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Three new books about Ibsen

Three new books about Ibsen have recently been published: Ibsen Between Cultures, A Global Doll's House og Ibsen in Practice: Relational Readings of Performance, Cultural Encounters and Power.

Book cover of Ibsen Between Cultures

Publisher: Novus

Frode Helland and Julie Holledge at the Centre for Ibsen Studies have been involved in writing and editing the three books that have been published in the last two years. All three books are now available in our library here at the Centre.

Ibsen Between Cultures is a collection of articles produced by a team of intarnation scholars collaborating on a research project entitled "Ibsen Between Cultures", funded by the Norwegian Research Council. The general aim of the project was to interrogate how we can account for the extraordinary international success of Ibsen's plays. The book is edited by Frode Helland and Julie Holledge. Contributors: Ahmed Ahsanuzzaman, Tapati Gupta, He Chengzhou, Sabiha Huq, Kamaluddin Nilu, Jon Nygaard, Krishna Sen, Astrid Sæther, Sun Jian, Kwok-kan Tam, Xia Liyang.

A Global Doll's House is written by Julie Holledge, Frode Helland, Jonathan Bollen and Joanne Tompkins. Like Ibsen Between Cultures, this book also attempts to investigate the possible reasons for Ibsen's global success, here with a focus on his most popular play, A Doll's House.

Ibsen in Practice: Relational Readings of Performance, Cultural Encounters and Power is written by Frode Helland, and reveals an astonishing richness in the theatrical approaches to Ibsen across the world.

Read more about recent publications here.

Published Mar. 29, 2017 10:15 AM - Last modified Nov. 7, 2019 4:05 PM