Arvid O. Vollsnes: Ludvig Irgens-Jensen. The Life and Music of a Norwegian Composer

Det første omfattende arbeidet på engelsk om komponisten Ludvig Irgens-Jensen.

 Ludvig Irgens-Jensen. The Life and Music of a Norwegian Composer av Arvid O. Vollsnes, utgitt på Toccata Press i 2013.

Forlaget skriver om boka:
Arvid O. Vollsnes' Ludvig Irgens-Jensen: The Life and Music of a Norwegian Composer is the first discussion in English of this profoundly decent man and his life-enhancing music. A review of the original Norwegian publication of this book in Aftenposten, the main Norwegian daily paper, described it as ‘a gripping biographical portrait. As well as Irgens-Jensen's life we get a broad picture of Norwegian musical life from the 1920s to his death in 1969’.

Denne tgivelsen i Bibsys.

Les om Arvid O. Vollsnes' utgivelse om Irgens-Jensen på norsk her.

Publisert 2. apr. 2014 15:30 - Sist endret 29. mars 2024 12:25