Minutes from IT/AV-board meeting nr. 4/2019

The was held Thursday September 12th, at 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. in meeting room 338 in the ZEB-building.




Orientations by Head of Department 

Status IT/AV budget

Head of Administration Målfrid Hoaas presented 


Upgrades of the Recording studio and Salen

Head Engineer Anders Tangen gave an update on the status of the upgrading process


Infrastructure Road Map

Head of Department presented




Policy for use of specialized facilities and equipment

Head of Department Peter Edwards presents and opened the discussion

Follow up:

  • Lab engineers Kayla Burnim and Anders Tangen will develop tests, online and for demonstrating skills, for admission to the Departments equipment and specialized facilities.

Department budget 2020

Discussion of IT/AV-needs for the 2020 budget process

  • The IT/AV-board recommends that the budget allocation for the specialized rooms and equipment is kept at the same level for 2020 as for 2019.


Publisert 29. okt. 2019 12:45 - Sist endret 17. nov. 2020 15:47