Book launch: Sound Actions

How do new technologies change how we perform and perceive music? What happens when composers build instruments, performers write code, perceivers become producers, and instruments play themselves? These are questions addressed in the new book by Professor Alexander Refsum Jensenius: Sound Actions: Conceptualizing Musical Instruments published by the MIT Press.

Bildet kan inneholde: utgivelse, rektangel, font, farger og nyanser, magenta.

The answers to these pivotal questions entail a meeting point between interactive music technology and embodied music cognition, what Alexander Refsum Jensenius calls “embodied music technology.” Moving between objective description and subjective narrative of his own musical experiences, Jensenius explores why music makes people move, how the human body can be used in musical interaction, and how new technologies allow for active musical experiences. The development of new music technologies, he demonstrates, has fundamentally changed how music is performed and perceived.

The launch will feature an introduction to the book by Alexander Refsum Jensenius (Director of RITMO and Professor at the Department of Musicology) and a panel of invited guests: 

The launch will be moderated by Peter Edwards.  




Open Access

See the MIT website for more information about the book
The book is free to download, thanks to generous support from the University of Oslo.


The event is hosted by the University Library of Oslo in collaboration with the Department of Musicology.

Publisert 9. jan. 2023 09:52 - Sist endret 1. feb. 2023 22:35