Stan Hawkins: 'Critical Musicological Reflections: Essays in Honour of Derek B. Scott'

I anledning Derek B. Scotts sekstiårsdag ble det utgitt en samling essays av betydningsfulle musikkvitere. Utgivelsen er redigert av Stan Hawkins.

Forlaget Ashgate skriver følgende om utgivelsen: "Setting out to address a range of approaches to theorizing music and promulgating modes of analysis across a wide range of repertories, the essays in this collection can be read as a coming of age of critical musicology through its active dialogue with other disciplines such as sociology, feminism, ethnomusicology, history, anthropology, philosophy, cultural studies, aesthetics, media studies, film music studies, and gender studies. The volume provides music researchers and graduate students with an up-to-date authoritative reference to all matters dealing with the state of critical musicology today". 

Bidragsytere i utgivelsen er Stan Hawkins (red.), Susan McClary, Lucy Green, David Cooper, Vesa Kurkela, Peter Wicke, Richard Leppert, Antoine Hennion, John Richardson, Charles Ford, Franco Fabbri, Nicholas Cook, Allan F. Moore, Lawrence Kramer og Sheila Whiteley.

Lenke til denne utgivelsen i Bibsys.

Publisert 20. des. 2013 16:15 - Sist endret 9. aug. 2022 09:43