Stan Hawkins: 'Music, space and place: popular music and cultural identity'

Antologi om musikk og kulturell identitet.

Stan Hawkins har sammen med Sheila Whiteley og Andy Bennett redigert antologien Music, space and place: popular music and cultural identity, utgitt på Ashgate som en del av deres serie Ashgate Popular and Folk Music Series.

Forlaget skriver om utgivelsen: "Underlying Music, Space and Place, is the question of how the disciplines informing popular music studies – sociology, musicology, cultural studies, media studies and feminism – have developed within a changing intellectual climate. The book therefore covers a wide range of subject matter in relation to space and place, including community and identity, gender, race, 'vernaculars', power, performance and production".

Utgivelsen i Bibsys.

Publisert 20. des. 2013 16:15 - Sist endret 9. aug. 2022 09:36