Associate Professor in Popular Music

This web page provides available, up-to date public information on the status of the appointment of an Associate Professor in Popular Music.

Tentative timeline

  • Announcement 09 May 2022
  • Application deadline is 01 September 2022
  • Trial lectures February 2023
  • Interviews February 2023
  • Board of the Department's Meeting March/April 2023
  • Appointment Committee of the Faculty Board's Meeting April/May 2023
  • Position available from fall 2023

Number of applicants: 38

Selection Committee

  • Head of Department Zafer Özgen, University of Oslo
  • Professor Alexander Refsum Jensenius, University of Oslo
  • Professor Hans Weisethaunet, University of Oslo

Expert Committee

  • Professor Mark Katz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
  • Professor Nikki Dibben, The University of Sheffield
  • Professor Catherine Tackley, University of Liverpool
  • Head of Department and Professor Zafer Özgen has been appointed Administrator.
  • Interview committee


Minutes from the meetings of the Department Board and the Appointment Committee are open to public viewing.

More information

Rules for appointment to Professor and Associate Professor positions at UiO

Publisert 16. aug. 2022 15:25 - Sist endret 16. nov. 2022 12:43