Gianina Druţă

Guest lecturer
Image of Gianina Druţă
Mobile phone +40-729657829
Room HW 219

Academic interests

  • Ibsen stagings in Romania
  • Theatre
  • Literature
  • Multidisciplinary research
  • Digital Humanities and quantitative research methods


MA-degree in "History of Images – History of Ideas", Department for Universal and Comparative Literature, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

BA-degree in Norwegian Language and Literature – Italian Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania

Member of the Editorial Board and reviewer at the peer-reviewed «Metacritic Journal for Comparative Studies and Theory»

Editor at «Echinox», Student magazine (Faculty of Letters, Babeş-Bolyai University, Romania)


The aim of my PhD-project is to study Henrik Ibsen’s reception in the Romanian theatre from 1894 until today. The main directions I focus on are the historical and chronological display of the stagings, the international theatrical context that influenced Ibsen’s Romanian theatre reception as well as contributions of the most important Romanian actors, directors and translators who promoted Ibsen’s plays.

Besides classic theatre historiography research tools, the project is enriched by a Digital Humanities approach, using IbsenStage Performance Database as the main reference point.

Tags: Ibsen, Romanian theatre, Digital Humanities, Reception Studies, IbsenStage


  • Druta, Gianina (2021). A Century of Ibsen (Studies) in Romania: Modernity and Tradition in the Romanian Ibsen Scholarship. In Dreve, Roxana-Ema; Duinea, Raluca-Daniela; Pop, Raluca & Øverland, Fartein Thorsen (Ed.), A Lifetime Dedicated to Norwegian Language and Literature: Papers in Honour of Professor Sanda Tomescu Baciu. Presa Universitară Clujeană. ISSN 978-606-37-1026-1. p. 75–79.
  • Druta, Gianina (2021). Where Did Ibsen Come From? The Contribution of the Foreign Language Tours to the Emergence of Henrik Ibsen on the Romanian Stage. Ibsen Studies. ISSN 1502-1866. p. 38–93. doi: 10.1080/15021866.2021.1932044. Full text in Research Archive
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). NOTES ON HENRIK IBSEN SCHOLARSHIP TODAY: POTENTIALS AND CHALLENGES IN COMBINING HISTORIOGRAPHICAL METHODS, DIGITAL HUMANITIES, AND THEATRE/LITERARY STUDIES. . Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philologia. ISSN 1220-0484. 65(3), p. 89–106. doi: 10.24193/subbphilo.2020.3.07.
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Preface. Ibsen Studies. ISSN 1502-1866. 20(2), p. 107–109. doi: 10.1080/15021866.2020.1825104.

View all works in Cristin

  • Druta, Gianina (2022). Paul Gusty: The Romanian Ibsen director.
  • Druta, Gianina (2022). Across the Empire. The early reception of Henrik Ibsen on the Hungarian-speaking stage (1879-1945) .
  • Druta, Gianina (2022). Peer Gynt, dementia and time .
  • Druta, Gianina (2021). When Peer Gynt no longer knows who he is: Ibsen, time and dementia.
  • Druta, Gianina (2021). Translating Henrik Ibsen’s plays for the Romanian audience.
  • Druta, Gianina (2021). When Dr. Stockmann spoke Romanian…: Petre Sturdza’s translation of An Enemy of the People (1907).
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Henrik Ibsen’s “Ghosts” and the star-actor tradition on the Romanian stage (1894-1947).
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Where did Ibsen come from? Foreign Ibsen performances in Romania (1879-1947) .
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Translating Ibsen for the Romanian audience.
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Digital Perspectives in Ibsen Studies.
  • Druta, Gianina (2019). Ibsen i Romania .
  • Druta, Gianina (2019). The influence of the major foreign theatre cultures upon Henrik Ibsen’s reception on the Romanian stage.
  • Druta, Gianina (2019). The emergence of Ibsen on the stage of the National Theatre of Iași: State Dragomir (1870-1920) .
  • Druta, Gianina (2019). The establishment of Henrik Ibsen’s "A Doll’s House" in the Romanian theatre.
  • Druta, Gianina (2019). The establishment of Henrik Ibsen’s play "Ghosts" in the Romanian theatre.
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). Prezențe ibseniene pe scena ieșeană în prima jumătate a secolului al XX-lea.
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). Modernitet og tradisjon i Ibsenforskningen. Et rumensk perspektiv.
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). "Et dukkehjem" i rumensk teater .
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). Petre Sturdza: The “subversive” Dr. Stockmann of the Romanian stage.
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). The contact of the Romanian cultural agents with Henrik Ibsen’s plays (1894-1947).
  • Druta, Gianina (2018). The power of critical discourse in fashioning Henrik Ibsen’s reception on the Romanian stage.
  • Druta, Gianina (2017). Henrik Ibsens resepsjon i det rumenske teatret .
  • Druta, Gianina (2020). Ibsen at the Theatrical Crossroads of Europe: A Performance History of Henrik Ibsen’s plays on the Romanian stages (1894-1947). 07 Gruppen.

View all works in Cristin

Published Jan. 3, 2017 2:07 PM - Last modified May 10, 2022 1:00 PM