Methods in contemporary musicology

Time and place for the course: Tuesdays 10:15-12:00, starting August 20 2019, with 8 sessions spread out over the semester (see updated schedule to be posted on the Musicology PhD web pages), at the Department of Musicology, third floor meeting room, room 338, however Tuesday August 20 2019, the course will take place in the RITMO meeting room, room 217 in Harald Schjelderups Hus.

About the course 

Contemporary musicology is a highly heterogenous domain of research with elements ranging from the natural sciences and informatics to behavioral sciences and the humanities. The term 'method' is here understood as the skill to fulfil the knowledge aims of a research project, and the motivation for the course is twofold: 1) to become familiar with this heterogeneity of methods in contemporary musicology and thus enable a dialogue between practitioners of different methods, and 2) to enable a well-informed assessment of the PhD fellow's own methodological approach. The course will feature presentations of method challenges in ongoing research by in all 10 present postdoc fellows at the Department of Musicology, providing firsthand accounts of methods in ongoing musicological research.


Learning outcomes

  • Become familiar with methods in contemporary musicology and be able to understand and assess the possibilities and limitations of different methods in contemporary musicology.
  • Be able to choose and reason about suitability of methods in view of the knowledge aims of the PhD fellow's own research project.



  • Presentations by current postdoc fellows at the Department of Musicology of methodological issues in their own ongoing research.
  • Reading of papers suggested by the postdoc fellows, supplemented as needed by other papers, e.g. from the Springer Handbook of Systematic Musicology.
  • Oral presentations of the PhD fellows' own epistemological reasoning and the main elements of the final essay. 



  • Active participation in the discussions of the postdoc fellows' and other PhD fellows' presentations.
  • A presentation of the main contents of the final essay to be submitted.
  • Submit a final essay of approximately 5000 words which shall give a well-informed and balanced discussion of the method issues of the PhD fellow's own research.
  • By fulfilling the required active participation and submitting the final essay, the course will give the PhD fellow 5 ECTS points as part of the PhD training component.



  • The course is open to all PhD fellows in musicology, but also to other interested PhD fellows given the interdisciplinary nature of the course content.
  • Please indicate your intention to participate to the PhD leader, Rolf Inge Godøy, by e-mail to
Publisert 13. aug. 2019 11:40 - Sist endret 8. sep. 2020 13:36