Doctoral Research Fellowship in Creative sound and music computing

This web page provides available, up-to date public information on the status of the appointment of a Doctoral Research Fellowship in Creative sound and music computing.


  • Advertisement - January 2023
  • Application deadline -  20.03.2023
  • Interviews - tba
  • Board of the Department's Meeting - tba
  • Appointment Committee of the Faculty's Meeting - tba
  • Position available from 01.09.2023

Number of applicants: 

Evaluation committee 


The evaluation committee must be impartial (Norwegian).


The evaluation committee's advisory evaluation will list at least three applicants in the order which they should be taken into consideration to the Board of the Department. 

The Board of the Department will recommend at least three competent applicants in ranked order to Appointment Committee of the Faculty of Humanities. Final decision in the hiring process will be passed by the Appointment Committee.

The evaluation committee's assessment is not open to public viewing, neither is the recommendation to the Appointment Committee of the Faculty.

Minutes from the meetings of the Department board and the Appointment Committee are open to public viewing and are published on the web pages of the faculty and the department.

Publisert 9. feb. 2023 10:09 - Sist endret 30. aug. 2023 11:35