
Time and place: , Ibsen Museum & Teater

Erik Henning Edvardsen, Ibsen Museum & Teater, Oslo

Time and place: , Undervisningsrom 210, Henrik Wergelands hus, Blindern Campus

The Centre for Ibsen Studies invites to a short lecture performance and Q&A with Julian Blaue on his work with Vinge/Müller and their controversial 9-hours version of The Master Builder.

Time and place: , Seminar room 210, Henrik Wergelands hus

Professor Alexandra Assis Rosa (University of Lisbon) will give an open lecture on the phenomenon of indirect translation.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 210, Henrik Wergelands hus

Henrik Johnsson (University of Tromsø) will present his ongoing research on Ibsen's plays and the degeneration discourse.

Time and place: , Seminarrom 1, P. A. Munchs hus

Internationally acclaimed theatre director Wang Chong is guest speaker at Centre for Ibsen Studies

Time and place: , Grupperom 7, Georg Sverdrups Hus

The actress, director and producer Agnete Haaland shares her reflections on the intersection between performance practice and academic study of Henrik Ibsen's works and stage legacy.

Time and place: , Room 225, Henrik Wergelands hus

Hege Randi Tørressen will visit the Centre for Ibsen Studies to talk about her profession as a dramaturg at the National Theatre.  This industry talk will be informative and provide a unique perspective about the National Theatre.  There will be a Q&A session afterwards. Light refreshments will be served.

Time and place: , Undervisningsrom 1, Georg Sverdrups Hus

Eirik Frisvold Hanssen (National Library of Norway) will present the anthology Silent Ibsen and introduce a screening of Theodore Marston's silent film adaptation of A Doll's House (1911).