music research employing approaches which regard music from a vantage point where information and communication are the focal points, aided by the tools under rapid development within information technology, practice-based research and the new perspectives arising within aesthetics as a result of new technologies for studying and producing music.

Publisert 1. juli 2010 14:58 - Sist endret 26. okt. 2012 13:14